Is my landing gear design suitable for the cyclone airplane?

In summary: Give us the name of the stainless steel material. Which stainless steel? Also, please answer my last question in post 4.Hi
  • #1

I have an assignemt to analysis a landing gear for the cyclone earoplane, an initial design being supplied, I have being askedto check for the suitability of the part, the conditions are:

Aircraft mass with fuel: 43000 lbs
Landing speed: 65 Knots
Maximum deceleration: 3g
Each part takes 25% of the landing load (see the picture attached)
External diameters cannot be exceed or pitch between lug centres changed.
Factor of safety for landing load: 1.5
Maximum number of landings: 500000

Here what I have done, I converted all units to (N, mm), the mass of the aeroplane is (0.45 x 43000 = 19350 Kg), speed (=65 x 0.514 = 33.41 m/s), Force (= 19350 x 3g = 564.47 kN), I found force in Y direction = 516.115
X = 238.555 kN (Fx=Fcos25), but when I run the vo mises ProMechanica analysis I found (40190 N/mm2, which is to high as I have to choose a material from a list provided to me, the max is (H950 with 1517 MPa), now I don't understand what mistake I have made for my analysis, I appreciate any help from you.



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  • #2
(1) What are the cross-sectional dimensions, cross-sectional area, and moment of inertia of the part? (2) What is the length of the part? (3) How many stress cycles, n, occur per landing? (4) What is the fatigue strength of H950 at 500 000*n stress cycles? At least answer items 1 and 2.
  • #3

Thanks for your reply, I have attached the dimensions of the landing gear which you asked for.



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  • #4
gimini75: What is the name of the material for H950? I think H950 is the hardness. But what is the name of that material?

Ensure all of your input units are N and mm, not kN. Ensure your software expects all input values in N and mm. Also, see if your output display is showing MPa or Pa. Is your output display showing units of MPa or Pa?
  • #5

The materials is Hardening Stainless Steel bar, all my units are in N and mm, just one thing else I don't know how to use the number of landings in my calculations as I don't have any other information about it.

  • #6
Give us the name of the stainless steel material. Which stainless steel? Also, please answer my last question in post 4.
  • #7

The materials is AMS 5629 (13/8 PH VAR).


FAQ: Is my landing gear design suitable for the cyclone airplane?

What is Finite Element Analysis?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a computerized method used to calculate the behavior of materials and structures under various physical conditions. It is a numerical technique used to solve complex engineering problems by dividing a structure into smaller, more manageable elements. These elements are then analyzed to determine the behavior of the entire structure.

What are the benefits of using Finite Element Analysis?

FEA allows for efficient and accurate prediction of the behavior of complex structures under various conditions. It also enables engineers to optimize designs and identify potential weaknesses or failure points before physically building a structure. Additionally, FEA can save time and money by reducing the need for physical prototypes and testing.

What are the limitations of Finite Element Analysis?

FEA relies heavily on the accuracy of input data, such as material properties and boundary conditions. If these inputs are incorrect, the results of the analysis may not be accurate. Additionally, FEA is computationally intensive and can be time-consuming for complex structures. It also requires experienced engineers to properly set up and interpret the results.

What industries commonly use Finite Element Analysis?

FEA is commonly used in industries such as aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, and biomechanics. It is also used in the design and analysis of products such as consumer goods, electronics, and medical devices. Essentially, any industry that involves designing and testing complex structures or products can benefit from using FEA.

What are the steps involved in a Finite Element Analysis?

The first step is to create a finite element model of the structure or product using specialized software. Next, the model is meshed, which means dividing it into smaller elements for analysis. Then, boundary conditions and loads are applied to the model. The analysis is then run, and the results are interpreted and validated. Finally, the design can be optimized based on the analysis results.

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