How Does Linear Framedragging Affect Parallel Moving Masses in Flat Spacetime?

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  • Thread starter BoraxZ
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In summary, two masses move through flat spacetime with opposite momenta and the only effect is that they move towards each other. if you want to analyze this kind of scenario you need to solve the Einstein Field Equation with the given stress-energy tensor to find the curved spacetime that your ansatz about the stress-energy tensor results in. Then you need to see what, if any, frame dragging effects there are in that curved spacetime.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
Will a linear framedragging effect influence the motion of two non-colinearly relativistically moving masses? Will it induce rotation in both masses?
Imagine two equal masses, m, moving through flat spacetime with opposite 3-momenta, as seen from an inertial frame in the COM.

In the massless case of two parallel, non-colinearly infinitely long moving bundles of light, Bonnor Beams, the beams are curved if the momenta are opposite, and stay straight when the momenta point in the same direction. The situation is not exactly the massless equivalent of the two masses, because the masses have no infinite extension.

If two identical massive particles move parallel with equal momenta the only effect is, obviously, that they move towards each other because of their mass. We can choose a reference frame in which both particles have zero momentum.

Let's look at the stress-energy tensor (from Wikipedia):


The only component in the stress-energy tensor in the case is the tt-component (00).

If the two masses travel colinearly and with opposite momenta, as seen in the COM frame (so they move directly at us or away from us), and assume the motion to be in the x-direction, then besides the tt-component (00), a tx- and xt-component (01 and 10), and an xx (11). The last one is the pressure in the x direction.

In the case I'm interested in we can choose the inertial COM frame so the velocities are directed parallel to the x-axis. They travel on parallel lines and have a closest approach d. We choose the origin of our frame to be in the middle of d.

The stress-energy tensor will contain tt, tx, ct, xx, ty, yt, xy, yx, and yy-components, so only the z-components are left out.

The problem is how to derive from this the metric as seen from the COM frame. Can we say something a priori? For example, will, as in the case of a rotating mass, a rotation be induced in the masses after they have passed each other? Which won't happen in classical mechanics, obviously.
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  • #2
BoraxZ said:
TL;DR Summary: Will a linear framedragging effect influence the motion of two non-colinearly relativistically moving masses? Will it induce rotation in both masses?

Imagine two equal masses, m, moving through flat spacetime
There is no frame dragging of any kind in flat spacetime.

If you want to analyze this kind of scenario, you need to solve the Einstein Field Equation with the given stress-energy tensor to find the curved spacetime that your ansatz about the stress-energy tensor results in. Then you need to see what, if any, frame dragging effects there are in that curved spacetime.

If you have the necessary background for an "A" level thread in the relativity forum, you should be able to do this.
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
There is no frame dragging of any kind in flat spacetime.

If you want to analyze this kind of scenario, you need to solve the Einstein Field Equation with the given stress-energy tensor to find the curved spacetime that your ansatz about the stress-energy tensor results in. Then you need to see what, if any, frame dragging effects there are in that curved spacetime.

If you have the necessary background for an "A" level thread in the relativity forum, you should be able to do this.
Yes, indeed. Can we say a priori that the metric should contain off-diagonal components?

I was thinking about what you wrote about flat spacetime. I guess what I meant was that they are moving in an asymptotically flat spacetime with no other mass-energy currents
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  • #4
BoraxZ said:
Can we say a priori that the metric should contain off-diagonal components?
I'm not sure you can say anything a priori without doing some math.

BoraxZ said:
I guess what I meant was that they are moving in an asymptotically flat spacetime with no other mass-energy currents
That's fine, but it doesn't change what you need to do as I described in my previous post.
  • #5
PeterDonis said:
I'm not sure you can say anything a priori without doing some math.
I don't know. I think for most spacetime manifolds the metric is diagonizable. For the static Schwarzschild metric this is the case. It's static. But for the stationary Kerr-metric this seems impossible. Are there criteria for telling this in advance? But that's another question.
  • #6
BoraxZ said:
I think for most spacetime manifolds the metric is diagonizable.
No, for "most" of them it is not. Most manifolds don't have the high degree of symmetry of the particular examples you appear to be familiar with.

BoraxZ said:
Are there criteria for telling this in advance?
Not in general, no.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
No, for "most" of them it is not. Most manifolds don't have the high degree of symmetry of the particular examples you appear to be familiar with.Not in general, no.
I see what you mean. I couldn't find any examples in the net of linear framedragging. It's My guess that two parallel moving massive 2D plates (while holding them somehow at a constant distance) will come to rest asymptotically. Like two anti-parallel Bonnor beams get curved (though that happens because they are 3D, and a 2D beams would probably get frequency shifted only).

Well, I'll see. Just applying the EFE should do the trick. We can ignore, in case of relativistic motion and small masses, the direct gravity contribution, coming from the masses only..
  • #8
BoraxZ said:
It's My guess that two parallel moving massive 2D plates (while holding them somehow at a constant distance) will come to rest asymptotically.
You can't just magically hold them at a constant distance. Either that motion is consistent with the spacetime geometry you get from the stress-energy tensor, or it isn't. In GR, unlike in, for example, electromagnetism, you can't arbitrarily specify the motion of matter; the entire solution, including matter motions, has to be self-consistent.

BoraxZ said:
We can ignore, in case of relativistic motion and small masses, the direct gravity contribution, coming from the masses only..
No, we can't do any such thing, since what you are calling the "direct gravity contribution" will be a larger effect on the spacetime geometry than any possible frame dragging effects you are interested in.
  • #9
PeterDonis said:
No, we can't do any such thing, since what you are calling the "direct gravity contribution" will be a larger effect on the spacetime geometry than any possible frame dragging effects you are interested in.
I'm not sure about this. If two, say, bricks move close to the speed of light past each other, it seems that the framedragging effects beats the direct gravity. The direct gravity depends on their masses only. Of course there could form a black hole if the relative velocity are hyper-relativistic. But that's not because of their mass.
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  • #10
PeterDonis said:
You can't just magically hold them at a constant distance
Can't you put a construction between them over which both planes can slide frictionlessly?
Anyhow, it seems the relative velocity of plates wil reduce, producing gravitational waves.

I think two bricks will induce rotation in one another.
  • #11
BoraxZ said:
If two, say, bricks move close to the speed of light past each other, it seems that the framedragging effects beats the direct gravity.
Don't go by what "seems". Do the math.

BoraxZ said:
The direct gravity depends on their masses only.
No, it doesn't. Gravity is not a force in GR. The overall spacetime curvature depends on the stress-energy tensor. With mass in motion, at a minimum you either need to include its momentum, or you need to model it as a continuous fluid and include its pressure, in the "source" of what you are thinking of as "direct gravity".

BoraxZ said:
Of course there could form a black hole if the relative velocity are hyper-relativistic.
No, they can't. We have had umpteen previous threads on this.

BoraxZ said:
Can't you put a construction between them over which both planes can slide frictionlessly?
If you include the stress-energy of this "construction" in the overall stress-energy tensor, sure. But then the "construction" will also be a source of gravity, as it should be.

BoraxZ said:
Anyhow, it seems the relative velocity of plates wil reduce, producing gravitational waves.
"Seems" is pointless. Do the math.

BoraxZ said:
I think two bricks will induce rotation in one another.
Don't "think". Do the math.
  • #12
@BoraxZ I am closing this thread as you have done nothing but wave your hands and speculate. If and when you have some actual math to present, PM me and I can reopen the thread so you can post it.
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FAQ: How Does Linear Framedragging Affect Parallel Moving Masses in Flat Spacetime?

What is linear framedragging?

Linear framedragging refers to the phenomenon where the rotation of a massive object influences the spacetime around it, causing nearby objects to experience a twisting effect in their trajectories. This effect is more pronounced in the vicinity of rotating bodies, such as planets or stars, and is a consequence of the general theory of relativity.

How does framedragging affect parallel moving masses?

When two masses are moving parallel to each other in a region affected by framedragging, the rotation of the nearby massive body can alter their paths. The framedragging effect can cause these masses to drift slightly in their trajectories, leading to a change in their relative positions over time, depending on their distance from the rotating mass and the strength of the framedragging effect.

Is framedragging significant in flat spacetime?

In flat spacetime, the effects of framedragging are generally minimal compared to curved spacetime scenarios, such as those near a rotating black hole or neutron star. However, even in flat spacetime, if a massive rotating object is present, there can still be measurable framedragging effects, albeit less pronounced than in regions of significant curvature.

What are the implications of framedragging in astrophysics?

Framedragging has important implications in astrophysics, especially in the study of rotating celestial bodies and their interactions with nearby objects. It can affect the orbits of satellites around planets, the motion of stars in galaxies, and the dynamics of accretion disks around black holes, influencing the overall behavior of these systems.

Can framedragging be experimentally measured?

Yes, framedragging has been experimentally measured. One notable experiment is the Gravity Probe B mission, which aimed to test Einstein's predictions regarding general relativity, including framedragging. The results confirmed the existence of framedragging effects, providing strong evidence for the theory and enhancing our understanding of how rotating masses influence their surroundings.
