Is Homework the Key to Success in Physics III?

  • Thread starter Eric_meyers
  • Start date
In summary, the syllabus has just been released and homework is assigned a weight of 50% of the course grade. This means that by coming to these forums for help, the student can reasonably expect to get an A in the class.
  • #1
So the syllabus has just been released for my Physics III class, and homework is being assigned a weight of 50% of my course grade.

So, pretty much by just coming here to these forums for my homework questions - I can reasonably expect to get an A in my class. wow.
Physics news on
  • #2
Eric_meyers said:
So the syllabus has just been released for my Physics III class, and homework is being assigned a weight of 50% of my course grade.

So, pretty much by just coming here to these forums for my homework questions - I can reasonably expect to get an A in my class. wow.

What is the breakdown for the remaining 50%?

50% homework does look great, however it means it will probably be a low curve class and impossible midterms and finals to compensate.
  • #3
Eric_meyers said:
So the syllabus has just been released for my Physics III class, and homework is being assigned a weight of 50% of my course grade.

So, pretty much by just coming here to these forums for my homework questions - I can reasonably expect to get an A in my class. wow.

I assume you'll need to display extensive mathematical steps because many academic problems have worked-out solutions easy to find on the web.
  • #4
Flat said:
What is the breakdown for the remaining 50%?

50% homework does look great, however it means it will probably be a low curve class and impossible midterms and finals to compensate.

2 tests each worth 10% and 30% final.

He writes his own homework problems and they're incredibly hard, I hope his exams aren't too too tough because for the midterms we'll be taking them in class and our class is only 50 minutes long.

So I assume the exams will be watered down math questions or just concept questions because not even a PhD can do say a coupled spring system calculation in less than 20 minutes.
  • #5
You have to beware of a common student affliction: "I can do the homework; I just can't do the test." (This is related to another one: "I understand the material, but I just can't do the problems.") Being able to work a problem with virtually unlimited time and access to people who can help doesn't always translate into being able to work a problem quickly on your own.

Eric_meyers said:
not even a PhD can do say a coupled spring system calculation in less than 20 minutes.

Don't be so sure of that.
  • #6
Something like this would be the death of me! Last physics class I took I averaged about 84% in homework and something like 105% on the exams, lol.

Interesting for him to weight homework so heavily though, I wonder what his policy is on group work?

FAQ: Is Homework the Key to Success in Physics III?

1. What topics will be covered in this syllabus?

The syllabus will cover a variety of topics related to the subject of study, including theories, methods, and practical applications. It will also include a breakdown of the course schedule and assignments.

2. What are the learning objectives of this syllabus?

The learning objectives of this syllabus are to provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter, develop critical thinking and analytical skills, and enhance practical application of the concepts learned.

3. How will the course be graded according to this syllabus?

The course will be graded based on a combination of assignments, exams, and class participation. The syllabus will provide a breakdown of the grading criteria and the weightage assigned to each component.

4. Are there any required textbooks or readings for this syllabus?

Yes, the syllabus will include a list of required textbooks and readings for the course. It is important to acquire these materials in a timely manner to stay on track with the course material.

5. Can this syllabus be modified or changed during the course?

The syllabus may be subject to change based on the discretion of the instructor. Any changes will be communicated to students in a timely manner and will not significantly alter the course objectives or requirements.

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