Initial Speed of Bullet in Inelastic Collision

In summary, the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision is the velocity of the bullet before it collides with another object and becomes embedded in it. It can be calculated using the conservation of momentum principle and can be affected by factors such as the mass and velocity of the bullet and object, as well as the surface or material of the collision. This measurement is important in forensic investigations as it can provide information about the trajectory and impact of the bullet. It can also be manipulated by altering the bullet or surface properties.
  • #1
A 5.5 gram bullet is fired into a block of wood with a mass of 22.6 grams. The wood block is initially at rest on a 1.5 meter tall post. After the collision the wood block and the bullet land 2.5 meters from the base of the post. Find the initial speed of the bullet.
Physics news on
  • #2
My son...

Keep this enclave free of such logic. This a place of no post count.
Madness runs in our blood!

Use the other forums
  • #3
Use The Conservation of Momentum to find the final Speed and the system will now move as a projectile

FAQ: Initial Speed of Bullet in Inelastic Collision

What is the definition of initial speed of bullet in inelastic collision?

The initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision refers to the velocity of the bullet before it collides with another object and becomes stuck or embedded in that object.

How is the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision calculated?

The initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision can be calculated using the conservation of momentum principle, where the initial momentum of the bullet is equal to the final momentum of the bullet and the object it collides with.

What factors can affect the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision?

The initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision can be affected by the mass and velocity of the bullet, the mass and velocity of the object it collides with, and the type of surface or material the collision occurs on.

Why is the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision important in forensic investigations?

The initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision is important in forensic investigations because it can provide valuable information about the trajectory and direction of the bullet, as well as the force and energy of impact, which can help determine the cause and circumstances of a shooting incident.

Can the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision be manipulated?

Yes, the initial speed of a bullet in inelastic collision can be manipulated by changing the mass, velocity, or shape of the bullet, as well as the properties of the surface or material it collides with. This can be done intentionally, as in the case of bulletproof vests, or unintentionally, such as when a bullet ricochets off a surface.

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