- #1
- 94
- 3
Homework Statement
whose Fourier transform is f~(p) = 1/(a2 + p2)
Homework Equations
f(x) = 1/√2π ∫∞-∞ eipx f~(p)
The Attempt at a Solution
First of all I let f(z) = eixz/(z2 + a2)
and γ = γ1 + γ2
with the ϒ's parametrised by:
γ1 : {z=t, -R<t<R}
γ2 : {z=Reit, 0<t<π}
(So a semicircle of radius R)
In this contour the only pole that lies inside is the z= +ia
so using Cauchy's residue theorem:
∫ϒf(z)dz = 2πi (Res(f, z=ia))
I found the residue of z=ia to be Rez(f,z=ia)= -i e-ax/2a
So ∫ϒf(z)dz= π e-ax/a
And I have something in my notes about the fact you have to check that the integral of f(z) on γ2 goes to zero as R goes to infinity, which I vaguely understand because we actually want the integral from -∞ to +∞.
So the checks I have in my notes are:
Suppose γ has length L and on γ |f(z)|<M
Then |∫γf(z)dz|≤M⋅L
With γ ≡ {z=γ(t), a≤t≤b}
L = ∫abdt|γ'(t)|
On γ2: |z| =R
Using ||a|-|b|| ≤ |a+b| ≤ |a|+|b|
R2-a2 ≤ |z2+a2| ≤ R2+a2
So 1/R2-a2 ≥ 1|z2+a2| ≥ 1R2+a2
Therefore |∫γ2f(z)dz|≤πR/(R2-a2)
So ∫γ2f(z)dz → 0 as R → ∞
as you have |∫γ2 f(z)dz| ≤ e-Rxsin(t)/(R2 - a2)
and if x ≥0 the exponent is, at most, equal to 1, but if x<0, it blows up and we need a different contour for x<0.
Let γ = γ1 + γ3
with ϒ3 : {z=Reit, π<t<2π}
so a semicircle in the negative part, and this time it's a clockwise contour so Cauchy's residue must carry a minus sign on the right hand side.
So doing everything as before I found ∫ϒ = πeax/a
But I'm having trouble with the checks, I found that the inequality for the modulus of the integral over ϒ3 comes out the same? So effectively it still blows up?
But I know this is the right answer I just can't follow through with the checks.
I appreciate this is quite long, but a lot of it is just background to set the scene, and I think I just have a lack of understanding of the checks and just know the procedure.
Thanks in advance