I don't know how to explain this in debug

  • Thread starter yungman
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  • #36
jedishrfu said:
What was the value of midpoint?

When I look at failing statements like this in Java I look at these components:
- DirV - is it null or a bad-pointer?
- midPt - is the value within the range of 0<= midPt < length of the array ?
- DirV[midPt] - does the DirV[midPt] string look okay or is it not initialized or not what you expect?
- Dir - is it null or a bad-pointer?
- Dir.name - is the string what you expect?

I saw where you defined the DirV structure and used char name[namelen] but in your code I don't see any strcpy of Dir.name to that string? I also saw where you assign Dir to DirV but never allocate new space for Dir. This means that DirV will contain the pointer to Dir and since you didn't allocate new space every entry in DirV will point to the same Dir and will all get changed when you change the contents of Dir.


Does that make sense?

Line 38 I see where you're doing a string compare which is really comparing pointers and not the strings.

Definitely agree with jedishrfu - But I Would suggest you to read these articles ;

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  • #37
Thanks for sharing your insight here but since the thread is quite old I’m sure the OP has resolved his difficulties or moved to a new profession.

Time now to close this thread.