If you don't get these, good. You're probably too young

  • Thread starter honestrosewater
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In summary, the speaker suggests that there is nothing to get, but that they can never have too many of whatever they fancy. They provide a list of various verbs and nouns that can be used to create these fancies, with examples of how to use them. The speaker also provides a few suggestions for how to make the game more fun.
  • #1
Gold Member
And there's nothing to get anyway. But I can never have too many of them.

Whatever tickles your fancy.
Whatever floats your boat.
Whatever sinks your battleship.
Whatever pops your weasel.
Whatever pops your kernel.
Whatever coils your spring.
Whatever cranks your pulley.
Whatever pumps your piston.
Whatever rams your rod.
Whatever spins your spindle.
Whatever turns your turbine.
Whatever raises your flag.
Whatever ignites your core. (think stars)
Whatever fires your cannon.
Whatever blows your horn.
Whatever inflates your balloon.
Whatever hoists your petard. (I know)
Whatever r0x0rz your s0xx0rz. (I know :rolleyes:)
Whatever trims your tree.

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Okay, maybe I should explain how this works. You just pick a verb (or verb phrase) and noun (or noun phrase) and insert them in the appropriate slots. It doesn't need to make sense. See:

Whatever hooks your line and sinker.

If you have trouble thinking of one, just pick two words that start with the same sound.

Whatever catalyzes your catharsis.

C'mon, it's fun.

Whatever robs your cradle.
Whatever threads your needle.
Whatever pops your cork.
Whatever rotates your tires.
Whatever lights your strobe.
  • #3
Whatever whets your whistle.
  • #4
Whatever tastes like bacon.
  • #5
LeBrad said:
Whatever tastes like bacon.
:smile: Hm, well I thought it was foolproof...
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  • #6
we used to say, "Whatever slays your dragon".
  • #7
:frown: Where's you guy's imaginations?

Whatever grinds your gears.
Whatever boosts your thruster.
Whatever inclines your plane.
Whatever tilts your lance.
Whatever leaps your frog.
Whatever tames your lion.
Whatever stripes your tiger.
Whatever spots your cheetah.
Whatever swings your monkey.
  • #8
what ever foogles your kiddoodle.

  • #9
I'm still trying to work out the exact rules. I think that you could
1) Take a single word that could be broken apart as a verb and noun, such as in
"Whatever blows your torch".
2) Take an object and reference some desirable action that is done to the object, or some desirable action that happens to the object, such as in
"Whatever flips your pancake".

Am I overcomplicating it?
  • #10
honestrosewater said:
:smile: Hm, well I thought it was foolproof...
well, "whatever proofs your fool". :approve:
  • #11
Math Is Hard said:
I'm still trying to work out the exact rules. I think that you could
1) Take a single word that could be broken apart as a verb and noun, such as in
"Whatever blows your torch".
2) Take an object and reference some desirable action that is done to the object, or some desirable action that happens to the object, such as in
"Whatever flips your pancake".

Am I overcomplicating it?
Hah, no, I think that rocks. Those are two techniques I use a lot. Add to (2) any of the object's defining or common actions or properties (turning the properties to verbs). Recasting common phrases also works, e.g.

Whatever cleans your clock.


Whatever sprouts your seed.
Whatever bobs your buoy.


Whatever drives your shaft.
Whatever monkeys your wrench.
Whatever scares your crow. (Sorry)

(1) backwards:

Whatever shifts your stick.

Sticking with themes helps with ideas too. Say, food and musical instruments:

Whatever cooks your noodle.
Whatever steams your broccoli.
Whatever scrambles your eggs.
Whatever leavens your loaf.
Whatever rings your bell.
Whatever bangs your cymbals.
Whatever plucks your strings.
Whatever bows your fiddle.
Whatever fingers your flute.
Whatever pipes your organ.
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  • #12
Those are awesome! I was thinking alliteration probably gives quite a bit of oomph if it can be worked in. "Whatever shears your shwarma*" for instance.

*We went to a Greek place for lunch and they had one of those rotisseries for the gyro meat. They shave it off in little slices, thus the inspiration for that phrase.
  • #13
Well, I'm a bit of a handyman so...

Whatever drives your screw.
Whatever bangs your dowel.
Whatever bolts your nuts.

...am I doing it right?
  • #14
Whatever chalks your cuestick.
  • #15
thanks for crashing the foo :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :zzz:
  • #16
whatever shizzles your nizzle my dizzle fo pizzle.
  • #17
Okay, I'm in :

Whatever collapses/normalizes/symmetrizes your wavefunction
Whatever terminates your power series
Whatever diagonalizes your Hamiltonian
Whatever separates your variables
Whatever inverts your matrix
Whatever completes your square

and last (for now) but not the least :
Whatever occupies your Landau Levels
  • #18
what ever floccinaucinihilipilificates your...self...

am I a nerd for being able to spell that?
  • #19
Whatever supercalifragilistics your expialidocious.
  • #20
:approve: Yah, I'm stealing some of those. Okay, these are about to get really stupid.

Whatever stiffens your sails.
Whatever spikes your punch.
Whatever moots your point.
Gokul said:
Whatever separates your variables
Nice, but I prefer bondage.

Whatever binds your variables.
Whatever embeds your clause.
Whatever dominates your node.
Whatever assigns your theta-roles to their syntactic positions. (It's sexy, trust me. :wink:)
Whatever cliticizes your article.
Whatever heads your compound.
Whatever aspirates your pulmonic-egressive oral stops.

Yeah, I think that's enough.
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  • #21
This thread made me laugh out loud several times already!

Whatever honests your rose water!

Whatever eats your toast
Whatever butters your toast
Whatever toasts your toast
Whatever drinks your toast
Whatever takes a high-resolution photograph of your toast
Whatever cooks your toast using induction
Whatever magnetically levitates your toast
Whatever confuses your toast
Whatever defrosts your toast
Whatever blackens your toast

Or my favorite: Whatever ****s your dick.

Whatever kicks Mk the hell out of this thread.
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  • #22
HRW said:
Whatever r0x0rz your s0xx0rz.
This reads "Whatever rock-ers your sock-ers"
I think you mean "Whatever r0xxz your s0xxz"

Whatever r0xxz your s0xxz, r0xxz my s0xx. I can r0xx your s0xxz real good.

1337 |¬4xx0r L1ngu15t
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  • #23
Whatever blows your nose :biggrin:
Whatever burns your bunser
Whatever counts your worms
Whatever grows your culture
Whatever ligates your vector
Whatever digests your plasmid
Whatever blunts your ends
Whatever amplifies your target
Whatever grows your cosmid
Whatever transforms your cells
Whatever clones your gene
Whatever excites your label
Whatever expresses your protein
Whatever precipitates your complex
Whatever straps your boot
Whatever tests your students
Whatever tests your T
Whatever plots your graph

Something like that?
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  • #24
Whatever causes your bowels to spontaneously expel.
  • #25
whatever pulls your noodle

or more rowdy and alliterative

Whatever drives your dong
Whatever vertilizes your vagina
Whatever strokes your stick
  • #26
Whatever pulls your noodle
I prefer the suck, but hey, whatever floats your boat man.
  • #27
Mk said:
This reads "Whatever rock-ers your sock-ers"
I think you mean "Whatever r0xxz your s0xxz"

Whatever r0xxz your s0xxz, r0xxz my s0xx. I can r0xx your s0xxz real good.

1337 |¬4xx0r L1ngu15t
Hah. You're seriously trying to correct my l33+ gR4/\/\/\/\Fr? :smile: Does this dialect's lamage have no bounds?! I'll have you know that the 0r in my 0rz'z is silent when following an 0x and unpronouncable the rest of the time.
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  • #28
lk7iw4rfzxcv7ow4yrajkvcgkhzjxv as9878gertzxcjvk, qer9tjxcjbzxosdfas9eruw8&#^$* .
  • #29
No, I prefer the vibrating kind.
  • #30
I'll have you know that the 0r in my 0rz'z is silent when following an 0x and unpronouncable the rest of the time.
Are you serious! That's like saying you're French!

English: Lehz Mizerabehles.
French: Lé Mizaral
  • #31
I`m really bad at language exercises but I’ll have a go since this does look like fun.

Whatever burns your rubber (I’m watching the A1 GP)
Whatever primes your focus
Whatever blunts your chisel
Whatever entangles you photons (!)
Whatever <center> your <table border=”0” cellspacing =”2”><TR><TD>Where’s this going?</TD></TR></Table></center>
  • #32
"Whatever explicates the poetry of Ezra Pound."

I love that one.
  • #33
Whatever01100011.01110010.01100001.01100011.01101011.01110011.00001101.00001010. your 01000011.01111001.01110000.01101000.01100101.01110010.

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  • #34
Hmmm...these are going to suck since I am horrible at language things...

Whatever flies your jet
Whatever changes your oil...? lol
Whatever launches your rocket
Whatever dilates your time
Whatever contracts your length (wait...that doesn't work...that would be the opposite of turning you on)
*we just finished gr 12 relativity in physics...haha*
Whatever whatevers your whatever
Whatever lights your candle
  • #35