Has anyone here ever been abducted by aliens?

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In summary, a group of friends discussed their experiences with potential alien abduction, including instances of lost time and sleep paralysis. Some suggested that these experiences could be explained by sleep paralysis, while others remained skeptical and attributed it to their imagination or fear. The conversation also touched on the idea that if aliens were to reveal themselves, many people would volunteer for examination. Overall, the group did not have any concrete evidence or proof of alien abduction.
  • #1
If so, please share your experience.

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  • #2
I don't know if I was abducted, but I do remember on glaring instance where I lost about 6 hours.

I just purchased a new car stereo to install in my 280z. I had installed so many before that time, I could do a decent install job in under an hour. My friend and I went to the local riding/hang out spot, and started working on the install.

We got there just before dark, which, at that time of year was around 8:30 pm.

When we finished up and went back to town, it was 2:30am. It did not seem like that much time had passed, and as I said, I was in a habit of installing stereo systems in around an hour.

I don't really think I was abducted, but we toyed with the idea as an explanation. Really, I still can't give a good reason for it.

edit: in the words of Cartman "Damnit I do not have an anal probe"
  • #3
Originally posted by megashawn
I don't know if I was abducted, but I do remember on glaring instance where I lost about 6 hours.

I had a friend who used to sleep (or maybe he's was being abducted by aliens never could tell lol) with his eyes open with a very strange expression on his face, the expression was stranger after more marijunana he smoked. But seriously I heard that a lot of americans (I might well be wrong!) have some sort of abduction/angel experience far more than any other area why would this be! could it be because something in the environment is predisposing them to something like epilepsy ?
  • #4
Yes, in a manner of speaking. I was abducted from my room and showered by a group of dorm mates dressed as aliens.
  • #5
I once got drunk with some illegal aliens. Then I think I lost my car for about six hours.
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  • #6
No. No one has ever been abducted by aliens.
  • #7

Originally posted by russ_watters
No. No one has ever been abducted by aliens.

No one here knows and admits that they were abducted by aliens.

Besides, if I were abducted by aliens, this is about the last place that I would post such a thing. What does that tell you? :wink:
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  • #8
I haven't even seen one before.
  • #9
Some scientists have suggested that many alien abduction experiences are caused by a phenomenon called sleep paralysis. I experienced this properly for the first time about a week or so ago, while feverish from tonsilitis and I can see how some people might come to that conclusion.

I would describe the experience as being halfway between waking and sleep and accompanied by a total inability to move and a sense of anxiety and paranoia (understandably) - many people hallucinate figures around them with hostile intent. In my case, it seemed that someone threw the duvet over my face in an attempt to smother me. It was like dreaming I was awake when actually I was still sleeping. I managed to wake myself up after a minute or two and could confirm that no aliens had tried to smother me. I had had some other visual hallucinations earlier that night.
  • #10
Originally posted by akhenaten
Some scientists have suggested that many alien abduction experiences are caused by a phenomenon called sleep paralysis. I experienced this properly for the first time about a week or so ago, while feverish from tonsilitis and I can see how some people might come to that conclusion.

I would describe the experience as being halfway between waking and sleep and accompanied by a total inability to move and a sense of anxiety and paranoia (understandably) - many people hallucinate figures around them with hostile intent. In my case, it seemed that someone threw the duvet over my face in an attempt to smother me. It was like dreaming I was awake when actually I was still sleeping. I managed to wake myself up after a minute or two and could confirm that no aliens had tried to smother me. I had had some other visual hallucinations earlier that night.

The same thing occurred to me many times. I don’t know how to call it, subconsciousness? When I got into that stage, I felt like I’m paralyzed and in the first few that I’ve experienced, I saw (not exactly but I though I saw) shadowy figure approaching. But it occurred to me many times that later I realized that those images are created by fear in my mind. What causes the fear, I don’t know. What I do know is that when I was in subconscious state, I felt very sacred, I heard noisy sounds (gets noisier as I loose my body control) and I realized and said to myself “this had happened before!” but couldn’t move or do anything.

But I think this experience is very different from the actual adoption of aliens. I don’t know cause I’ve never been adopted but those who claimed to be so may tell the difference.
  • #11
if aliens are clever enough to get here, then they would realize if they showed themselfs then a billion hippies would volunteer themselfs for examination!

ive never been abducted! i tihnk its a thing people say to gte attention, mostly yokels, who go "ahut" and have very very (i mean, VERY) little money to there name (but maybe a 21" TV, and a carvan)

  • #12
When we fall asleep the brain
shuts off all conscious control
of our muscles. If it didn't
everyone would sleepwalk, acting
out their dreams. We are basically
paralyzed except for breathing
and heart functions.

Sometimes people start to wake
up but their muscles don't kick
back in. They become stuck between
waking and dreaming, totally par-
alyzed. The really strange thing
is that you can open your eyes
and see around the room. You
know you're in bed, in your
room, but you're paralyzed. I
guess there is some residual
dream process going on because
alot of people create entities
to "explain" the inability to
move. This can just as well be
aliens as anything else.

I woke up once to "realize" I was
laying on my back on top of a
malicious man who had his arms
wrapped around my chest and was
holding me down to the bed,
sniggering in my ear. After what
seemed like two or three minutes
of this, he just evaporated.

My nerves were jangled and disturbed about it for a couple
  • #13
Explanations like these may account for some or many claimed abduction experiences, however a very large number of abduction reports cannot be explained like this. Why do you think you can tell the difference between sleep paralysis but that others can't? I know when it has happened. I rather tend to think that alleged abductees are all liars, ill, or con artists before I buy into explanations like this.
  • #14
Keep a cool, level head and I will

One good reason I wasn't inclined
to credit my experience with any
reality outside my own mind is
that there hasn't been any story
floating around the past 30 years
about "The Sniggering Man" or
whatever he'd end up being called.In addition this only happened once. Other bouts with sleep
paralysis I've had were limited
to not being able to move. I can
imagine if someone had the same
hallucination of being surrounded
by vague aliens during several
instances of sleep paralysis they
would be more likely to credit the entities with an objective existence.

The third thing is it's too un-Occam's Razor.I just plain don't want it too be true because
it unnecessarily multiplies what
we have to deal with. Sleep para-
lysis accounts for it perfectly
well. Other people, in love with
the idea there is life elsewhere,
have no problem multiplying the
possible explanations.

It's not so much that they're lying, as becoming victimized
by their preference for an im-
pressionistic view of reality.

Some percentage of these sleep
paralysis abductees are caught in
a different sort of psychological
bind. The hallucination, as I can
bear witness, is so utterly real-
istic while it is happening that
some people would rather claim it
was real than face the alternative
of not being able to trust their
own sences. This is a bigger pro-
blem than you would expect.
  • #15
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Keep a cool, level head and I will

One good reason I wasn't inclined
to credit my experience with any
reality outside my own mind is
that there hasn't been any story
floating around the past 30 years
about "The Sniggering Man" or
whatever he'd end up being called.

In addition this only happened once. Other bouts with sleep
paralysis I've had were limited
to not being able to move. I can
imagine if someone had the same
hallucination of being surrounded
by vague aliens during several
instances of sleep paralysis they
would be more likely to credit the entities with an objective existence.

The third thing is it's too un-Occam's Razor.I just plain don't want it too be true because
it unnecessarily multiplies what
we have to deal with. Sleep para-
lysis accounts for it perfectly
well. Other people, in love with
the idea there is life elsewhere,
have no problem multiplying the
possible explanations.

It's not so much that they're lying, as becoming victimized
by their preference for an im-
pressionistic view of reality.

Some percentage of these sleep
paralysis abductees are caught in
a different sort of psychological
bind. The hallucination, as I can
bear witness, is so utterly real-
istic while it is happening that
some people would rather claim it
was real than face the alternative
of not being able to trust their
own sences. This is a bigger pro-
blem than you would expect.

I guess this is hard for me to relate to since, as far as I know, reality has never betrayed me in such a way. I don't think I have ever actually hallucinated...except perhaps when I was on morphine in the hospital...at least I was told that I hallucinated but I don't remember a thing!

I do know one gent who, while he was very ill and with a high fever, saw demons dancing around his bed. Of course I have heard stories from the '60s as well. :wink:
  • #16
People assume that there must
always be something "fishy" or
"off" about hallucinations that
will alert the experiencer to
their true nature. More often than
you would realize they satisfy
the criteria for reality with any
sence you use to test them.
The lucky hallucinator will
hallucinate something too out-
ragous to be real, and will be
able to put it into perspective.
I knew a guy, sleep deprived for
four days, who saw a huge white
rabbit sitting in a vacant lot.
He pulled the car over and told
his friend to drive.
People who hallucinate while
they are also delusional usually
can't tell the difference. They
are viewing things from the same
place we all go in our dreams
where impossible situations and
transformations can be accepted
without a second thought.

  • #17
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
People assume that there must
always be something "fishy" or
"off" about hallucinations that
will alert the experiencer to
their true nature. More often than
you would realize they satisfy
the criteria for reality with any
sence you use to test them.
The lucky hallucinator will
hallucinate something too out-
ragous to be real, and will be
able to put it into perspective.
I knew a guy, sleep deprived for
four days, who saw a huge white
rabbit sitting in a vacant lot.
He pulled the car over and told
his friend to drive.
People who hallucinate while
they are also delusional usually
can't tell the difference. They
are viewing things from the same
place we all go in our dreams
where impossible situations and
transformations can be accepted
without a second thought.


My work comes with occasional periods of incredible physical endurance - in the form of no sleep. Once after working a better part of 5 days straight - work 36 hrs, sleep 8, work 24, sleep 5, work 30 etc until you drop...which had better not happen before the system is running! Other people in the field have done the same or worse. On one occasion I was so tired that I couldn't remember which light is red, and which light is green. I could see the lights; but I could no longer make sense of the colors. This was the worst that I've ever had happen. However, I just remembered a guy who, after working nearly 100hrs straight, had a large piece of equipment break away and fall 40 or 50 feet; landing right next to him and missing by only a few feet. He told me that he just looked at the equipment and thought it was funny that it had landed so close to him. He knew he should be more upset but he just continued working. Later he noticed that nothing had ever fallen! Now that's a hallucination. Clearly some people can have waking dreams or something similar to this notion.
  • #18
In the movie "A Beautiful Mind", the mathematics professor... Oh! I’m forgetting the name again! Anyway, the guy hallucinates all the time. Is it a true story that had had hallucinations in his entire life?
  • #19
Yes, he was schizophrenic, I don't remember his name either, but the actor was Russel Crowe.
Anyway, I wanted to add that sleep paralysis is also known to cause hallucinations of bizarre/evil/disturbing sexual events, but thankfully I don't remember any of the details.
Back to the original topic, my uncle MAY have been abducted. I don't have many details on that, he wouldn't tell me/didn't remember. All I know is that he woke up in the middle of the night, went to the bathroom, for reasons beyond me, used the bathroom without turning on the light, then saw a bright light through the window, and then remmebers waking up with his arm underneath him in and unusual and uncomfortable position. That's all I know the only thing that lends any credit to the story is that he and my mom have a history of paranormal experiences.
  • #20
Complex partial seizure with onset
in the occipetal lobe.
  • #21
Just to clarify...

...it just occurred to me that my previous comment (regarding sleep paralysis) seemed to imply that I've experienced sleep paralysis, but I don't think I have. The 'not remembering the details' referred to details mentioned on a TV show, not my experience.
(to) Ivan Seeking: It must now be becoming apparent to you that I watch lots of TV.
  • #22

I'm glad you clarified that because from the way you phrased
your thankfullness for not re-
membering the details I did, indeed, get the impression you
were talking about something that
had happened to you.

I just remembered that there is another common hallucination
people have during sleep paralysis
which is "The Hag". In this ex-
perience the person finds they
are being held down by a hideous
old woman sitting on their chest
often trying to choke them, and
saying things like "You're dead!"

The interesting thing about "The
Hag" is that she is cross cultural
People in all countries around the
world have had encounters.

  • #23

Yes, that's what I mean! I think the Hag is our translation of a Scandanavian term, I don't know of any other cultures describing the experience like that. If it's a world wide thing (I think it is) I think it is that way just because people are the same world round, like how many people have suffered from the same disease. I don't think the world wide experience of the Hag proves she is real in some sense if that is what you were implying in your last paragraph.
  • #24
Originally posted by Ivan Seeking
Why do you think you can tell the difference between sleep paralysis but that others can't?
Simple. Moulder has the poster behind his desk: "I WANT TO BELIEVE."
  • #25
Originally posted by russ_watters
Simple. Moulder has the poster behind his desk: "I WANT TO BELIEVE."

As opposed to:
Only my experiences are real; if they're not mine, then they're not real.
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  • #26

No, I didn't mean to assert The
Hag was real at all. The interest-
ing thing to me is that she doesn't just appear to people in
western cultures but also to asians.

The fact this is so does more to
errode the validity of Alien
Abduction than to affirm the val-
idity of any of it. It suggests
something much more like what you
are suggesting: that people have
certain "types" of tormentors
hardwired into their unconscious-
nesses, and are likely to draw
from these when creating an hall-
ucination to account for what is
paralyzing them.

In my own case the tormentor
took shape as "The Sniggering
Man", which, as far as I know, is
unique to me, but there could be
hundreds of thousands of people
who've hallicinated something
similar that I don't know about.

In cultures where The Hag is
common she is widely believed to
be real, just as Aliens are now,
in certain circles.

  • #27
I don't remember his name either, but the actor was Russel Crowe.

Off topic: His name is John Nash
  • #28
I believe I've told this story before, but once when I was in Dresden, I drank about six glasses of absinthe. Long story short, I blacked out and woke up on a train at 6:00 AM in the next city over. Not being all together, I decided that it would be a good idea to start walking the ten miles back to my hotel. As I was walking, I passed through a forest. I remember I suddenly stood still and looked at the trees. For some reason I was completely enthralled by the trees. Then these trees began to transform into the shape of stereotypical aliens... Yeah, that was fun.

Anyway, perhaps some reported cases of alien sightings are simply the result of mind-altering drugs.

  • #29
Sting: Yes!, That's the name!
Entrophy: You're nuts.
Zoob: The Hag never went around in space craft, was never shot down by the government, and didn't go around exsanguinating farm animals and one Brasilian man. The Alien/Hag comparison doesn't add up.
  • #30

Aliens are the Hag's flying

  • #31
Originally posted by Jonathan
Entrophy [sic]: You're nuts.

Jonathan: No, I am normal. You are nuts.

  • #32
I drank about six glasses of absinthe. Long story short, I blacked out and woke up on a train at 6:00 AM in the next city over.
  • #33
guess this is hard for me to relate to since, as far as I know, reality has never betrayed me in such a way. I don't think I have ever actually hallucinated...except perhaps when I was on morphine in the hospital...at least I was told that I hallucinated but I don't remember a thing!

Hehe exactly the same for me but it happened on the come down. There have been other times in my past but hallucination was expected ( my vision has never been quite the same :/ )
  • #34
Here's a comprhensive essay about
"The Hag" and sleep paralysis by
a sufferer who has done a lot of
homework. Very interesting history:

What is Sleep Paralysis
Address:http://sleepparalysis.dnswh.com/what_is_sleep_paralysis.htm Changed:11:39 AM on Monday, August 11, 2003

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FAQ: Has anyone here ever been abducted by aliens?

1. What is the likelihood of being abducted by aliens?

The likelihood of being abducted by aliens is extremely low. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of extraterrestrial beings visiting Earth and abducting humans. Most reported cases of alien abduction can be explained by natural phenomena or psychological factors.

2. Have any credible sources reported being abducted by aliens?

No credible sources have reported being abducted by aliens. Most reported cases come from individuals who may believe they have been abducted, but there is no verifiable evidence to support their claims. In some cases, individuals may fabricate stories for attention or other personal reasons.

3. What are some common signs of being abducted by aliens?

There are no common signs or symptoms of being abducted by aliens. Many reported cases involve individuals experiencing sleep paralysis, hallucinations, or false memories. These can be attributed to natural causes or psychological factors.

4. Are there any scientific explanations for alien abductions?

There are several scientific explanations for reported alien abductions. Sleep paralysis, where the body is temporarily paralyzed during sleep, can lead to vivid hallucinations and a feeling of being unable to move. False memories can also be created through suggestion or psychological factors.

5. What should I do if I believe I have been abducted by aliens?

If you believe you have been abducted by aliens, it is important to seek help from a mental health professional. They can help you understand any underlying psychological factors that may be contributing to your beliefs. It is also important to critically examine any evidence or memories you may have, as they may not be reliable.

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