What are some nifty and clever discoveries in mathematics?

  • Thread starter Mathgician
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In summary, the conversation was about discussing clever ideas, tricks, and insights in mathematics and sharing them with others. Some suggestions for reading were given, including a book mentioned in a previous thread and other popular books on mathematics. A specific method of doing multiplication was also mentioned and attributed to physicist Richard Feynman. The topic of cool and clever tricks in math was brought up and several books and articles were recommended as sources for finding such tricks.
  • #1
I was reading the general discussion section and noticed that someone came with a thread about cleaver ideas. I was thinking that there may be some clever ideas, tricks, or insights that many of you experienced mathematicians may have come across. If you have anything you think it is of worth I am very interested in it. It doesn't have to be world changing discoveries, it could be anything from something minor to something major.
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Mathematics news on Phys.org
  • #3
nice... thanks, but the cover of the book don't make it look like a very respectable book. I ordered a used one through amazon for nearly the shipping price.:-p
  • #4
My greatest insight was "Gosh, I'm spending way too much time on this!"
  • #5
Check out this method of doing multiplication.

With love, Feynman.
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  • #6
That methods pretty good for 2 digit numbers but I tried 252 x 482. It wasn't fun at all, and I found it somewhat problematic when it had to carry over the tens digit, I got confused. Either way, Go Feynman! Woot!

As for discoveries, when it comes to minor things I happened to notice and prove the sum of the geometric series [itex]\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \frac{1}{x^n}[/itex] when I was 9 years old fooling around on a calculator. That was before I even knew trig so I thought i was a real genius "discovering" that, stupid me. It was a real sad shock when I studied series from a textbook, let me tell you that :D
  • #7
This suits more the thread berkeman posted, but http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mental_arithmetic reminded me of some stuff.

Theres the simple thing that when ever I multiply things that aren't too many digits and the ending digit is somewhat small, its always good to do this:

Lettings alphabetic characters represent digits - (abc)(def) = (ab0 + c)(de0 + f) then a binomial expansion. Helps more than you think.

And Newtons method works well on a lot of things, but i use it mostly for square roots. I use taylor series to the first 3 terms when doing sins, cosines and exponentials (base e). For tans, i don't actually use the taylor series for tan, but divide the sin and cos, I hate tans taylor series.
  • #8
read "what is mathematics".
  • #9
quasar987 said:
Check out this method of doing multiplication.

With love, Feynman.

Wow:bugeye: Amazing. Was it Feynman that popularized it? I'm very curious what process let that person to that discovery?
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  • #10
Well, the little description of the video reads...

"An American physicist Richard Feynman developed this technique to graphically solve quantum field theory equations (actually to get approximations) that could not be solved otherwise. He got Nobel Price in physics for those "Feynman's diagrams"
  • #11
mathwonk said:
read "what is mathematics".

Lol good one Wonk. You are quite the Zen master.
  • #12
I wish there was a book of cool and clever tricks for things pivotal to other areas of math (such as solving integral tricks and algebra ones too). I always find such tricks to be quite elegant and mesmerizing. Does anyone know of such a book?
  • #13
mathwonk said:
read "what is mathematics".

Are you talking about Courant's book?
  • #14
Some suggested reading for those seeking nifty arguments

I don't know why no-one has mentioned some obvious citations:

The enjoyment of mathematics; selections from mathematics for the amateur, by Hans Rademacher and Otto Toeplitz, Princeton University Press, 1957

Mathematics and logic; retrospect and prospects, by Mark Kac and Stanislaw M. Ulam, New York, Praeger, 1968 (great semipopular book despite the title)

Continued fractions, by A. Ya. Khinchin, Dover reprint, 1997.

A whole series of books called Mathematical Pearls, which I can't seem to find in our catalog,

Proofs from the book, by Martin Aigner, Günter M. Ziegler, Springer, 2004.

Modern graph theory, by Béla Bollobás, Springer, 1998.

Indra's pearls: the vision of Felix Klein, by David Mumford, Caroline Series and David Wright, Cambridge University Press, 2002.

Visual complex analysis, by Tristan Needham, Oxford University Press, 1997.

Complex analysis: the geometric viewpoint, by Steven G. Krantz, Mathematical Association of America, 2004

Fourier analysis, by T.W. Körner, Cambridge University Press, 1988.

In case you hadn't guessed, these are all really, really fun books which are full of nifty but often rather elementary mathematical reasoning. I could have added many more.

There are zillions of expository papers in the Am. Math. Monthly published over the past century which should also yield a cheap thrill or two, as close as your nearest math library, or even closer for some of you http://www.jstor.org/journals/00029890.html
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FAQ: What are some nifty and clever discoveries in mathematics?

1. What is the most interesting insight you have discovered while working on math problems?

While working on math problems, I have come across many interesting insights. One of the most intriguing is the concept of infinity. It is fascinating to think about how numbers can go on forever without an end.

2. How do you come up with clever solutions to math problems?

Coming up with clever solutions to math problems requires a combination of logical thinking, creativity, and practice. It also helps to break down the problem into smaller, more manageable parts.

3. What is the most challenging math problem you have encountered?

The most challenging math problem I have encountered is the Riemann Hypothesis. It deals with the distribution of prime numbers and remains unsolved to this day.

4. How do you apply insights from math problems to real-world situations?

Mathematics is a powerful tool for understanding and solving real-world problems. Insights gained from solving math problems can be applied to various fields, such as economics, engineering, and physics, to name a few.

5. What advice do you have for someone struggling with math problems?

My advice would be to never give up and keep practicing. Math can be challenging, but with determination and persistence, anyone can improve their problem-solving skills. It also helps to seek help from teachers, tutors, or online resources.

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