Hypothesis for the separation of variables method

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the separation of variables method for partial differential equations and the conditions under which it can be applied. The participants also discuss the role of homogeneity in boundary conditions and the limitations of the method. They also share resources for learning how to use LaTeX.
  • #1
Hello !

I'm having a hard time finding the exact hypotheses which would allow me to use the separation of variables method for partial differential equations.

I want a clear statement telling me 'when you have that very kind of partial differential equation (with precise boundary and initial conditions), you can apply the method'.

I'd be glad if someone could write me the full theorem or give me a good link.

Thank you ! ;-)
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  • #2
Maybe someone has a better answer, but in the meantime, at least for examples that come to my mind:

1 The symmetry of the problem?

2 It works? You will certainly be able to know if it gives you solutions, then whether these are the only ones is another question.
  • #3
I'm pretty much with epenguin. The equation itself is not enough. Many equations are separable in some coordinate systems but not others.
  • #4
Okay, I see.

I'm going to try to explain better what I don't grasp.

Imagine that I have to solve, for example, the one-dimensional heat equation (no source, constant coefficients) in cartesian coordinates, with certain boundary and initial conditions.

There are two things that I'd like to know :

1) The heat equation is of course separable (leading to 2 ordinary differential equations), and one can say that the solution takes the form [tex]\psi(x,t) = \phi(x) g(t)[\tex]. When you use this form, you choose very special fonctions [tex]\psi(x,t)[\tex]. Why can we say that the general solution to the heat equation takes this form ? Is it possible to see from the partial differential equation if all the solutions will take this form ?

2) What is the exact role of homogeneity in the boundary conditions ?

These two questions might be related... As I don't have a clear picture of all the exact conditions (and consequently my questions are not very transparent as well).

Thanks ! ;-)

EDIT : can somebody tell me how to use LaTeX ?
  • #6
TeTeC said:
1) The heat equation is of course separable (leading to 2 ordinary differential equations), and one can say that the solution takes the form [tex]\psi(x,t) = \phi(x) g(t)[\tex]. When you use this form, you choose very special fonctions [tex]\psi(x,t)[\tex]. Why can we say that the general solution to the heat equation takes this form ? Is it possible to see from the partial differential equation if all the solutions will take this form ?

2) What is the exact role of homogeneity in the boundary conditions ?
1) We do not assume the general solution takes a special form (trig functions, exponentials, bessel functions, orthogonal polynomials, spherical harmonics ect.) we assume the general solution can be expanded in them. Such functions are complete sets every function (satisfying mild conditions) can be expanded in them.

2) We need homogeneity in boundry conditions so that we can separate the variables. That is if u(x,t)=f(x)g(t) when we solve for f or g the boundry conditions would normally (without homogeneity)
depend on the other variable thus the function would as well
we can sometimes tediously avoid this

say we solve laplaces equation on a square

everything goes nice
how about a slight change to

we will not in general be able to solve this directly

now consider

this like A is easily solved
the sum of our solutions to A and C solve B even though we failed to solve B directly
  • #7
I would suggest not trying to thing of this method in generality but rather in specific examples
It is a very limited method
how would you sovle the wave equation on a duck shaped region for example?
  • #8
The separability of Laplace and Helmoltz equations in a coordinate system is possible if and only if the cofactor of the Staekel matrix and metric tensor satisfy some appropriate relations. Look at the introductory pages of
Springer 1961

FAQ: Hypothesis for the separation of variables method

1. What is the separation of variables method?

The separation of variables method is a mathematical technique used to solve differential equations by separating the variables in the equation into individual functions. This method is often used in physics and engineering to find solutions to complex problems.

2. How does the separation of variables method work?

The separation of variables method involves assuming that the solution to the differential equation can be expressed as the product of two functions, each depending on only one of the variables in the equation. The equation is then rearranged so that all terms containing one variable are on one side of the equation and all terms containing the other variable are on the other side. This allows the two functions to be separated and solved individually.

3. What types of equations can be solved using the separation of variables method?

The separation of variables method is most commonly used to solve linear partial differential equations, but it can also be applied to some nonlinear equations. It is particularly useful for solving boundary value problems in physics and engineering.

4. What are the advantages of using the separation of variables method?

The separation of variables method is a powerful tool for solving differential equations because it allows for the use of simple algebraic techniques to solve complex problems. It can also provide a general solution that can be used to solve a wide range of similar problems.

5. Are there any limitations to the separation of variables method?

While the separation of variables method is a useful technique, it is not applicable to all types of differential equations. It is most effective for linear equations with separable variables, and it may not work for more complicated equations. Additionally, some solutions obtained using this method may not be valid for all values of the variables, so it is important to check for any restrictions on the solution.
