Formula for gravitational energy

In summary, if two bodies collide, some energy is released in the form of gravitational radiation. However, this effect is not really significant for anything less dense than a neutron star.
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
i have looked on the net for a formula that would give me an idea
of how much gravitational energy verses other energies is given
of when a massive body is destroyed, is there such a formula?
or is it just that the mass of the body is converted into energy by
E=M^2 and the gravitational energy that, that the origonal body
Physics news on
  • #2
I have no idea at all what this question means!

What do you mean by "gravitational energy"? Is there any reason to think that the energy contained in a body can be allocated to "gravity", "electricity", etc?

"or is it just that the mass of the body is converted into energy by
E=M^2" Typo here: E= M c^2.

Yes, there is not differentiation into "types" of energy.
  • #3
Well, there's Newtonian gravitational potential energy (binding energy), which for a sphere of mass M and radius r is equal to,

U = 3/5 GM/r

This is the energy needed to separate all the matter in the Earth to infinity.

But this isn't the energy "released" by blowing up the Earth, it's the energy needed to blow up the Earth (so that the pieces will never come back together again).
  • #4
not very well posed and typos also, maybe if i ask,
if two bodies collied and are totaly destroyed, gravitational
radiation is given out, "hopefully", how would the total amount of this radiation
be measured? i hope this makes more sence.
  • #5
Originally posted by wolram
not very well posed and typos also, maybe if i ask,
if two bodies collied and are totaly destroyed, gravitational
radiation is given out, "hopefully", how would the total amount of this radiation
be measured? i hope this makes more sence.

Huh? If two collide, they are not totally destroyed. If you look at collisions, matter is rearranged, not destroyed.

If you're referring to a matter/antimatter reaction, you should still get gravitation from the cosmic rays that are formed from the colision.
  • #6
Colliding bodies can emit gravitational radiation, but this effect is not really significant for anything less dense than a neutron star.
  • #7
significant or not the LIGO project is attempting to detect GRAVITATIONAL
RADIATION, so how are the parameters set, i would WAG that less
than the origonal bodies "potential gravitational energy"
is converted into gravitational radiation, maybe 10% or less,
so has anyone who can understand my ramblings any idea of how
many "ERGs or what ever" of gravitational energy is release
when a mass is converted to energy?

FAQ: Formula for gravitational energy

1. What is the formula for gravitational energy?

The formula for gravitational energy is E = mgh, where E is the gravitational potential energy, m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the object.

2. How is gravitational energy calculated?

Gravitational energy is calculated using the formula E = mgh, where m is the mass of the object, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height of the object.

3. What is the unit of measurement for gravitational energy?

The unit of measurement for gravitational energy is joules (J), which is the same as the unit for work and energy.

4. Can gravitational energy be negative?

Yes, gravitational energy can be negative. This occurs when an object is below a reference point, such as the ground, and the potential energy is measured relative to that reference point. In this case, the gravitational potential energy would be negative because the object would have less potential to fall from that position.

5. What is the relationship between gravitational energy and mass?

The relationship between gravitational energy and mass is directly proportional. This means that as the mass of an object increases, its gravitational potential energy also increases. This relationship can be seen in the formula E = mgh, where the mass is a factor in determining the amount of gravitational energy an object possesses.
