Maximizing Efficiency: Tips for Translating a Book in a Team"

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In summary, the conversation is about two friends planning to translate a book together but not wanting to be in the same place physically. They have been emailing pages to each other to translate, but it is a slow process. They are seeking advice from real translators on how to work as a team. One suggestion is to use a scanner instead of typing, or to make photocopies of the book. It is also mentioned that buying a translated version of the book may be a better option.
  • #1
... here is PF and and most of PF people, do like stupid questions :biggrin:
Here is the problem:
Me and my friend planned to translate a book. We have only one book.
And we don't want to be in the same place, physically, even for one minute.
Till now, I typed some pages of the book and emailed to her and after translating she would send it to me. You know the process of typing takes me long hours.
Is there any real translator here to give me advice on this?
What real translators usually do when they want to translate a book in a team?
After hours of thinking and thinking I decided to split the book to two equal parts, sending one half to her and keeping the other one for myself. After translating our halves we can merge it again. Is it a good idea?
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  • #2
First of all a good idea would be to find friends that you can be in the same room with. But if there really isn't any other way I would sugest using a sccaner. It's a lot faster than typing. Another way would be copy the book with a fotocopyer (I hope this is the right expresion in English) aldo you might have problems if the book is copywrighted. And by the way have you thought of buying another book.
  • #3
what a friendship ;)

they probably sell the book already translated. what is this book?
  • #4
My sister is a free-lanz translator (usually short docuents like letters) and works alone. I can't think of any books I've read that were translated by a team. If there are any translator teams, each probably works out their own procedures (i.e. there aren't any set guidelines for two-person translations).

I agree with Lenin, that a photocopier would be a much better way to copy the parts you want to send to your friend.

FAQ: Maximizing Efficiency: Tips for Translating a Book in a Team"

What is the meaning behind "I know, it's stupid but"?

The phrase "I know, it's stupid but" is often used as a disclaimer or justification for a statement or action that the speaker knows may be deemed foolish or illogical by others.

Why do people use the phrase "I know, it's stupid but"?

People may use this phrase as a way to acknowledge that they are aware of the potential foolishness of their statement or action, but still want to express their thoughts or feelings.

Is the use of "I know, it's stupid but" a sign of insecurity?

Not necessarily. While it can be seen as a way of seeking validation or approval from others, it can also simply be a way of acknowledging that one's own thoughts or actions may not align with societal norms or expectations.

Can "I know, it's stupid but" be replaced with a more confident phrase?

Yes, it is possible to rephrase the statement to convey more confidence and certainty. However, it is important to also consider the potential impact of the statement and ensure that it is respectful and considerate of others.

Is using "I know, it's stupid but" a form of self-deprecation?

In some cases, yes. This phrase can be used as a form of self-deprecation, where the speaker downplays their own thoughts or actions. However, it can also be used as a way of acknowledging potential flaws or weaknesses in one's own argument or perspective.

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