Heated water in closed cylinder with electricity

In summary, the conversation discusses the idea of using electricity and heat to power a rocket made from a closed cylinder filled with water. The main questions are how the water would behave and whether it would stay liquid or vaporize. The conversation also mentions the use of a valve to release pressure and how the acceleration of the rocket would be affected. The conversation also acknowledges potential errors and differences in terminology due to the speaker's non-native language. Overall, the topic involves mechanics, electrodynamics, and thermodynamics.
  • #1
Hey, I guess I came to right sub-topic, since I knew here I may have not noticed every thing..

One sleepless night I was thinking about what would happen IF:
in a closed isolated cylinder would be alomost full of H20(+some salt if required).
anode and catode in sides, so what electricity would flow, (it's just a matter of engineering)
electricyti because of resistance would heat the water in amount of time given energy: UIt

so size allways is the same p1/T1=p2/T2 right?

But will water temperature and preasure would conitnue rising ? How?
And would it stay liquid or vapourize?

and for example in a bottom would be a valve or something what would open, and then because of running away preasure a cylinder would fly? :) In fact I tried to use example count and found that accelaration would be enormous, unfortunately I believe that I made some mistakes and considered to less thing, for example i don't considered vapourization(what should happen) and got equation:
a=(p1ST2-MgT1)/T1M OR a=(p1SUIt+cmT1(pS1-Mg))/cmT1M

p1- preasure at the beginning
S- area of the valve opening, for ex would be whole bottom
T2- water final temperature
M- mass of the whole rocket
g- I bet you know if not, better do not answer here
T1- water temperature at beginning
t- time
c- 4200 J/kg*K
m- mass of the water

So the problem might be unclear because English is not my born language, as you see...
Also some things might be called differantaly in different countries, like voltage (U, or V..) but physics is the same (:

So this topic involved all classical stuff: Mechanics, Electrodynamics, & Thermodynamics.

Main questions is how water would behave?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Don't try this at home:

And look at a steam table for what pressure and temperature are associated with each other as you heat the vessel.
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  • #3

FAQ: Heated water in closed cylinder with electricity

1. What is the purpose of heating water in a closed cylinder with electricity?

The purpose of this experiment is to study the effects of electricity on heating water in a closed system. This can be used to understand the principles of heat transfer and how electricity can be used to generate heat.

2. How does electricity heat water in a closed cylinder?

Electricity is converted into heat energy when it passes through a resistor, such as a heating element. This heat energy is then transferred to the water molecules, causing them to vibrate and generate heat.

3. Can the temperature of the water be controlled during this experiment?

Yes, the temperature of the water can be controlled by adjusting the amount of electricity flowing through the heating element. This can be measured using a thermometer and controlled using a variable resistor.

4. What are the safety precautions to take when conducting this experiment?

It is important to follow proper electrical safety precautions when conducting this experiment, such as wearing protective gear and ensuring that all connections are secure. It is also important to monitor the temperature of the water to prevent it from overheating.

5. What are the potential applications of this experiment?

This experiment can help us understand the principles of heat transfer and how electricity can be used to heat water in a closed system. This knowledge can be applied in various industries, such as power generation, heating systems, and even in cooking and food processing.
