How did you come by your user name?

  • Thread starter seerongo
  • Start date
In summary, the username Watt Var came from when I was trying to come up with an email address that wasn't numbered, and my first initial followed by the first two non negative integers. The username is deep and thought provoking, and the Etymology of my PF Name is First initial + middle initial + last name.
  • #1
For some reason, I am always curious about how people get their usernames. For example, humanino discussed his in one thread and I never would have guessed it, but I should let him tell about it if he sees this thread and wants to.

I made up mine when I was disgusted with a former job and was ready to go on to another more promising one, and with a bit of a take on early children's books.

What's your story if you care to share?
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  • #2
I got mine because I was trying to make up an email address that was original and didn't need to have any numbers in it :P :) so then when I signed up for forums and online things after I had that email I always made suer it resembled my email. Most forums don't let you put the period so instead I stuck with Sorry!
  • #3
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  • #4
Office_Shredder said:

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Nice comic:)
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  • #5
Geez, this is strictly voluntary, for heaven's sake...
  • #6
I was contemplating my username and started looking around my desk for ideas; I happened to be studying Cell Biology before getting online and saw the words "wobble base" underlined in my notes. Voila!
  • #7
Arild Norton (mmmm..not EXACTLY Norton as my surname, but close enough)
  • #9
Those who have never jumped huge waves on a jetski, don't know what they are missing. It's very addictive and obssessive.
  • #10
A carry-over username from a different time and place when I was a summer student programmer.
  • #11
watt, a unit of power.
  • #12
It's meant to be thought provoking about technology and the direction that it could be headed.
  • #13
Mine's pretty self explanatory. That, and including myself, there's been over seven different B. Elliott's in my family.
  • #14
Mine is just a random series of letters and numbers. The human mind has a propensity for finding patterns where there are none, and some PFers have made some assumptions about my name. I don't know why, my name is Fwodwick.
  • #15
I just wanted something simple. I am sure that I was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the time as well.
  • #16
Mine came from my complete lack of creativity. That combined with the fact that I don't care enough about a username on a forum to devote any time thinking up a good one.
  • #17
waht said:
watt, a unit of power.
Watt Var did you do that?

Oh... you're real power. :wink:
  • #20
I wish my last ferret Turbo could still be alive to be buddies with our new dog Duke. Duke is very gentle. One of my neighbors is the town's fire chief and he has his own one-man log-trucking business. His a big bear of a guy, and his little Pomeranian, Smokey goes with him everywhere. Duke met Smokey at a distance a week ago, and yesterday Ronnie brought her out in his arms for a close-up introduction. Duke was friendly and gentle, and probably could have lapped her to death. Tail-wagging all around!
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  • #21
My first initial followed by the first two non negative integers. It's deep and thought provoking, I know.
  • #22
I'm a penguin.
  • #23
My first name, and the first letter of my last name.

When I finally joined (after stalking for a while), I couldn't believe it was still available.
  • #24
1 mixed up emt-p.
  • #25
I was reading about antiscience religious nuts, and my username was meant to criticize them. That's how I got "ideasrule".
  • #26
First initial + middle initial + last name.
  • #27
dlgoff said:
Watt Var did you do that?

Oh... you're real power. :wink:

ahh... you are being too reactive. :-p
  • #28
"So we keep the same instincts as our primate and pre-primate ancestors, but we superimpose culture and law on top of this. So we get split in two, dig? You might say, mankind is the statutory ape." -Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson
  • #29
I've just noticed that my user name is Dadface.Where did that come from?:confused:
  • #30
TheStatutoryApe said:
"So we keep the same instincts as our primate and pre-primate ancestors, but we superimpose culture and law on top of this. So we get split in two, dig? You might say, mankind is the statutory ape." -Schrodinger's Cat Trilogy, by Robert Anton Wilson
Huh. And I always thought you just had a thing for hairy 15-year-old girls.
  • #31
an old quake id that I've just kept using. It was cool when I was 16... Argon was a cool gas and red is a cool colour. I think I came up with it when there was a periodic table around, probably in chem class.
  • #32
during college, a HS friend of mine who was at a different college, sent a letter to me addressed to "The Insane One". When I questioned why he did so, he simply because I was the The Insane One. So I kept it as a nickname, and have shortened it to "Insanity".

Over the years I have also come to relate it to my experience of observing a world mostly filled with insane people, and that I am one of the few sane ones, yet because I am the minority, I must be the insane one as everyone else considers their insanity to be the norm.
  • #33
Is there any way to change the display name in PF?
  • #34
My name with xx's either side.

  • #35
DaveC426913 said:
Huh. And I always thought you just had a thing for hairy 15-year-old girls.
Why assume girls?

sganesh88 said:
Is there any way to change the display name in PF?
You can ask one of the Administrators, Chroot or Greg Bernhardt. I am unsure if they have any criteria they use for deciding whether or not to grant such a request but I know that some members have had their user names changed.
<h2>1. What inspired you to choose your user name?</h2><p>I chose my user name based on my love for science and my desire to constantly learn and discover new things. It reflects my passion for the scientific method and my curiosity about the world around me.</p><h2>2. Does your user name have any special meaning?</h2><p>Yes, my user name is a combination of my favorite element on the periodic table, as well as the year I was born. It holds personal significance to me and also represents my scientific interests.</p><h2>3. Have you always used this user name or have you changed it before?</h2><p>I have always used this user name since I first created it. It has become a part of my online identity and I have grown attached to it over the years.</p><h2>4. How do you think your user name represents you as a scientist?</h2><p>I believe my user name represents me as a scientist by showcasing my enthusiasm for science and my dedication to constantly expanding my knowledge and understanding. It also reflects my attention to detail and precision, which are important qualities in the scientific field.</p><h2>5. Do you have any other user names that you use for different purposes?</h2><p>No, I only use this user name for all of my online profiles and accounts. It helps me maintain consistency and recognition across different platforms.</p>

FAQ: How did you come by your user name?

1. What inspired you to choose your user name?

I chose my user name based on my love for science and my desire to constantly learn and discover new things. It reflects my passion for the scientific method and my curiosity about the world around me.

2. Does your user name have any special meaning?

Yes, my user name is a combination of my favorite element on the periodic table, as well as the year I was born. It holds personal significance to me and also represents my scientific interests.

3. Have you always used this user name or have you changed it before?

I have always used this user name since I first created it. It has become a part of my online identity and I have grown attached to it over the years.

4. How do you think your user name represents you as a scientist?

I believe my user name represents me as a scientist by showcasing my enthusiasm for science and my dedication to constantly expanding my knowledge and understanding. It also reflects my attention to detail and precision, which are important qualities in the scientific field.

5. Do you have any other user names that you use for different purposes?

No, I only use this user name for all of my online profiles and accounts. It helps me maintain consistency and recognition across different platforms.

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