Gravitons Observed? University Discovery June: Details & Link

  • Thread starter SDutra
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In summary: The first sentence of that paragraph is saying that if E=mc2, then energy and matter are exchangeable. That's all it is saying. Matter and energy are still two different things. antimatter doesn't exist.
  • #1
I remember vaguely hearing about gravitons being observed in some university in June. Did this really happen and can anyone give me a link or some details about the discovery?
Physics news on
  • #2
If they were, somebody should better stop the latest supercollider project and divert savings to the next most promising project.
  • #3
It's "gravitons" not "gravitrons". I only point this out in case you are Googling for information.
  • #4
No reputable experimenters have claimed to have discovered gravitons in the past couple of months. Indeed, no one has even claimed to have found meaningful experimental evidence of gravity waves yet.
  • #5
SDutra said:
I remember vaguely hearing about gravitons being observed in some university in June. Did this really happen and can anyone give me a link or some details about the discovery?
Tell you this, you can answer that question for yourself very easily. Just type 'gravitons discovered' or 'gravitons observed' in the Google search bar. If you are redirected to sites of serious organizations like CERN, FermiLab, NASA, universities like MIT, CALTECH, STANFORD, BERKELEY, will find it out. You have the entire internet for yourself, man, start doing some independent research and be a real MAN, Hihaaaaa

Good Luck


ps the answer is NO
  • #6
That last post was kind of harsh lol. I'll look for it
  • #7
SDutra said:
That last post was kind of harsh lol.
Marlon harsh?! Perish forbid... :eek:
He didn't even tell you what to do if you were directed to "Sid's lab".
  • #8
The last I read fermilab and cern ( don't think they are done yet though, don't remember) were both on the hunt for gravitons and so far they have been unsuccessful in finding evidence of them
  • #9
Dantes said:
The last I read fermilab and cern ( don't think they are done yet though, don't remember) were both on the hunt for gravitons and so far they have been unsuccessful in finding evidence of them

Er... Fermilab has never gone out to look for "gravitons". They were trying to find the Higgs bosons. These are not gravitons.

LEP at CERN were never in any serious contention to find the Higgs. That is why it has been dismantled in favor of the LHC. The LHC is still being built.

  • #10
The current (August) issue of the Discovery magazine has an article discussing string theory, which summarizes attempts to measure gravitons and gravity waves.
  • #11
Actually,gravitons are thought to be the medium of interacion of the gravitational force. i suppose u know is also thought to be the unit of antienergy or negative energy because gravity is thought to be antienergy
  • #12
Bud, this is a four year old thread.
  • #13
Aamir.hussain said:
gravity is thought to be antienergy

It is? That's news to me! :bugeye:

Do you have a reference or citation for that statement, from a reputable scientific source?
  • #14
jtbell said:
It is? That's news to me! :bugeye:

Do you have a reference or citation for that statement, from a reputable scientific source?

yaa.i got this from a site of astronomy and black holes.theres a whole lot of explanation n it.this is the link:
  • #15
Aamir.hussain said:
yaa.i got this from a site of astronomy and black holes.theres a whole lot of explanation n it.this is the link:
A link to an internet forum is not a reputable scientific source. Show us a reference to a published, peer-reviewed article in a scientific journal.

Furthermore, that link is nonsense. The first paragraph reads:
crank site said:
If E=mc2, then energy and matter exist and are exchangeable. We know also that antimatter exists. Scientists are now making anti-Hydrogen regularly in the laboratory. So, if energy, matter and antimatter exist, shouldn’t anti-energy exist, at least conceptually?
That's just silly.

FAQ: Gravitons Observed? University Discovery June: Details & Link

1. What are gravitons?

Gravitons are hypothetical particles that are believed to carry the force of gravity. They are predicted by the theory of quantum gravity, but have not yet been observed.

2. How are gravitons observed?

Gravitons have not yet been observed directly, but scientists are working on ways to detect them indirectly through their effects on other particles or through gravitational waves.

3. What is the significance of observing gravitons?

Observing gravitons would confirm the existence of quantum gravity and provide a better understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe. It could also potentially lead to new technologies and advancements in space exploration.

4. What does the University Discovery in June mean for graviton research?

The University Discovery in June refers to a specific research project or study that was conducted at a university and may have yielded new insights or advancements in the field of graviton research.

5. Can I access the details and link to the University Discovery in June?

The details and link to the University Discovery in June may be available through the university's website or through scientific journals or publications. It is important to note that research is often ongoing and subject to change, so the information may not be readily available or may have been updated since its initial publication.

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