Do Bad Student Evaluations Lead to Change?

  • Thread starter MathINTJ
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In summary, the conversation is about a difficult experience with a differential equations professor who was arrogant and made students feel worthless. The person had to rely on other resources to pass and wrote a negative evaluation. They question the effectiveness of evaluations and suggest speaking with the department chair instead.
  • #1
So I recently spent a semester of hell with my differential equations professor. This guy was so arrogant. He made 2 of the only 3 girls in class cry and one guy I know contemplate suicide because he would destroy these kids, telling them that they weren't cut out for college and making them feel worthless. His lectures were horrible and all over the place. I had to rely on upperclassmen, the internet and other math professors to pass. I don't think he had tenure but god help future students if he did. Nobody had the courage to stand up to this guy so I had written a TERRIBLE student evaluation. It was at my last school so I'm not sure how it turned out.Do you guys think evaluations change anything? And what do you do when the teacher is insufferable, who do you speak to?
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  • #2
Speaking with the department chair will fix more things then an evaluation.

FAQ: Do Bad Student Evaluations Lead to Change?

What are the potential consequences of giving a bad student evaluation?

Giving a bad student evaluation can lead to negative consequences for both the student and the teacher. For the student, it may result in a lower grade or a negative impact on their academic record. For the teacher, it may affect their job performance evaluation and could potentially lead to negative career consequences.

Can a bad student evaluation affect a teacher's reputation?

Yes, a bad student evaluation can have a significant impact on a teacher's reputation. Student evaluations are often considered when making hiring decisions, promotions, and tenure decisions. A bad evaluation can damage a teacher's professional reputation and make it difficult for them to advance in their career.

What should a teacher do if they receive a bad student evaluation?

If a teacher receives a bad student evaluation, they should first take the time to carefully read and reflect on the feedback provided. They should also reach out to the student and try to understand their perspective. It may also be helpful for the teacher to seek guidance from a mentor or supervisor to address any concerns raised in the evaluation.

How can a teacher prevent receiving bad student evaluations?

To prevent receiving bad student evaluations, a teacher should establish clear expectations and communicate them to their students. They should also regularly check in with their students and provide opportunities for feedback throughout the semester. Creating a positive and engaging learning environment can also help prevent negative evaluations.

Are student evaluations an accurate reflection of a teacher's performance?

While student evaluations can provide valuable feedback, they should not be the sole measure of a teacher's performance. Other factors, such as student demographics, course material, and teaching style, can also impact evaluations. It is important for evaluations to be considered alongside other forms of feedback, such as peer evaluations and self-reflection, to provide a more comprehensive assessment of a teacher's performance.

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