Gaining Comfort from a Second Mirror Image: Perspectives on Life

In summary, the speaker shares their experience of cutting their own hair with clippers and asking for others' opinions on the trim. They then reflect on how a second mirror would have helped them make a decision and compares it to the idea of multiple perspectives in life. They also bring up the concept of moral absolutes and the subjectivity of beliefs. The speaker also mentions a theory of non-interference and questions the superiority of imposing this rule on others. They apologize for not directly answering the question and mention that their perspective may be biased due to their current studies in ethics.
  • #1
Rather than going to a barber shop and paying $15 for a haircut every month I bought some clippers and cut my own hair. Last week I used them to cut my hair and wasn't sure how the trim on the neckline looked. I asked one person and they said it looked fine. I asked another and they said it looked like a home haircut, not straight, but jagged.

Both people saw the same thing and have come to two different conclusions. How can I know if either is correct without having a second mirror to see for myself?

I realized that it would be comforting for me to view myself with my own eyes. I would be able to form an opinion about my appearance that satisfied me, and trim my neckline to however I preferred. For my haircut a second mirror will remedy the situation easily enough, but what about perspectives on life? Does anyone else find that it can be confusing and sometimes frustrating not knowing what to believe is true? And do we all gain comfort from perspectives that are a second mirror image of our own?
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  • #2
We live nowadays in a pluralistic world, one that has many different creatures/cultures, each with their own outlook on life.
This sort of reminds me of the something-or-other written, i forgeth where and when. The gist is, this king wants to find out some sort of moral truth, etc. The situation ends up with 2 chiefs from different cultures. The king (or his anthropologist) asks one of them "What do you do with your dead?".
Guy 1 replies "We consume them, so that we may carry on our ancestors' through [eternity]"
Guy 2 replies to the same questions "That is outrageous, eating your dead! We cremate ours... [for such and such reasons]"
Guy 1 of course, is outraged.
Point is, nobody will ever agree on moral absolutes.
Anyhow, everything is subjective (according to some), there are very few things that everyone can agree upon. Especially the retardedness of your haircut.
One theory I found interesting, or funny, was that of (I want to say subjectivism, but I am almost sure I'm wrong), that lays out a very simple rule "Every culture can do what they want, so long as they don't infringe upon other culture/peoples' beliefs/rights". This seems fine and dandy, save for the fact that, upon reflection, someone is imposing the rule of non-interference upon everyone else. Who is this person/group, and why is their view superior?
Anyhow, I fear that I have not really answered your question. I'm taking ethics right now, so, this is all biased towards some of waht I've been reading in there...
  • #3

I can say that gaining comfort from a second mirror image in regards to perspectives on life is a natural and common human experience. We all have our own unique perspectives and beliefs, and it can be challenging to navigate through the multitude of opinions and viewpoints that exist in the world. Just like with your haircut, it can be difficult to determine what is truly accurate or correct without looking at things from multiple angles.

In science, we often use the concept of peer review to gain a better understanding of a topic or idea. This involves having multiple experts in the field review and critique a study or research findings. Similarly, in life, it can be helpful to seek out different perspectives and opinions from others to gain a better understanding of a situation or belief.

However, it is important to remember that everyone's perspective is shaped by their own experiences and biases, so it is ultimately up to us to critically evaluate and form our own opinions. Just like with your haircut, you may need to look at yourself in the mirror and make your own judgement on what looks best for you.

So, while it is comforting to have a second mirror image in life, it is also important to not rely solely on others' perspectives and to trust in our own ability to form our own opinions and beliefs. After all, what may work for one person may not work for another. It is through this process of self-reflection and critical thinking that we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

FAQ: Gaining Comfort from a Second Mirror Image: Perspectives on Life

1. What is the concept of gaining comfort from a second mirror image?

The concept of gaining comfort from a second mirror image refers to the idea that having a different perspective on life can bring a sense of comfort and understanding. It suggests that by seeing ourselves reflected in others, we can gain insight and empathy, ultimately leading to a greater sense of ease and acceptance in our own lives.

2. How does gaining comfort from a second mirror image relate to science?

In science, gaining comfort from a second mirror image can be seen in the study of mirror neurons. These neurons fire when we observe others performing an action, as if we were performing the action ourselves. This allows us to empathize with others and understand their experiences, leading to a greater sense of comfort and connection.

3. Can gaining comfort from a second mirror image be applied to personal growth?

Yes, gaining comfort from a second mirror image can be a powerful tool for personal growth. By seeing ourselves reflected in others and gaining a new perspective, we can challenge our own beliefs and behaviors, leading to personal growth and development.

4. How can one actively seek out a second mirror image for gaining comfort?

One way to actively seek out a second mirror image is by engaging in activities or conversations with people who have different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. By being open-minded and actively listening, we can gain new insights and understanding, leading to a greater sense of comfort.

5. Is gaining comfort from a second mirror image a universal concept?

While the concept of gaining comfort from a second mirror image is a widely studied and accepted concept, it may not be universal. Cultural and individual differences may affect how people perceive and seek out differing perspectives. However, the potential benefits of this concept can be applied to various contexts and individuals.

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