Idiot Media Part II: Rush Limbaugh

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In summary, the conversation revolves around the controversy surrounding radio host Rush Limbaugh. On one side, there are those who believe that the media should report on Limbaugh's racist comments and illegal drug use, while others argue that his personal issues should not be made public. There is also discussion about how Limbaugh's political views and behavior may change after his stint in rehab. Ultimately, the conversation exposes the divide between the left and right-wing media and their differing perspectives on Limbaugh.
  • #1
Hmmmm...ok, I decided to start a thread about this whole thing with the Big Fat Idiot in the media, because it manages to cover both sides of reporting we see in America today. Let's call them 'Good' and 'Bad' for convenience.

Good: Rush outed himself as a racist to the public, and the media is reporting on it, which is positive. Of course, he has always been open about his hostility to any successful non-white person who isn't also a 'conservative' like him, but that was among his zombie-like radio show following. He must have forgotten that he wasn't on AM radio when he made his offensive comments about Donovan McNabb. Not only was it insensitive, it was in the completely wrong context; like the Repugnicans are so fond of complaining about, people watch football to see football, not to hear about politics. If the Dixie Chicks should shut up, so should Rush when he isn't on his lying propaganda machine/radio show. Frankly, this is something that should be reported, although it goes into the 'Bad' column if the coverage lasts past Sunday.

Bad: Apparently, Rush is also involved in some sort of unspecified drug 'thing', that I keep hearing about. Apparently, he was addicted to OxyContin, Lorcet and hydrocodone, and was obtaining them illegally. First off, at this point the matter is a he said/she said, which means it deserves little attention to begin with. Secondly, drug addiction is a serious illness, and a private one, that isn't going to be helped by media pressure. (Personal note...IMO Rush deserves to be dragged through the coals over this, as payback for the way he spread lies and insults about Democratic politicians and their families for so many years...except to do so would make everyone else as bad as he is.) This sort of rush(no pun intended) to report the most horrible rumors about someone as though they were true is a hallmark of the sickness in America's free press. Even though I can't stand Rush, or anything he stands for, I don't believe anyone should be roasted on a spit by the media before teh facts are out, especially over such a serious personal and medical issue.
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  • #2
How about we give him the same "special treatment" that black drug addicts get, hmm? Wonder what he's said on that subject over the years.
  • #3
Originally posted by Chemicalsuperfreak
How about we give him the same "special treatment" that black drug addicts get, hmm? Wonder what he's said on that subject over the years.
Well, yeah, we know he is hard on drug use for poor people, all for rehab for the rich people...but in either case his drug use is better reported in People magazine, not in the 'legitimate' press.
  • #4
Well, thank goodness for Rush...whenever you need to hear the pinnacle of stupidity, just flip on your radio...he's angry that he was pressured to quit ESPN, and it is a violation of his 1st Amendment rights. Funny double standard, though, since he was all for the protests against the Dixie Chicks.
  • #5
I assume you are hoping for an argument from me on this one since I'm a republican. You won't get one. I've always considered him a pompous ass.
  • #6
I've always assumed that Limbaugh produced the same feeling in intelligent conservatives that Barbara Streisdand produces in intelligent liberals.
  • #7
Originally posted by russ_watters
I assume you are hoping for an argument from me on this one since I'm a republican. You won't get one. I've always considered him a pompous ass.
I know you are a conservative, I consider you to be wrong on many subjects, but I don't consider you an idiot.
  • #8
Originally posted by Njorl
I've always assumed that Limbaugh produced the same feeling in intelligent conservatives that Barbara Streisdand produces in intelligent liberals.
Hehe. Well put, thanks.
  • #9
Originally posted by Njorl
I've always assumed that Limbaugh produced the same feeling in intelligent conservatives that Barbara Streisdand produces in intelligent liberals.
I think more Republicans are familiar with Barbara Streisand's views than any Democrat...she isn't even a blip on the liberal radar, frankly.
  • #10
my question is, if the allegations of Rush obtaining illegal prescriptions is true, why is he taking 3 different pain medications?:wink:
  • #11
Originally posted by Kerrie
my question is, if the allegations of Rush obtaining illegal prescriptions is true, why is he taking 3 different pain medications?:wink:
See, this is teh reason why the media should be much more tentative about how it reports these things.
  • #12
Originally posted by Kerrie
my question is, if the allegations of Rush obtaining illegal prescriptions is true, why is he taking 3 different pain medications?:wink:

morning noon and night?
or is he afraid of addiction to just one pill

anyway he is now off to rehab
and will shut up for 30 days
  • #13
How do you think his politics and conduct will change after withdrawal? Will his fan base diminish, or overlook his addictive behavior? Has Rush been self-medicating a mental illness?
  • #14
Originally posted by Loren Booda
How do you think his politics and conduct will change after withdrawal? Will his fan base diminish, or overlook his addictive behavior? Has Rush been self-medicating a mental illness?
Nothing will change, because for Rush and his supporters, and for the right-wing in general, truth and reality aren't all that important.

And, of course, a sane person would HAVE to take drugs to behave as Rush has done over the years.
  • #15
Just an update...theright-wing whackos are angry because 'liberals are blasting Rush for being a human being', while 'liberals' are requesting that Rush supporters take a look at all drug addicts with the same compassion that they show it me, or is the right-wing media on another planet, far away from reality?
  • #16
Originally posted by Zero
is it me, or is the right-wing media on another planet, far away from reality?
They must be, since I can't seem to find them. Then again, my TV is cable so I can't pick up stations from other planets.
  • #17
Originally posted by russ_watters
They must be, since I can't seem to find them. Then again, my TV is cable so I can't pick up stations from other planets.
Take off the blinders, Russ. You don't get Fox News?!?
  • #18
Originally posted by Zero
Take off the blinders, Russ. You don't get Fox News?!?
I don't get FOX and I've not a clue what channel Rush would be found on...although I think I vaguely remember hearing a bit of his show sometime in the early 90's. I did have a handyman doing some simple work in my kitchen who insisted that his break coincided with the rush limbaugh show...he sat out their in his old beater truck eating a sandwiche and listening intently every day...I have to admit it was a little strange...a little...mmmhmmm.
Quite frankly, I could care less about his problems or any sensation his drug use has caused or not and I really wish they would focus on something a little more...impacting.

FAQ: Idiot Media Part II: Rush Limbaugh

1. Who is Rush Limbaugh and why is he considered part of "Idiot Media"?

Rush Limbaugh is a conservative political commentator and radio host. He is considered part of "Idiot Media" because of his controversial and often inflammatory statements that have been criticized as ignorant and misleading.

2. What are some examples of controversial statements made by Rush Limbaugh?

Some examples of controversial statements made by Rush Limbaugh include calling a young student a "slut" and "prostitute" for advocating for birth control coverage, claiming that climate change is a hoax, and making derogatory comments about women, minorities, and the LGBTQ+ community.

3. How does Rush Limbaugh's influence in the media affect society?

Rush Limbaugh's influence in the media can perpetuate misinformation and polarizing views, leading to division and intolerance in society. His statements can also contribute to the spread of conspiracy theories and false information.

4. Has Rush Limbaugh faced any consequences for his controversial statements?

Rush Limbaugh has faced consequences for some of his controversial statements, including losing advertisers and being criticized by other media figures. However, he has also received support from his fans and has continued to have a large platform in the media.

5. How can we combat the influence of "Idiot Media" figures like Rush Limbaugh?

We can combat the influence of "Idiot Media" figures like Rush Limbaugh by fact-checking and critically evaluating information, supporting diverse and reputable sources of news, and promoting respectful and informed discussions about important issues.

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