- #1
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I was wondering if you guys could help me design (code) a slick code block in my blog like the one here that the reader could scroll? I'm very new to HTML and Java but if I could get just a little help, I would work on it. I really don't have a clue how to add the following to my HTML file but I did get several HTML references. Perhaps someone could direct me to a particular HTML topic?
ringNum = 1
mnum = 1
baseRoot = 0;
wOffset = 0
nmax = 15;
{rmin, rmax, wstart, wend} = theInitialValues[[ringNum]];
loopmax = 2 \[Pi] totalSheets;
theorder = manifoldOrders[[ringNum, mnum, 2]];
Print["Order is: ", theorder];
rangemin = theInitialValues[[ringNum, 1]];
rangemax = theInitialValues[[ringNum, 2]];
rd = (rmax - rmin)/10;
rstart = rmin + rd;
rend = rmax - rd;
rnorm = (rmin + rmax)/2;
z0 = 0;
tval = thetStart;
wSheet = theFunctionRoots[[manifoldOrders[[ringNum, mnum, 1]]]];
wSheet = theFunctionRoots[[11]];
myRadialTable = {\[Psi][\[Rho]] /.
NDSolve[{theRhoDeriv /. \[Theta] -> tval, \[Psi][
rnorm] == (wSheet /.
z -> rnorm Exp[I tval])}, \[Psi], {\[Rho], rnorm,
rstart}], \[Psi][\[Rho]] /.
NDSolve[{theRhoDeriv /. \[Theta] -> tval, \[Psi][
rnorm] == (wSheet /.
z -> rnorm Exp[I tval])}, \[Psi], {\[Rho], rnorm, rend}]};
Clear[xcod, xdcod, ycod, ydcod];
rnum = rnorm;
xcod[t_] := rnum Cos[t];
xdcod[t_] = \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({t}\)]\(xcod[t]\)\);
ycod[t_] := rnum Sin[t];
ydcod[t_] = \!\(
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[PartialD]\), \({t}\)]\(ycod[t]\)\);
tstart = tval;
tend = tval + 2 theorder \[Pi];
Clear[mysol, myw];
mysol = First[
NDSolve[{theThetaDeriv /. \[Rho] -> rnum, \[Psi][tstart] ==
First[(myRadialTable[[2]] /. \[Rho] ->
rnum)]}, \[Psi], {\[Theta], tstart, tend},
MaxStepSize -> 0.001, MaxSteps -> 500000]];
myw[t_] := Evaluate[\[Psi][t] /. mysol];
myVarw[t_] :=
t <= 2 theorder \[Pi]}, {myw[t - 2 theorder \[Pi]],
t > 2 theorder \[Pi]}}];
If[theorder > 1,
baseSol =
NDSolve[{f'[t] == (-rnum Sin[t] + I rnum Cos[t])/(
theorder f[t]^(theorder - 1)) ,
f[tstart] ==
Exp[(2 \[Pi] I baseRoot)/theorder] Power[rnum Exp[tstart I],
1/theorder]}, f, {t, tstart, tend}];
theBaseM[t_] := Evaluate[f[t] /. baseSol];
theBaseM[t_] := rnum Exp[I t];
thealist1 = Table[
n1 = NIntegrate[(xdcod[t] +
I ydcod[t])/(theBaseM[t])^((j + theorder)) myw[
wOffset + t], {t, tstart, tend}, MaxRecursion -> 20];
If[Length[n1] == 1,
{j, First[N[1/(2 theorder \[Pi] I) (n1)]]},
{j, N[1/(2 theorder \[Pi] I) (n1)]}
], {j, -nmax, nmax}]
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