How Do I Make a Balloon Pop by Itself?

  • Thread starter Cory-O
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In summary, Cory suggests two methods of popping a balloon without the victim noticing- a slow-acting chemical reaction or using a spit-ball. He also suggests using a small electric match and a RF receiver to trigger the explosion. Finally, he advises using a solvent to weaken the latex and cause it to burst.
  • #1

I'm trying to find a way to make a balloon pop by itself in somebody's hands without them seeing how it happened. What's the best way to do this?


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  • #2
Welcome to PF, Cory.
There are a few ways, but they're all kind of elaborate. The easiest way would be to heat it somehow. If it isn't totally transparent, a medium power laser could do that.
Otherwise, you could combine a couple of slow-acting chemicals that will react and produce an overpressure.
Personally, I'd just take a spit-ball to the thing.
  • #3
Dry ice might work ?
  • #4
AstroRoyale said:
Dry ice might work ?

Possibly. It might be hard to seruptitiously introduce in sufficient quantity, though.
  • #5
glue small pointy objects to his/her palms lol.
  • #6
  • #7
Those are both decent ideas, but I can't see how they can be implemented without the 'victim' noticing.
  • #8
Put a hole in it before you blow it up.
  • #9
So then, how do you blow it up?
  • #10
A tiny electric match + RF reciever inside, let it trigger as necessary.
  • #11
Yeah, I'd forgotten how small radio receivers can be these days. That's a good option.
  • #12
Positively charge the balloon 'excessively', and make sure the "victim" is standing barefoot on a surface that's 'excessively' negatively charged. When the balloon and victim make contact...ZAP!
You may need to know CPR...
  • #13
blow the balloon up, stick a small piece of tape to the balloon about 5-10mm, deflate the balloon then turn it inside out and make a small cut in the balloon behind the tape without cutting the tape, blow the balloon up again slightly larger than before and after a few seconds the extra tension in the balloon will overcome the tape and the balloon will burst. A small amount of solvent may speed things up if it takes to long.
  • #14
Danger said:
So then, how do you blow it up?

  • #15
The easiest way of course, is just a mixture of chemicals as already suggested.
  • #16
Hmmmm good question you could use a sling shot I guess :rolleyes:
  • #17
Danger said:
Welcome to PF, Cory.
There are a few ways, but they're all kind of elaborate. The easiest way would be to heat it somehow. If it isn't totally transparent, a medium power laser could do that.
Otherwise, you could combine a couple of slow-acting chemicals that will react and produce an overpressure.
Personally, I'd just take a spit-ball to the thing.

BAD BAD BAD! Never point a laser in the direction of anybody!

I would just use some kind of solvent on the inside of the balloon that will weaken the latex and cause it to break after a while.
  • #18
Be sneaky like Houdini.

Develop a thick callus on your palm in one spot, rough up the surface a little, take a very small pinch of ground glass and mix with Elmer's glue. Apply to callus, in an amount equal ~ 1/3 of a grain of rice ( Tres Fino Arborio, preferably ).

I usually tend to go for the simple method.
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  • #19
Fill it up in a very cold environment with very cold cold gas, bring it into hot room and if you've weakened the latex it'll pop
  • #20
Danger said:
Welcome to PF, Cory.
There are a few ways, but they're all kind of elaborate. The easiest way would be to heat it somehow. If it isn't totally transparent, a medium power laser could do that.
Otherwise, you could combine a couple of slow-acting chemicals that will react and produce an overpressure.
Personally, I'd just take a spit-ball to the thing.

Yeah, if money is no object, an infrared laser pulse. Get a special balloon that really absorbs the particular frequency of the laser. That way, if you miss, you don't drill a hole in somebody's hand or something.
  • #21
What about a very strong magnet and some iron filings

FAQ: How Do I Make a Balloon Pop by Itself?

1. How does a balloon pop by itself?

A balloon pops by itself due to the buildup of air pressure inside the balloon. As the balloon is inflated, the air molecules inside become more densely packed, causing the pressure to increase. Once the pressure reaches a critical point, the balloon will burst and release the air.

2. What causes the air pressure inside a balloon to increase?

The air pressure inside a balloon increases when it is inflated with more air. This is because the air molecules take up more space and become more densely packed, causing the pressure to rise. Additionally, factors such as temperature and altitude can also impact the air pressure inside a balloon.

3. Can a balloon pop without being inflated?

No, a balloon cannot pop without being inflated. In order for a balloon to pop, there needs to be a buildup of air pressure inside, which can only happen when it is inflated. If a balloon is not inflated, there is no air pressure to cause it to burst.

4. Is there a way to make a balloon pop without using my hands?

Yes, there are several ways to make a balloon pop without using your hands. One way is to fill the balloon with a substance that reacts with the rubber, such as vinegar and baking soda or lemon juice and baking soda. Another way is to heat up the balloon using a hair dryer or a heat source, which will cause the air inside to expand and eventually burst the balloon.

5. Can a balloon pop on its own without any external factors?

Yes, a balloon can pop on its own without any external factors. As mentioned before, the buildup of air pressure inside the balloon can cause it to burst. In some cases, the balloon may also have a weak spot or small hole that can cause it to pop on its own over time.

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