How is allergy immunotherapy serum made?

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  • Thread starter leto
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In summary, the conversation discusses the process of making a serum for allergies and the costs associated with allergy tests and immunotherapy. The individual is frustrated with the high prices and the greed in the medical system. They also mention their personal experience with allergy shots and mention that they are capable of finding alternative options.
  • #1
So I've been dedicating this year to my health, and I need to take care of my allergy problem. Does anyone know how the serum is made such that it's sterilized but doesn't harm the allergens?

I can't find anything about it using google, and I'm not paying ridiculous amounts for something so simple. Those idiots want $100 for the serum and $80 per injection plus 1k for the test to see what I react to when it's brain dead simple stuff. (Other than making the serum. I know there is danger to a strong reaction to the serum as well, but I can inject myself with the antihistamine to keep myself from dying just as well as they can.) God I hate the greed in the medical system.
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  • #2
The serum is the actual allergen that you are allergic to.

The allergy test determines to what exactly you are allergic to. When I took the test I got reaction to at least 10 different things.

The immunotherapy is a progressive injection of those allergens you are allergic to with increasing concentration every week, or two. After a few years of injections, the immune system gets dumbed down, and stops responding to those allergens.

Allergy shots can be quite expensive. You have to do some shopping around. The cheapest one I've seen is for $25 bucks per injection.
  • #3
I tested positive to over 20 things, the worst being trees and grasses. I took the shots for 2 years, and I went from being horribly miserable with swollen eyes to just a few sniffles during the tree and grass season.
I have heard they don't work for everyone.
  • #4
Thanks, but I knew this stuff. I'm looking to side step it since I'm fairly capable and the greed in the medical system in the US disgusts me. I would have it done in Mexico like I did everything else, but it won't work since it's over such a long period of time.

waht said:
The serum is the actual allergen that you are allergic to.

The allergy test determines to what exactly you are allergic to. When I took the test I got reaction to at least 10 different things.

The immunotherapy is a progressive injection of those allergens you are allergic to with increasing concentration every week, or two. After a few years of injections, the immune system gets dumbed down, and stops responding to those allergens.

Allergy shots can be quite expensive. You have to do some shopping around. The cheapest one I've seen is for $25 bucks per injection.
  • #5
How many serums or allergens are there in the allergy tests? I don't think I'd want to risk injecting contaminated serum into my system. Are you a medical student or just someone who wants to save a buck or two? Do you have health insurance that could perhaps help cover some of the allergy test costs?

FAQ: How is allergy immunotherapy serum made?

1. How is allergy immunotherapy serum made?

Allergy immunotherapy serum, also known as allergy shots, is made through a process called "allergen specific immunotherapy." This involves creating a serum that contains small amounts of the specific allergens that a person is allergic to. These allergens are extracted from natural sources, such as pollen or dust, and are then mixed with a solution containing preservatives and other ingredients to create the serum.

2. What is the purpose of allergy immunotherapy serum?

The purpose of allergy immunotherapy serum is to gradually desensitize a person's immune system to specific allergens. This is done by exposing the immune system to small amounts of the allergen over a period of time, which helps the body build up a tolerance and reduce the severity of allergic reactions.

3. How is the serum customized for each individual's allergies?

Before starting allergy immunotherapy, a person will undergo allergy testing to determine which specific allergens they are allergic to. Based on the results of these tests, the serum is customized to contain the specific allergens that a person is allergic to. This ensures that the treatment is targeted and effective for each individual.

4. How is the potency of the serum determined?

The potency of the serum is determined through a process called "titration." This involves gradually increasing the concentration of allergens in the serum until the desired potency is reached. The potency of the serum may vary for each individual, as it is based on their specific allergies and tolerance levels.

5. How is allergy immunotherapy serum administered?

Allergy immunotherapy serum is administered through injections, typically given in the upper arm. The injections are initially given once or twice a week, and then gradually spaced out to once every few weeks as the treatment progresses. It is important to follow the recommended schedule and receive the injections regularly for the treatment to be effective.
