How Does Extreme Pressure Affect Atomic Structure in Neutron Stars?

  • Thread starter Crazymechanic
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In summary, the conversation discusses the possibility of extremely dense objects such as neutron stars and black holes being possible due to the spaciousness of atoms and the immense pressure within these stars. The concept of electron degeneracy pressure and neutron degeneracy pressure is mentioned, and there is speculation about an intermediate state between neutron stars and black holes known as a quark star. However, due to the complexity of these calculations, it is difficult to determine what actually occurs in these extreme conditions.
  • #1
Hi forums.

Well maybe an easy question but it got me wondering last night.
In "universal phenomenon" like neutron stars or ordinary stars not to mention black holes which probably fall out of this category as we yet don't know the exact structure within them.
Now let's take a neutron star for example.A star that has like 1,5 the solar mass in a about a 24km Diameter sphere.
Now there is huge pressure inside the star and the core especially , I would even say mind boggling utterly unimaginable pressure.

Now knowing that the atom is very "empty" well the nucleus is very small and the space around it is pretty large compared to it , also the electron is one of the smallest elementary particles and has no inner structure could this mean that the super dense and extremely high pressure plasmas inside big stars and neutron stars are possible because of the spacious atom?
Or in other words are they possible because the atom has so much free space within it so that with enough gravitational potential as with a star it can push the the particles superclose as normally they would not do that because of their interactions like the electrostatic in case of two nucleus or two electrons?

And by the way shouldn't there be a limit to how dense a piece of matter can get because you squeeze protons and neutrons within the nucleus and the quarks are being squeezed as a result from that and apparently there should be a point where one can squeeze no more , like for the electron which is said to be a point type particle with no inner structure.As much as I understand the electron still is a piece of matter even though very small but is and then comes the questions how close and tight you can get them.
Actually this would apply to the Black Hole behind event horizon picture too.Too bad we don't have ny official science yet to explain what is really going on there.
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  • #2
You are right that it is hard to squeeze an electron towards the nucleus. When you do this you experience a sort of pressure that makes it difficult to squeeze electrons, this pressure is called the electron degeneracy pressure.

A neutron star has such immense pressure, however, that it overcomes this electron degeneracy and the electrons fuse together with the protons of the nucleus to become neutrons (hence why the neutron star is named such, because all the electrons and protons have become neutrons).

There there is a different degeneracy pressure keeping the star in the form of a neutron star (I forget what this is called; but neutron degeneracy pressure probably isn't a bad bet). It is quite possible that there is another intermediate state between this neutron star and the point where there is no force in the universe strong enough to hold the molecules apart from each other and the star collapses to a black hole.

There are several theories about what this state inbetween neutron stars and black holes are, a common one is the idea of a quark star:

However, because the equations that are involved in these super-massive super-dense calculations are not well known, it is hard to predict what actually occurs.

FAQ: How Does Extreme Pressure Affect Atomic Structure in Neutron Stars?

How does pressure affect the size of an atom?

As pressure is applied to an atom, the distance between its nucleus and electrons decreases. This is because the electrons are forced closer to the nucleus, resulting in a smaller atomic radius. This effect is known as 'electron compression'.

What happens to the size of an atom when it is under high pressure?

Under high pressure, atoms can experience significant changes in size. This is due to the increased force causing the electrons to be pushed closer to the nucleus, resulting in a smaller atomic radius. This effect is most noticeable in gases, where the atoms are already loosely bound together.

Does the size of an atom change when it is under low pressure?

Yes, the size of an atom can change when it is under low pressure. The atoms are able to expand when there is less pressure being applied, causing the electrons to move further away from the nucleus and resulting in a larger atomic radius. This can be observed in the expansion of gases when they are released from high pressure environments.

Is there a limit to how much pressure an atom can handle before its size changes?

Yes, there is a limit to how much pressure an atom can handle before its size changes. This is known as the 'crush limit' and is different for each type of atom. Once this limit is reached, the atom's structure may become unstable and its size may change significantly.

How does the size of an atom under pressure affect its chemical properties?

The change in size of an atom under pressure can have a significant impact on its chemical properties. For example, as the atomic radius decreases under high pressure, the atom's electron density increases, making it more reactive. This can lead to changes in the atom's bonding behavior and reactivity with other elements.

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