Fundamental Resonant Frequency of a Waveguide

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between the cut off frequency and the fundamental resonant frequency of a rectangular waveguide and cavity. The question is posed about the fundamental resonant frequency of a 30mm long cavity made from the same waveguide, and there is uncertainty about how the length contributes to the resonant frequency. The conversation also discusses the modes of a rectangular waveguide and cavity and determines that the fundamental mode for a closed cavity is along the length. The equation derived from the dispersion relation is used to calculate the fundamental frequency for a closed cavity, but it is unsure if this is applicable for an open-ended cavity.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For a given rectangular waveguide the cut off frequency of the fundamental mode is 6.5GHz. What is the fundamental resonant frequency of a 30mm long cavity made from the same waveguide?

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I would have thought that if the rectangular waveguide dimensions didn't change then the fundamental mode would still be 6.5GHz.

I am unsure of how the length contributes to the resonant frequency...

Any help would be great.
Physics news on
  • #2
What are the modes of a rectangular waveguide (open on both ends w, with width [itex]a[/itex] and height [itex]b[/itex])? Which one is the fundamental mode?

What are the modes of a rectangular cavity (closed on both ends, w/ length [itex]l=30\text{mm}[/itex], same width and height as the previous one)? Which one is the fundamental mode?
  • #3
I'm assuming the cavity is closed at both ends as such the fundamental mode would be along the length (i.e. the 001 mode). As such using the equation derived from the dispersion relation


would give the fundamental frequency. With L= 30mm, q = Mode Number (1), c=Speed of Light

I think that this would be correct for a closed cavity, but is it possible of the long end is open?

FAQ: Fundamental Resonant Frequency of a Waveguide

What is the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide?

The fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide is the lowest frequency at which standing waves can be produced within the waveguide. It is determined by the dimensions of the waveguide and the speed of the wave traveling through it.

How is the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide calculated?

The fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide can be calculated using the formula f = c/2L, where f is the frequency, c is the speed of light, and L is the length of the waveguide. This formula assumes a rectangular waveguide with a width and height that are smaller than the wavelength of the wave.

Why is the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide important?

The fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide is important because it determines the range of frequencies that can be transmitted through the waveguide. It also affects the efficiency and performance of the waveguide in carrying signals.

Can the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide be changed?

Yes, the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide can be changed by altering its dimensions or by using tuning elements such as tuning screws or probes. These changes can shift the resonant frequency to a desired value or widen the range of frequencies that can be transmitted.

What happens if a wave is transmitted at a frequency higher than the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide?

If a wave is transmitted at a frequency higher than the fundamental resonant frequency of a waveguide, it will not be able to propagate through the waveguide. This is because the wave will not be able to form standing waves and will instead reflect back towards the source.
