Induction proof involving arbitrary intersections/unions

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem in an Intro Analysis course that involves proving, by induction, that a set A minus some intersections of sets B_j is equal to a number of unions of A minus the sets B_j. The individual has written out a proof but is not confident in it due to not being familiar with the notation for arbitrary intersections/unions. They ask for assistance in correcting any errors in the proof and mention that they are new to using LaTeX. The homework statement and equations are included, along with the individual's attempt at a solution using mathematical induction. The response confirms that the proof is correct for the finite case, but notes that it does not prove the case for infinite collections of sets. The individual is unable to prove this
  • #1

So, I was assigned a problem in my Intro Analysis course that involves proving, by induction, that the set [itex]A[/itex] minus some arbitrary number of intersections of the sets [itex]B_{j}[/itex] is equal to some arbitrary number of unions of [itex]A[/itex] minus the sets [itex]B_{j}[/itex].

I've written out a proof, but I'm not too comfortable with it. It's the notation, specifically, the notation for arbitrary intersections/unions, that I'm not 100% on - I've never taken a "Fundamentals" course, and although my professor offered a quick review of sets during the first week, he never covered this sort of stuff.

Anyway, I was hoping someone could take a look at it and help me correct any errors in the proof. Oh, and I'm new here and I've never used Latex before, so sorry in advance if this post comes out sloppy or unreadable.

Homework Statement

Use mathematical induction and your result from problem 1-1a to prove the statement below. (Do NOT prove it by showing that each side of the equation is a subset of the other side. Use induction.)

If [itex]A, B_{1}, B_{2}, ..., B_{n}[/itex] are sets, then [itex]A\setminus\bigcap_{j=1}^{n}B_{j}=\bigcup_{j=1}^{n}A\setminus B_{j}[/itex] .

Homework Equations

Result from problem 1-1a:

[itex]A\setminus(B\cap C)=(A\setminus B)\cup (A\setminus C)[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

We use mathematical induction.

Let P(n) be the statement [itex]A\setminus\bigcap_{j=1}^{n}B_{j}=\bigcup_{j=1}^{n}A\setminus B_{j}[/itex] .

Setting n=1, we get [itex]A\setminus B=A\setminus B[/itex], which is trivially true.

Next, we let k be an arbitrary natural number and assume P(k); we will show P(k+1).

So, we have



[itex]=(A\setminus B_{k+1})\cup(A\setminus\bigcap_{j=1}^{k}B_{j})[/itex] (from proof of 1-1a)

[itex]=\bigcup_{j=1}^{k+1}A\setminus B_{j}[/itex] .

Therefore, if [itex]A, B_{1}, B_{2}, ..., B_{n}[/itex] are sets, then [itex]A\setminus\bigcap_{j=1}^{n}B_{j}=\bigcup_{j=1}^{n}A\setminus B_{j}[/itex] .
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  • #2
Everything you did is correct!

Note however that you stated "arbitrary unions/intersections". This is not what you proved here. You only proved the case for finitely many unions/intersections. But I guess that is the only thing you had to prove.
  • #3
micromass said:
Everything you did is correct!

Note however that you stated "arbitrary unions/intersections". This is not what you proved here. You only proved the case for finitely many unions/intersections. But I guess that is the only thing you had to prove.

I don't know why people assign these problems as induction. As you said this only covers the finite case. The general case is much easier. I suppose induction practice. Still, it bugs me.
  • #4
micromass said:
Everything you did is correct!

Note however that you stated "arbitrary unions/intersections". This is not what you proved here. You only proved the case for finitely many unions/intersections. But I guess that is the only thing you had to prove.

Yay. Thanks.

Question, though. What would be the difference between what I said I was asked to prove - i.e, "arbitrary unions/intersections" - and what I was actually asked to prove?

I know that's probably a really stupid question but, like I said, I've never taken any sort of "Foundations" course - or, for that matter, any course above Calc 1. So, yeah, I'm like a virgin, if you will, to higher maths.
  • #5
ironspud said:
Yay. Thanks.

Question, though. What would be the difference between what I said I was asked to prove - i.e, "arbitrary unions/intersections" - and what I was actually asked to prove?

I know that's probably a really stupid question but, like I said, I've never taken any sort of "Foundations" course - or, for that matter, any course above Calc 1. So, yeah, I'm like a virgin, if you will, to higher maths.

You proved it for collections of sets B_k where k goes from 1 to any finite number n. So the B's are a finite collection of sets. Induction doesn't prove it's true if the B's are a collection containing an infinite number of sets. But it's true anyway. Can you prove that?
  • #6
Dick said:
You proved it for collections of sets B_k where k goes from 1 to any finite number n. So the B's are a finite collection of sets. Induction doesn't prove it's true if the B's are a collection containing an infinite number of sets. But it's true anyway. Can you prove that?

No. I don't think so.

I mean, I get what you're saying. I just don't think I have the tools to prove something like that - i.e, I don't know how to represent or manipulate statements like that symbolically.
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  • #7
ironspud said:
No. I don't think so.

Probably because it's too easy I think. If x is in the left side of your identity then x is in A but x is not in all of the B sets, yes? Now translate the right side into the same sort of phrasing. I.e. try to express both sides in terms of plain language statements. You don't need to prove everything symbolically unless you are Russell and Whitehead. Clearly explained reasoning does it for me. And it works for infinite sets.
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FAQ: Induction proof involving arbitrary intersections/unions

1. What is an induction proof?

An induction proof is a mathematical proof technique that is used to prove statements that are true for all natural numbers. It involves breaking down a statement into smaller cases, and proving that it holds for the smallest case (usually 0 or 1), and then showing that if it holds for a particular case, it also holds for the next case.

2. How is induction proof used in mathematics?

Induction proof is commonly used in mathematics to prove statements about natural numbers, such as number patterns, divisibility, and inequalities. It is also used in other areas of mathematics, such as set theory, to prove statements about sets.

3. What are arbitrary intersections and unions?

Arbitrary intersections and unions refer to the combination of sets in a way that allows for any number of sets to be intersected or united. In other words, it is not limited to a specific number of sets, and any sets can be used in the operation.

4. How are arbitrary intersections and unions used in induction proofs?

Arbitrary intersections and unions are often used in induction proofs involving sets, as they allow for a more general and flexible approach to proving statements. They can help to simplify the proof by reducing the number of cases that need to be considered.

5. Can induction proof involving arbitrary intersections and unions be used to prove any statement?

No, induction proof involving arbitrary intersections and unions can only be used to prove statements that are true for all natural numbers. It cannot be used to prove statements about real numbers or other mathematical structures. Additionally, not all statements can be proved using induction, as it requires the statement to have a certain structure that can be broken down into smaller cases.

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