How will rain affect a discs flight?

In summary: I think the divots help to keep the boundary layer from separating too much and the water droplets don't stay on the disk for very long.In summary, the Professional says that rain will decrease the distance of a thrown disc by less than 1 percent. The rest of us aren't buying it, so assuming that there is no head or tail wind present and no outside friction sources other than the normal friction produced by the atmosphere, how much decrease in distance would one encounter while throwing a disc in the rain.
  • #1
How will rain affect a discs flight??

We're having an argument on how much rain will reduce the distance of a thrown disc. We have a "professional" disc golfer here who says that it would decrease his distance by less than 1 percent. The rest of us aren't buying it. So, assuming that there is no head or tail wind present and no outside friction sources other than the normal friction produced by the atmosphere, how much decrease in distance would one encounter while throwing a disc in the rain. Assume that it's a normal rain shower and not a torrential down pour, whatever normal is.
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  • #2

Seems to me 1% isn't unreasonable. By volume, what is the ratio of water versus air in its flight? Surely less than 1%. By mass, what is the ratio of disc to accumulated rain? Surely less than 1%.

There are certainly many other factors to consider, I'm just ballparking orders of magnitude.
  • #3

Water vapor is less dense than air (molecular weight of water = 18 compared with 28 for nitrogen and 32 for oxygen) so the aerodynamic lift and drag will both be reduced by the increased humidity that accompanies the rain. Which of those factors "wins" in terms of changing the range will depend how much the disk "flies" as it is thrown.

Any water droplets that remain on the disk will tend to mess up the aerodynamics, increase the drag and reduce the lift, but I guess they won't stay there for long because of the forward velocity and/or spin of the disk. @DaveC, this is not caused by the added mass of the water droplets, but the change in surface shape of the disk affecting the boundary layer of the air flow.

I don't know now to estimate the effect of these things on the range, though.
  • #4

AlephZero said:
Any water droplets that remain on the disk will tend to mess up the aerodynamics, increase the drag and reduce the lift,
Hey, golf balls and some designs for airplane wings actually incorporate rows of bumps or divots in order to control the boundary layer and flow separation. :wink:
  • #5 I don't know now to estimate the effect of these things on the range, though.
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  • #6

DaveC426913 said:
Hey, golf balls and some designs for airplane wings actually incorporate rows of bumps or divots in order to control the boundary layer and flow separation. :wink:

Yes, but the key word in that sentence is "design", not a random arrangement of random sized bumps.
  • #7

laurent711 said: I don't know now to estimate the effect of these things on the range, though.

Your image isn't displaying for me (in Internet Explorer) - but "now" was a typo for "how".
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  • #8

AlephZero said:
Yes, but the key word in that sentence is "design", not a random arrangement of random sized bumps.
I know. I was really reachin'...

FAQ: How will rain affect a discs flight?

1. How does rain affect the aerodynamics of a disc?

Rain can have a significant impact on the aerodynamics of a disc. The water droplets in the air create more drag, which slows down the disc and affects its flight path. Additionally, the wet surface of the disc can cause it to lose its grip and spin, leading to less stability and accuracy in flight.

2. Will a disc fly farther or shorter in the rain?

In general, a disc will fly shorter in the rain due to the increased drag and loss of stability caused by wet conditions. However, this can also depend on the type of disc and the amount of rain. Some discs may be designed to handle wet conditions better and still maintain their flight distance.

3. Can rain impact the disc's grip and release?

Yes, rain can definitely affect the grip and release of a disc. Wet conditions can make the disc slippery, making it harder to hold onto and release with the desired spin. This can result in less accuracy and control over the disc's flight path.

4. How can I adjust my throwing technique in the rain?

In order to compensate for the effects of rain on a disc's flight, it may be helpful to adjust your throwing technique. You can try throwing with a lower trajectory, using more spin, or adjusting your grip to compensate for the slipperiness of the disc. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you in wet conditions.

5. Are there any specific types of discs that are better for playing in the rain?

There are some discs that are specifically designed to handle wet conditions better. These discs may have a more textured surface or be made of a material that provides better grip in the rain. It's always a good idea to have a few different types of discs in your bag to choose from depending on the weather conditions.

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