I paid *unknown, but expensive* to see your country.

  • Thread starter recon
  • Start date
In summary, the family will be spending 5 days in Disneyland and 1 day in California Adventure. They will also visit Universal Studios.
  • #1
I arrive in the U.S of A on December 1. I'll be in L.A., California with my family to do a bit of sightseeing. You guessed it - we'll be in Disneyland for 5 days. My uncle from Canada is driving down to L.A. to meet us, and we'll be touring L.A. in his car. We will also be visiting Universal Studios.

I hope that by revealing the fact that I have a 7-year-old brother, you will understand our itinerary.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
recon said:
I hope that by revealing the fact that I have a 7-year-old brother, you will understand our itinerary.

Disney is for kids of ALL ages! :biggrin: Have a GREAT time!
  • #3
7 year old brother, sure.
Look there's nothing wrong with wanting to go to Disneyland. so remember, you can lie to your friends but don't lie to us.
  • #4
Don't forget to visit the Grand Canyon in AZ.

(I can get you a great deal at a hotel in Flagstaff.)
  • #5
I'm not sure why I didn't want to say this in the first post, but I'll actually be spending very little time in the U.S. (a week) and more time in Canada (a week and a half).

The Grand Canyon is less than a day's drive from L.A., right?
  • #7
and if you go to the Grand Canyon you can stop by and say hi.
Arctic, how can you get good deals in Flagstaff? I go there about 3 times a month.
  • #8
tribdog said:
and if you go to the Grand Canyon you can stop by and say hi.
Arctic, how can you get good deals in Flagstaff? I go there about 3 times a month.

How close are you to the Grand Canyon?
  • #9
tribdog said:
and if you go to the Grand Canyon you can stop by and say hi.
Arctic, how can you get good deals in Flagstaff? I go there about 3 times a month.

Connections... :cool:

I'm friends with someone who owns several hotels in Flag.

PM me if you'd like.
  • #10
Moonbear said:
How close are you to the Grand Canyon?
not too close, we're just friends.

actually I'm about 2-3 hours away
  • #11
recon said:
I'm not sure why I didn't want to say this in the first post, but I'll actually be spending very little time in the U.S. (a week) and more time in Canada (a week and a half).

The Grand Canyon is less than a day's drive from L.A., right?

recon, if you are driving from LA to Canada, could you stop and say hi to your Auntie in Oregon?? And instead of planning a special trip way out of the way (not really :biggrin: :devil:) to the Grand Canyon, it would be just a short jaunt off of I-5 (major interstate freeway) on the way to Canada to see the amazing and world-reknown Giant Artichoke in Castroville, CA!


Sure beats the Grand Canyon all to heck, doesn't it? :smile: :smile:
  • #12
recon, you also have an auntie over at UCLA, so let me know if you would like a tour. :smile:
  • #13
You will be passing in sight of what should become a PF shrine. The Home Depot in Albany Oregon, Where Ivan Seeking and I first met for hot dogs. At least honk when you go by! (Oregon I5 exit 234)
  • #14
recon said:
My uncle from Canada is driving down to L.A. to meet us, and we'll be touring L.A. in his car.

where in Canada? somewhere in southern BC i guess; maybe victoria, vancouver, squamish...
  • #15
recon said:
I arrive in the U.S of A on December 1. I'll be in L.A., California with my family to do a bit of sightseeing. You guessed it - we'll be in Disneyland for 5 days. My uncle from Canada is driving down to L.A. to meet us, and we'll be touring L.A. in his car. We will also be visiting Universal Studios.

I hope that by revealing the fact that I have a 7-year-old brother, you will understand our itinerary.

It doesn't take any longer than two days to see all of the Disney resort. A day and a half for Disneyland and half a day for California Adventure. If you want to shop Downtown Disney, I suppose another half-day. Promise me you'll see Innoventions when you go to Disneyland. I used to perform in the shows there.
  • #16
recon said:
I arrive in the U.S of A on December 1. I'll be in L.A., California with my family to do a bit of sightseeing. You guessed it - we'll be in Disneyland for 5 days. My uncle from Canada is driving down to L.A. to meet us, and we'll be touring L.A. in his car. We will also be visiting Universal Studios.

I hope that by revealing the fact that I have a 7-year-old brother, you will understand our itinerary.

I'm going to California too! (but on December 26th i think) --> :mad:
  • #17
fourier jr said:
where in Canada? somewhere in southern BC i guess; maybe victoria, vancouver, squamish...

He's from Vancouver.

*Looks for a Map of the USA*

Arizona is way, way out of the way, so sorry tribdog - I guess I won't get to see the Grand Canyon. I hope that the more accessible Giant Artichoke will make a good substitute as I don't think I can pass up the opportunity to see a major American vegetable. I've seen Frozen Broccolis before, so that's off my list already.

We'll be making a stop for the night on our road trip to Canada. I'm not sure where that stop will be made, but it might very well be in Oregon or near Oregon, seeing that it is right between California and Washington. I'll make sure that I'm wide awake all along the I-5.

loseyourname, it was my uncle's suggestion that we spend 5 days at Disneyland. Apparently, if you buy a 3-day pass to Disneyland, they give you an additional 2-day entrance for free. I'm already looking forward to visiting Innoventions.
  • #18
You must be leaving real soon, I imagine...so have a nice trip :smile:
  • #19
Wave to Lake Shasta for me! It's the best houseboating and waterskiing lake in the world! :biggrin:
  • #20
O.K., people. I guess this is my last post until I get to Canada. See you all in 10 days.
  • #21
I've seen the giant Artichoke. Drove through some town in California about a month or two ago. The entire town is dedicated to artichokes. Fast Food restaurants serving nothing but deep fried artichokes, paintings and sculptures of artichokes. Actually artichokes have come a long way, for a thistle.
  • #22
Hello all. I'm transiting at Changi International Airport now, and am on one of the computers they have there.
  • #23
Well, welcome when you get here! Go see a Lakers game while you'rwn there, you can prolly get tickets online. I would suggest hockey, but the season is all but cancelled.
  • #24
recon! You've got to go to Magic Mountain (North of LA)! It's a GREAT place! AWESOME rides! I LOVE NINJA! I could ride that thing all day! WOOHOOOOOOOO! :smile:
  • #25
hmmm Magic Mountain eh? Does it have mushrooms on it?
  • #26
No. You have to bring your own. :biggrin:
  • #27
I didn't expect that I would be able to post before getting to Canada, but...here I am at Innoventions, Disneyland, using one of the laptops that they have here and surfing PF.

It's great to be able to be on PF, again.
  • #28
Hey! recon! WOOHOOOOOOO! Go have dinner at The Blue Bayou by Pirates of the Carribbean! YUM!
Now. Why aren't you on one of the fun rides?? Noooo. You're sitting in front of a computer surfing PF while at Disneyland? YOU ARE TOO YOUNG TO BE AN ADDICT! JOIN IN THE FUN AT DISNEYLAND OR JOIN A 12-STEP PROGRAM NOW! :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • #29
Tsunami said:
recon! You've got to go to Magic Mountain (North of LA)! It's a GREAT place! AWESOME rides! I LOVE NINJA! I could ride that thing all day! WOOHOOOOOOOO! :smile:

ONe of the newest rides, X is great. I can't describe it...just awesome...
  • #30
Oooooo. Yeah! I've seen that on MegaScience. I WANT it! And every other ride on that show! Those look awesome!
Last edited:
  • #31
Wish I'd seen this sooner and I could have given you a list of places to visit

1. Knottsberry farms- right near disneyland
2. san diego zoo-2 hour drive from LA
3. Sea World in San Diego
4. Long beach aquarium
5. You're already going to universal studios, so do the whole hollywood thing, etc etc
6. Six Flaggs north of LA
7. bad time to go swimming in th ocean, but check out santa monica pier and all that jazz
  • #32
Zantra said:
Wish I'd seen this sooner and I could have given you a list of places to visit

1. Knottsberry farms- right near disneyland
2. san diego zoo-2 hour drive from LA
3. Sea World in San Diego
4. Long beach aquarium
5. You're already going to universal studios, so do the whole hollywood thing, etc etc
6. Six Flaggs north of LA
7. bad time to go swimming in th ocean, but check out santa monica pier and all that jazz

I don't know how you're getting from LA to San Diego in 2 hours but i want to know! From Lancaster it takes me 4, and its only an hour from there to LA. I hate the 405. Hate Hate Hate!
  • #33
Having spent WAY too many hours on them in the 30+ years that I lived in California, I hate every freeway in the greater LA area. I avoid them like the plague.
  • #34
If he's in Vancouver right now, he's getting treated to some beautiful weather.

7C and pouring rain.

Gotta love the Pacific Coast.

  • #35
She, ek, recon's a she. :biggrin:

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