How to find force necessary to propel a 51g object 120 m/s

  • Thread starter RMorrow
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In summary, to fire a Nerf mini-vortex football at 120 m/s from compressed air, you will need to apply a force of at least .0612 N.
  • #1
I am building a cannon of sorts, from which a Nerf mini-vortex football needs to be fired at 120 (at least) metres/second from compressed air. What force will be necessary to achieve this? preferably in psi.
Additional Info:
Mass of Projectile: ~51g

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
If you assume the minimum acceleration needed is 120 m/s^2, you have:

.51g = .00051 kg

F=MA so F=(.00051 kg)(120 m/s^2) --> F= (.0612 N)

Now Force and Pressure are two different things, so you won't be able to convert directly between the two, but Pressure=[itex]\frac{Force}{Area}[/itex] so if you know the cannon's specs you can figure out the pressure required.

Note 1: This is the minimum pressure and it is assuming that the projectile will be accelerated over a period of 1 second, considering it will most likely be far less time than that, you will have to adjust the pressure accordingly.

Note 2: If I did my math right, the pressure you would get out of these equations will be in Pascals, not PSI, but any computer converter can translate between the two.
  • #3
An important question that needs to be answered is; Over what distance will the object be accelerated? That will determine how much force you will need, along with the desired final velocity.

Using the two equations for position and velocity as well a known parameters
x = .5a*(t)^2
v = a*t
v = 120m/s
m = .051kg
x = (distance to be accelerated over)m

We can determine the acceleration required

(t = v/a) -> (x = .5a*(t)^2) = (x = .5a*(v/a)^2)

x = .5*(v^2)/a
a = .5*(v^2)/x

Since F = m*a, then a = F/m
Putting that in we get, F/m = .5*(v^2)/x
So, F = .5*m*(v^2)/x

Force is in Newtons so then convert to pounds; After that you'll want to divide that by the area (in, in^2) that the pressure is being applied over to determine the needed PSI.

That's the best I can do. You'll will need to tweak the final pressure since I'm assuming that this an ideal situation in my head.

FAQ: How to find force necessary to propel a 51g object 120 m/s

1. What is the formula for calculating force?

The formula for calculating force is F = m x a, where F is the force in Newtons, m is the mass in kilograms, and a is the acceleration in meters per second squared.

2. How do you calculate the mass of an object?

The mass of an object can be calculated by dividing its weight (in Newtons) by the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s^2).

3. What is the acceleration needed to propel an object to 120 m/s?

The acceleration needed to propel an object to 120 m/s can be calculated by dividing the desired velocity by the time it takes to reach that velocity. For example, if the object reaches 120 m/s in 10 seconds, the acceleration would be 120/10 = 12 m/s^2.

4. How can I find the force necessary to propel a 51g object?

To find the force necessary to propel a 51g object, you will first need to convert the mass to kilograms by dividing it by 1000. Then, you can use the formula F = m x a and plug in the mass and desired acceleration.

5. Is the force needed to propel the object constant?

No, the force needed to propel the object will change depending on the mass of the object and the desired velocity. As the mass or velocity increases, the force required to propel the object will also increase.

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