How do I use the four axioms of a neighborhood to define an open set?

In summary, to use the four axioms of a neighborhood to define an open set, one must first understand that an open set in a topological space is characterized by the existence of neighborhoods around each of its points. The four axioms include: 1) every point in the set must have a neighborhood contained entirely within the set; 2) the union of any collection of neighborhoods is also a neighborhood; 3) the intersection of a finite number of neighborhoods is a neighborhood; and 4) the empty set and the entire space are considered neighborhoods. By applying these axioms, one can establish that a set is open if every point has a neighborhood that lies within the set itself, thereby fulfilling the criteria for open sets in topology.
  • #1
learning physics
TL;DR Summary
How do I use the four axioms of a neighborhood to define an open set?
How do I define an open set using only the four axioms of topological neighborhoods, as per the Wikipedia article on topological spaces?

The intuitive definition of an open set is that it's a set of points on a real number line containing only points at which there is room for some hypothetical point-sized particle to move on either side.

I can see that an open set is defined as a neighborhood of all of its points, but how does this fit with the intuitive definition?

Suppose that we call a set of points that acts as a neighborhood of all of its points "The Big Neighborhood." Each point in The Big Neighborhood is contained in a neighborhood that is contained in The Big Neighborhood, which we'll call "smaller neighbrohoods." Each point in The Big Neighborhood is contained in a neighborhood that is contained in a smaller neighborhood. And so on.

So, I can see that each point in a neighborhood of all of its points is buried inside an infinite nest of smaller and smaller sets. But I don't see how this fits with the intuitive definition. Can anyone help?
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  • #2
You better include a link to the reference that defines the four axioms you are talking about. I can't find what you are talking about in Wikipedia.