Where can I find historical journal articles by famous physicists?

In summary, I'm looking for sites with historical journal articles -- ideally in English, but if there's none available, I can settle for the original. Specifically, I'm looking for stuff by (in no particular order, and certainly not exclusively) e.g. Heisenberg, Pauli, Dirac, Schrodinger, Feynman, Stueckelberg, Majorana, ... I have found some, but I'm sure it's not an exhaustive list, so I'm hoping this thread will help me fill it out.
  • #1
I'm looking for sites with historical journal articles -- ideally in English, but if there's none available, I can settle for the original. Specifically, I'm looking for stuff by (in no particular order, and certainly not exclusively) e.g. Heisenberg, Pauli, Dirac, Schrodinger, Feynman, Stueckelberg, Majorana, ... I have found some, but I'm sure it's not an exhaustive list, so I'm hoping this thread will help me fill it out.

So, here's what I have so far:

- http://royalsocietypublishing.org: Amazing. For instance, most of Dirac's work freely available.

- http://oxfordjournals.org: also amazing. For whatever reason, they seemed to have an amazing selection of the Japanese guys (e.g. Tomonaga, Yukawa, ...)

- http://neo-classical-physics.info: this guy does original English translations; I want to give him a kiss.

- http://web.ihep.su/owa/dbserv/hw.fulltextlist: similar to the previous.

- http://retro.seals.ch/digbib/browse4: mostly French; found a ton of Stueckelberg from Helvetica

- http://gallica.bnf.fr: this one is a haystack, mostly French...but there are some gems -- the proceedings of the 1933 Solvay conference, some Stueckelberg, some Majorana...probably a lot more, but searching is a pain.

- (That user page at Princeton, which I won't link because the rest of the articles there are password-protected, so the good professor probably meant to protect these as well): Mostly experimental-physics articles; outside my main area of interest, but some interesting stuff.

- http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/specrel/www/: just found this doing my ore-post due-dilligence. Any site that has both Einstein and Kropotkin has to be good.

- http://www.trivialanomaly.com: another I just found from another physicsforums post. A lot of dead links, but looks promising.

- http://www.new1.dli.ernet.in[/URL]: digital library of India: Mostly Indian papers.

- [url]http://zfbb.thulb.uni-jena.de[/url]: Thuringia university library - digitized journal articles, especially Annalen der Physik

- [url]http://e-collection.library.ethz.ch[/url]: haystack w/ a few needles

A few that got me rather excited before I ran face-first into the pay-wall:

- journals.aps.org (though allegedly free from public libraries?)

- [url="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/currentdecade.html?decade=1930"]www.nature.com/nature/journal/currentdecade.html?decade=1930[/url]

And, finally, there's my nemesis: Springer. They seem to own the rights to an inordinate number of classics, and they also seem to be the stingiest of all.

So...when you want to find a paper, where so you go?
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  • #2
So...apparently I spoke too soon about how generous Oxford and RSPA were; today, most of the articles I grabbed last week (10/31 and prior) are now pay-walled again. I remembered this happening before, and it looks like all of the articles I have (younger than 70 years at least) from RSPA are from the month of October (2014 and 2011).

Not that 70 years after publication date is particularly onerous, but the October-behavior was definitely preferable.
  • #3
Have you tried a brick-and-mortar library? You know, the only kind that existed when I was in school?
  • #4
Danger said:
Have you tried a brick-and-mortar library? You know, the only kind that existed when I was in school?

I suppose that's a last-ditch, break-glass-in-case-of-emergency-type option. But the internet's hours are more convenient.

However, the public libraries I've seen (note: small sample) don't have academic journals. I do remember my old college library had a pretty nice selection of printed journals, but as an ex-student I've assumed I lost access to that floor.
  • #5
jjustinn said:
I do remember my old college library had a pretty nice selection of printed journals, but as an ex-student I've assumed I lost access to that floor.
I don't know where you live or what the rules are. Even though I never graduated high-school, I was allowed as a professional writer to purchase (for a small fee like maybe $15/year) a library card to any university or technical institution in the province. That was for borrowing purposes; anyone here can enter any university library at any time to just read on-site. (During my last ICU stay, I discovered a tunnel between the basement of my ward and the Medical School library. I was so happy that I actually had to set the alarm on my watch to remind me that it was time to return for meals or to get a new oxygen tank.)

FAQ: Where can I find historical journal articles by famous physicists?

1. What are historical paper dump sites?

Historical paper dump sites are locations where large amounts of paper waste were disposed of in the past. These sites can range from small, local dumps to larger industrial sites.

2. How do historical paper dump sites impact the environment?

Historical paper dump sites can have a significant impact on the environment. The decomposition of paper waste can release methane gas and other harmful chemicals into the air and water. In addition, these sites can also contaminate soil and groundwater, making it unsafe for human and animal consumption.

3. What types of paper waste are typically found in historical dump sites?

Historical paper dump sites can contain a variety of paper waste, including newspapers, magazines, books, packaging materials, and office documents. These sites may also include other types of waste, such as plastics and metals, which were commonly disposed of with paper in the past.

4. How do scientists study historical paper dump sites?

Scientists use a variety of methods to study historical paper dump sites. This may include conducting soil and water samples, analyzing the composition of paper waste, and using remote sensing techniques to map the extent of the site. Historical records and interviews with local residents can also provide valuable information about the site's history.

5. What can be done to remediate historical paper dump sites?

Remediation of historical paper dump sites can be a complex and expensive process. It may involve removing and properly disposing of the waste, treating contaminated soil and water, and implementing preventative measures to prevent further contamination. In some cases, restoration and reclamation efforts can also be undertaken to restore the site to its natural state.

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