Gravitational Theories in Higher Dimensions

In summary, the idea is that there is a creature that lives in a 2D world, and an 3D world hole in his 2D world plane would feel like gravitation to him. 4D mountain would feel like anti-grav to him because he doesn't know 3rd dimension.
  • #1
Hello! I just had an stupid idea and i want to know what do you think of it. Let's say thers an creature who is living in 2d world. An 3d world hole in his 2d world plane would feel for this creature like gravitation. Wouldnt it? An 3d mountain would feel for him like ant-grav or somethink like this. Its because the creature doesn't know 3rd dimension.

The question. Would the 4D be for humans like gravitation? And 4D mountain like anti-grav. I have to say that I am only 17 years old and i don't know much physics. In my text can be mistakes.
Physics news on
  • #2
You often hear that we live in a 3-d world. Those 3 dimensions are our spatial dimensions (length, width, depth). Our 4th dimension is time, not gravity.
Paden Roder
  • #3
I see that you didnt understand what i meant. I meant 4th dimension not as time but geometrical axis. I wanted to what do you think: can 4th dimension holes make in 3d some kind of barricade or gravitation.
  • #4
a good Relativistic way to look at gravity would be through compression.

if you took a 3 diminutional chunk of Space-Time, gravity to us would be the compression of space-time toward a center...anti-gravity would be as if you decompressed space-time.

however, the relativistic way of looking at gravity is flawed since gravity has no ability to mesh with the Quantum world, which is why M-Theory is so nice.

check out "the elegant universe". it is a special on can watch it on the web on for free.

M-Theory though might be wrong...but explains things so well that it just has to be right :-)
  • #5
I saw this "elegant universe" after i posted this question(or how do you called it) and i find this very interesting, but we cannot be sure that this string theory is right, we cannot be even sure the theory of relativity is right.
  • #6
true, however, a theory that best reflects what we observe is considered to be right until we find a problem with it.

at the moment, GR and QM are the most right...however, we know that neither are totally right...the theory that explains the universe must explain from the very large to the infinitesimal.

M-Theory IMHO does this very well, and even though we cannot see strings today, we will be able to see hints of strings, we will have an idea that the theory is correct when we observe graviton's just before they move off our membrane, and when we observe Sparticles.

and as it said in the last hour, we should be able to see impressions left by strings from the time of the big bang.

I personally think that M-Theory does a good job of explaining things, but as Ed Witten says, he thinks we lack the mathematical tools today that will allow us to fully understand it.

FAQ: Gravitational Theories in Higher Dimensions

1. What is gravitation in dimensions?

Gravitation in dimensions is a concept that explores how gravity behaves in different dimensions, beyond the traditional three dimensions of length, width, and height. This includes studying how gravity operates in extra dimensions, such as the fourth dimension of time or higher dimensions predicted by theories like string theory.

2. How does gravitation in dimensions differ from traditional gravity?

Gravitation in dimensions differs from traditional gravity in that it considers the effects of gravity in dimensions beyond the three we are familiar with. This allows for a deeper understanding of gravity and its potential effects on the universe.

3. What are some real-world applications of studying gravitation in dimensions?

Studying gravitation in dimensions has potential applications in various fields, such as astrophysics, cosmology, and quantum mechanics. It can also help in the development of theories and technologies that utilize extra dimensions, such as warp drives and wormholes.

4. Can we observe the effects of gravitation in dimensions?

Currently, we do not have the technology to directly observe the effects of gravitation in dimensions beyond the three we experience. However, some theories predict that gravitational waves, which were recently detected, could provide evidence for the existence of extra dimensions.

5. What are some current theories and research on gravitation in dimensions?

Some current theories and research on gravitation in dimensions include string theory, which suggests the existence of extra dimensions, and the braneworld scenario, which proposes that our universe is a three-dimensional brane embedded in a higher-dimensional space.

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