Finding Solutions for na=0 (mod m) with Positive Integers m and n
Thread starterquasar987
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In summary, the conversation discusses finding all solutions to na=0 (mod m) given positive integers n and m. It is determined that all solutions can be represented as a = m/d * l, where d is the greatest common divisor of m and n. The conversation also discusses the need for a proof that these are the only solutions and the fact that the solutions are only of interest in mod m. Finally, a solution is found by writing m=pd and n=qd and determining that the solutions are all multiples of p where p and q are relatively prime.
If na = 0 (mod m) then na = km for some k. To find all a consider d = gcd(n,m), if we let a = m/d * l for l any positive integer then a is guaranteed to be an integer as d divides m and as d divides n we must have na = m * (n*l/d) which implies na is a integer multiple of m.
I assume that a = m/d is the smallest a allowed as d is the greatest common divisor and I don't want to think of a proof.
solve an = mt
PS the congruence relation m/n does not work since n does not have to be a divisor of m, eg 11/5 = 9 mod n since 9*5 = 1 mod n, but the congruence relation m/gcd(m,n)*t mod m works. as m/1 is the solution for a in that case. (Re the t If a = 2 is a solution to m = 14, n = 7 so are 4,6,8,10.12 and 14)
Sorry but Thirsty Dog gave the correct solution before me.
However, I had already figured out that all elements of the form a = m/d * l (ThirstyDog's notation) are solutions. What remains for me to do is prove that these are the only solutions.
Also, I actually only interested in solutions mod m... that is, solutions such that [itex]1\leq a \leq m[/itex].