How did you come up with your username?

  • Thread starter Mentat
  • Start date
In summary: Yes, that's how I came up with my username, but the response I am fishing for was a lot funnier than that.
  • #36
my sn comes from 2 video games. Psyber is from Psymon Stark in SSX tricky, and Freek is from the game Freekstyle.
Physics news on
  • #37
What about you Mentat? What's your story?
  • #38
I had a religious expierience and thought i was the second coming so i took 777 and jesuses name for myself!
  • #39
Njorl said:
Well, on the show "Seinfeld" the K-man was Kramer. That would make the J-man... OH MY GOD! YOU'RE JERRY SEINFELD!

Close, but no gold star...
Then again, I could be Jerry Seinfeld.

Steppenwolf said:
well i once knew someone called j-man simply because he was too stoned to remember his real name, he was a legend and was never seen without a really fat joint hanging from his lips, so we called him j-man. then one day i saw him in a suit WITHOUT A JOINT and my dreams were shattered.

it's not *siff* YOU is it j-man?
That's closer. :wink: (jk)

Actually, my real name is John, hence the 'J' and I'm male, as implied by the last part.
Oh, and I'm lazy, so I didn't try too hard to come up with a cool name. (But I ended up with a cool name anyway, how lucky.)

Tom said:
I don't know, but I will give an additional 4 stars if someone recalls my answer.
Because your name is Tom. And then some funny joke, maybe about the 'ol Tom & Jerry cartoon.
  • #40
Originally posted by mouseman
What about you Mentat? What's your story?

I t'ought you'd neva ask.

When I was younger, my favorite author was Bruce Coville (because I love science fiction). In his series, that started with Aliens Ate My Homework, the "Mentats" were a group of extremely intelligent creatures, who were trained on the planet "Mentat". Then, when I got a litte older, I read the "Dune" books, and loved them. In the Dune books, the Mentats are a group of highly trained, very intelligent, humans, whose memories are like that of our computers'. These are the two sources for my name (not that I think these describe me in any way , they don't).

Extra insentive: I thought it sounded pretty cool :smile: .
  • #41
I'm with Russ Watters, but not really uncreative, and only sometimes lazy. (physically & intellectualy, but not often)
  • #42
Took my first name, decided to use my nickname. Truncated my last name to a single letter.

Was definitely not caught by the creativity bug when I signed up here.
  • #43
A few years ago, i had quickly make up a nick for some chat room or something like that, and only thing i could think of at the time was a song title of a Finnish pop/rock/punk/progressive group called CMX, and so it kinda stuck. The rocket base thingey i found up later.
  • #44
Well before I tell you keep in mind I made it when I was 11 for my screen name and then I continued it useing different years... ok you ready? Nick (my name) + cool+year=Nicool003

haha well that is mine. I was considering changing it for PF 3 because I have had it as screen names and usernames for so long but it's traditional. Plus everyone knows me by it
  • #45
I thought to my self, "What would be a good name to use as an alias?"
  • #46
I was trying to come up with an MSN username that conveyed the idea of thinking, or thoughtful...without me having to add numbers to the end of the word.

This ended up being the first free "thinking" name I came up with.

The rest is history ;)

  • #47
Main Entry: neb·u·la
Pronunciation: 'ne-by&-l&
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural neb·u·lae /-"lE, -"lI/; also -las
Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, mist, cloud; akin to Old High German nebul fog, Greek nephelE, nephos cloud
Date: circa 1738
1 : any of numerous clouds of gas or dust in interstellar space
2 : GALAXY; especially : a galaxy other than the Milky Way galaxy -- not used technically
- neb·u·lar /-l&r/ adjective

Nebula is also the name of a bizarre Incubus song, and for the record Incubus just so happens to be my favorite band. I like Astronomy and Nebulae are IMHO some of the coolest celestial objects to look at, even though they are just clouds of gas and dust.

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