How Can You Calculate the Area of a Polygon in MATLAB?

  • Thread starter StephvsEinst
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In summary, MATLAB is a high-level programming language and interactive environment used for scientific and numerical computing. It offers built-in functions and commands for complex mathematical operations and data analysis. To solve a problem in MATLAB, you would need to define variables and use appropriate functions and commands. It also has data visualization capabilities and is designed to be user-friendly, although basic programming knowledge can be helpful. Resources such as online tutorials, documentation, and forums are available for learning and improving skills with MATLAB.
  • #1

Homework Statement

H[/B]ow to create a function to determine the area of a polynomial that has N vertexes in MATLAB?

Homework Equations

p = input('Introduce the number of vertexes of the polynomial:')

The polynomial can be devided by N-2 triangles and the area of each triangle is given by A=(1/2)*det(B) where B=[x1 x2 x3 ... xn; y1 y2 y3 ... yn; 1 1 1 1 1 ... 1(last row is filled with n ones)]

The Attempt at a Solution

p = input('Introduce the number of vertexes of the polynomial:')
if n<3:
(...) - I tried 'if cicles' and sums but I don't know know how to ask for all x and y of the polynomial vertexes (because the size of the matrix varies with the number of vertexes of the polynomial).

Would apreciate any kind of help :D
Physics news on
  • #2
You have to ask all the coordinates of the vertexes
  • #3
Already solved it:

function p = area_polinomio(N)
area = 0;
A = [0,0,0;0,0,0;0,0,0];
if N < 3
warning('pontos insuficientes')
a = [input('introduza a abcissa do primeiro ponto: '); input('\n introduza a ordenada do primeiro ponto: '); 1];
for i = 1 : N-1
b = [input('\n introduza a abcissa do ponto seguinte: '); input('\n introduza a ordenada do ponto seguinte: '); 1];
if i == 1
A = [a, b];
if i == 2
A = [A, b];
area = area + (1/2)*det(A);
if i > 2
A = A(:,[1:1,3,3:2,2,4:end]);
A = A(1:3,1:2);
A = [A, b];
area = area + (1/2)*det(A);

i = i+1;

  • #4
The word you're searching for is polygon, a two-dimensional figure with three or more straight sides that intersect at the vertices of the polygon. Triangles, rectangles, and hexagons are examples of polygons.

A polynomial is an expression made up of sums of integer powers of the variable. For example, f(x) = 2x + 3, g(x) = x2 - 3x + 2, and h(x) = x4 - 1 are polynomial functions of degree 1, 2, and 4 respectively.
  • #5
LOOOL. That made me laugh xD
A silly misake made by me. Acually when I was solving this I named the function area_polynomial and not area_polygon until it was time to run it, then I changed the name. Was completely focused on the exercise xD
  • #6
Are you from Portugal or Brazil? I'm just curious...
  • #7
Portugal :)