Proving the Hermitian Conjugate Property of Operators

In summary, to show the equation (a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2} A_{2})^{\dagger}=a_{1}^{\ast} A_{1}^{\dagger}+a_{2}^{\ast} A_{2}^{\dagger}, we can use bounded operators and apply the definition of the adjoint operator. Using the properties of bounded operators, we can show that the equation holds.
  • #1
How can i show that [tex](a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2} A_{2})^{\dagger}=a_{1}^{\ast} A_{1}^{\dagger}+a_{2}^{\ast} A_{2}^{\dagger}[/tex]

notice: [tex]a_{1},a_{2}\in C[/tex] and [tex]A_{1}^{\dagger},A_{2}^{\dagger}[/tex] are hermitian conjugate of [tex]A_{1},A_{2} [/tex] operators
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  • #2
Use the [itex]\dagger [/itex] to denote the adjoint. Since you're considering the case of bounded operators, just apply the definition of the adjoint operator for a bounded operator.
  • #3
Thanks But ?

Thank you for your correction.

I want to know that to show this equations must i use boundered operator.Can i use unbounded (going to +-infinity) operator to show this.
  • #4
Let's take for example [itex] A_{1}, A_{2}:\mathcal{H}\longrightarrow \mathcal{H} [/itex] and [itex] \phi,\psi\in\mathcal{H} [/itex]. Then the adjoints of the operators exist and are defined everywhere in [itex]\mathcal{H}[/itex] and the same could be said of the sum operator and its adjoint.

[tex]\langle \phi,left(a_{1}A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2}\right)\psi\rangle [/tex] is the object that you should start from.
  • #5
I tried something.Is it regular?

[tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1}A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle = \left\langle(a_{1}A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2}) \phi|\psi\right\rangle[/tex] then [tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1}A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle =\left\langle(a_{1}A_{1})\phi|\psi\right\rangle + \left\langle(a_{2}A_{2})\phi|\psi\right\rangle [/tex] so [tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1}A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle =a_{1}^\ast \left\langle A_{1}\phi|\psi\right\rangle + a_{2}^\ast \left\langle A_{2}\phi|\psi\right\rangle [/tex] in the end
[tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle =a_{1}^\ast \left\langle \phi|A_{1}^\dagger \psi\right\rangle + a_{2}^\ast \left\langle \phi|A_{2}^\dagger \psi\right\rangle [/tex] becauuse of [tex] a \left\langle\phi| \psi\right\rangle = \left\langle\phi|a \psi\right\rangle [/tex](a is complex constant) we can write [tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle = \left\langle \phi|a_{1}^\ast A_{1}^\dagger \psi\right\rangle + \left\langle \phi|a_{2}^\ast A_{2}^\dagger \psi\right\rangle [/tex] in the end [tex]\left\langle\phi|(a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger}\psi\right\rangle = \left\langle \phi|(a_{1}^\ast A_{1}^\dagger + a_{2}^\ast A_{2}^\dagger) \psi\right\rangle [/tex]. we 've showed that [tex](a_{1} A_{1}+a_{2}A_{2})^{\dagger} = a_{1}^\ast A_{1}^\dagger + a_{2}^\ast A_{2}^\dagger [/tex]
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  • #6
It looks okay. For the first equality that you wrote you used that [itex] A^{\dagger\dagger}=A [/itex] which is okay for bounded operators in Hilbert spaces.
  • #7
Thank you for your help. see you later in another problem.

FAQ: Proving the Hermitian Conjugate Property of Operators

What is a Hermitian operator?

A Hermitian operator is a linear operator in a complex vector space that is equal to its own adjoint. In other words, it is equal to its conjugate transpose.

What does it mean for an operator to be Hermitian?

When an operator is Hermitian, it means that it has the property of self-adjointness. This means that the operator is equal to its own adjoint and has real eigenvalues.

How is the Hermitian of an operator calculated?

The Hermitian of an operator is calculated by taking the conjugate transpose of the operator. This means that the operator is transposed and each element is replaced with its complex conjugate.

Why is the Hermitian of an operator important in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, Hermitian operators represent physical observables such as position, momentum, and energy. The eigenvalues of these operators correspond to the possible outcomes of measurements, making the Hermitian property crucial for accurate predictions in quantum systems.

What is the significance of the eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator being real?

The eigenvalues of a Hermitian operator being real is significant because it means that the operator is self-adjoint and has the property of Hermiticity. This ensures that the operator will have well-defined and physically meaningful eigenvalues, which are necessary for accurate predictions in quantum systems.
