Grad School or Work After Graduation?

In summary, the conversation is discussing different options for the future, including attending grad school in Europe, working at Microsoft or IBM, and balancing work and school. The speaker is considering various factors such as future job prospects, reputation of schools, and the ability to travel. They are seeking advice on what path to take and whether to prioritize work or education. The conversation also touches on the challenges of balancing work and school and the recommendation to either go to grad school directly after undergrad or take a break from work to focus on education.
  • #1
Grad School in Europe or Microsoft or IBM and lots of other questions
Too many options are currently available or maybe I have lost a few of them.

One is grad school in Europe for robotics. Three semesters of courses and one semester thesis - that seems to be the norm in Europe, no two year thesis. Schools aren't as reputatable as UofT - Warsaw University of Technology and University of Genova. Full scholarship but is computer vision and image processing more promising future? The program is extremely small about 45 students split between the three university.

What is the future of robotics and the possible jobs available?

Another is fulltime SDET position at Microsoft for windows team. No real info at all yet but I might have lost the offer by requesting a late December start. Is a tester position really that promising? I'll make money and all but loss the experience in Europe. It should be hard to get into Microsoft right?

Requested the late start in Microsoft because of an opportunity to do research in Europe at EPFL in computer hardware - parallel systems group. Not sure about the area and not sure if I can go in the fall instead of summer since I'll have graduated. But the time in Switzerland sounds great. But I might not be able to go to robotics program with this. Everything depends on the timing and scheduling. EPFL is a reputable school for computer engineering so maybe I should aim to go to these type of schools in Canada/US/Europe?

So should I give up the chance to go to EMARO for someone else in the future? Travelling around Europe sounds fun but is it practical? EPFL in the summer sounds great but will I want to go there for grad school?

How does European school compare to North American ones? Is MIT/CMU/Cornell/UWashington better? So confused.

Has anyone here went to EPFL before?

Couldn't go to EPFL in the summer as it should be because of IBM Extreme Blue in the summer. Maybe because of this Microsoft is unhappy. But with EB, I might get offers from IBM for FT. What is the difference between IBM and Microsoft?

Too many possiblities and not sure where to go since don't know where the heart is. Grad school right after undergrad or after working a few years. But after a few years might have commitments that make grad school impossible. Where is the future headed?

Need advice and help to decide where to go in the future...
Physics news on
  • #2
It seems like the work at MS might not be that interesting at all...
What should I do grad school abroad, work after two internships, or two internships at that's all...
  • #3
I decided to do grad school part time while working full time. The benefit was that my company paid the graduate tuition. The downside was that it took me twice as long to complete my master's degree and it was really touch to balance work and school.

I don't advise working and doing grad school at the same time because eventually your schoolwork will start making an impact on your performance at work or vice versa. You won't get as much out of the classes as you would if you went to school full time and just focused on school.

So I would recommend going to grad school directly from undergrad and/or to take a year off of school to work, but then if you decide to go back to school then quit your job and go back. You will enjoy school and get more out of it. And when you start working you will be more productive.

Trying to balance work, school and some kind of social life is really tough unless you have some kind of kick back job that isn't very demanding.

FAQ: Grad School or Work After Graduation?

1. What are the benefits of going to grad school after graduation?

The benefits of going to grad school after graduation include gaining advanced knowledge and skills in your field, potentially increasing job opportunities and salary potential, and networking with professionals in your field.

2. Is it better to start working right after graduation or go to grad school?

This largely depends on your career goals and personal preferences. If your desired career requires advanced education, then grad school may be the better option. However, if you are ready to enter the workforce and gain practical experience, starting work right after graduation may be a better choice.

3. How do I decide if grad school is right for me?

You should consider your career goals, the job market for your desired field, and the cost and time commitment of grad school. It may also be helpful to speak with professionals in your field and seek advice from academic advisors or career counselors.

4. Can I work and go to grad school at the same time?

It is possible to work and go to grad school at the same time, but it can be challenging. You may need to carefully manage your time and make sacrifices in your personal life. Some grad programs also offer part-time or online options, which can make it easier to balance work and school.

5. How can I fund my grad school education?

There are various options for funding grad school, including scholarships, grants, loans, and assistantships. It is important to research and apply for all available options and create a budget to determine the best way to finance your education.

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