G3 Trigger Module: Build Your Own High Speed Sensor

  • Thread starter Saoist
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In summary, the conversation discusses the speaker's experience with their new Canon G3 camera and their interest in attaching a sensor to it for high speed photography. They mention their previous experience with non-digital cameras and the ability to build their own sensors for this purpose. However, they are unsure of how to do this with their G3 and are seeking advice.
  • #1

a few months ago i got a canon g3, upgrade from a eos 300. first stab in the digital world.

now with non digital cams you had a shutter release input, which you could build your own sensors and whatnot for, for taking high speed pics etc etc. it was pretty much a case of applying the right signal to the input, presumably a specific voltage. never really got round to doing it, because i wasnt into photography much then (you had to pay to see the results of your pics, so creativity was expensive ;))

however now I am taking loads of shots, and i'd like to play around with a sensor which i can attach to the camera, and somehow using sound/light be able to trigger the unit. i have no clue how to go about this with my g3.

Computer science news on Phys.org
  • #2
really? no-one?
  • #3

Hi there!

It sounds like you're interested in building your own high speed sensor for your Canon G3 camera. That's a really cool idea! I'm not an expert in this area, but I did a bit of research and found that there are actually a few options available for building your own high speed sensor for the G3.

One option is to use a device called the G3 Trigger Module, which is specifically designed for the Canon G3 camera. This module allows you to connect external sensors, such as sound or light sensors, and trigger the camera based on those inputs. It also has the ability to set delays and intervals for the trigger, giving you more control over your high speed shots. It seems like this could be a good option for you since it's designed specifically for your camera model.

Another option is to use an Arduino board and build your own trigger circuit. This would require some technical knowledge and coding skills, but there are plenty of tutorials and resources available online to help you get started. This option may give you more flexibility and customization options, but it may also be more time-consuming and require more equipment.

I hope this helps! Good luck with your high speed photography experiments.

FAQ: G3 Trigger Module: Build Your Own High Speed Sensor

1. What is the purpose of the G3 Trigger Module?

The G3 Trigger Module is a high speed sensor that allows you to detect and measure fast-moving objects or events. It is designed to capture precise timing data and trigger actions based on that data.

2. Can I build my own G3 Trigger Module?

Yes, the G3 Trigger Module is designed to be easily assembled by individuals with basic electronics knowledge. The kit includes all the necessary components and instructions to build your own sensor.

3. What types of objects or events can the G3 Trigger Module detect?

The G3 Trigger Module can detect a wide range of objects and events, including fast-moving projectiles, rotating objects, and vibrations. It can also be used to measure the speed or distance of an object, or to trigger an action based on a specific event.

4. How accurate is the timing data captured by the G3 Trigger Module?

The G3 Trigger Module is designed for high precision timing and can capture timing data with an accuracy of up to 1 microsecond. However, the accuracy may vary depending on the setup and conditions of the experiment.

5. Can the G3 Trigger Module be used for scientific research?

Yes, the G3 Trigger Module is commonly used in scientific research for experiments that require precise timing data. It can also be used in various fields such as physics, engineering, and sports science.
