Help with math minor (Transfer student)

  • #1
I need help since I recently changed my Fall schedule. I recently going to take Linear Algebra, but I will be taking a Meteorology class instead. This class will help me prepare for 300 and 400 level courses I'm planning to take as an extra elective. Had to pick a class to replace with the meteoorlogy class.

Next semester What math class should I take? I'm getting a math minor and won't graduate till 2021. Should I take Linear Algebra first, then ODE and finally PDE? My friend said I should continue on a sequence so instead of linear algebra first. I should take ODE, PDE, and Linear algebra. The only problem I have if I follow my path is that PDE is only offered in Fall.

1. A MAT 220 Linear Algebra (3) Spring 2019 Spring 2020

Linear equations, matrices, determinants, finite dimensional vector spaces, linear transformations Euclidean spaces.

2. A MAT 311 Ordinary Differential Equations (3) Fall 2019 Spring 2019

Linear differential equations, systems of differential equations, series solutions, boundary value problems, existence theorems, applications to the sciences.

3. A MAT 416 Partial Differential Equations (3) Fall 2020 Fall 2019

The partial differential equations of classical mathematical physics. Separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, Fourier series and other orthogonal expansions. First order equations, Green’s functions, Sturm-Liouville theory, and other topics as time permitsMy major is Chemistry and I've already completed the calculus sequence.
Physics news on
  • #2
Ideally, you should take linear algebra as soon as possible, but if can't, then as long as you take ODE before PDE, it doesn't matter if linear algebra is in between. It will be a good idea to present yourself to the math department, tell them you are a math minor and ask to be assigned to an advisor who will give you advice specific to your institution. Sometimes, what's in the catalogue is not what's actually offered and an advisor in the math department will know that.
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  • #3
kuruman said:
Ideally, you should take linear algebra as soon as possible, but if can't, then as long as you take ODE before PDE, it doesn't matter if linear algebra is in between. It will be a good idea to present yourself to the math department, tell them you are a math minor and ask to be assigned to an advisor who will give you advice specific to your institution. Sometimes, what's in the catalogue is not what's actually offered and an advisor in the math department will know that.

Thank you! I heard linear algebra is very helpful when it comes to ODE and PDE. Can you correct me on that?
  • #4
Geo_Zegarra2018 said:
Thank you! I heard linear algebra is very helpful when it comes to ODE and PDE. Can you correct me on that?

Only in some cases did linear algebra help with ODE (coupled linear equations) so the order of taking linear algebra and ODE's isn't critical.
  • #5
Dr Transport said:
Only in some cases did linear algebra help with ODE (coupled linear equations) so the order of taking linear algebra and ODE's isn't critical.

Perfect! Thank you. Do you think taking linear algebra in summer 2019 will be a good idea?
  • #6
Geo_Zegarra2018 said:
Perfect! Thank you. Do you think taking linear algebra in summer 2019 will be a good idea?
Summer courses are usually accelerated to cram a semester's worth of material in a few weeks. Unless you have reasons to hurry, I suggest that you avoid summer courses, at least on technical subjects.
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  • #7
Geo_Zegarra2018 said:
I heard linear algebra is very helpful when it comes to ODE and PDE.
I agree with @Dr Transport that taking linear algebra first isn't critical, but IMO it's very helpful to do so. When you get to 2nd order diff. equations in the ODE class, having an understanding of linear algebra concepts of a basis of a function space, spanning sets, and linear independence can be important.
  • #8
Mark44 said:
I agree with @Dr Transport that taking linear algebra first isn't critical, but IMO it's very helpful to do so.

How much so, probably depends on how the course is taught. If the course assumes the students know linear algebra, the college/university catalog and website should list LA as a prerequisite.
  • #9
jtbell said:
How much so, probably depends on how the course is taught. If the course assumes the students know linear algebra, the college/university catalog and website should list LA as a prerequisite.

Where I went to school, it wasn't a prerequisite and the professor had the TA's teach the necessary materials in recitation to prep for that part of the chapter in Boyce and DiPrima.
  • #10
Thank you! Taking ODE next semester

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