Integration of an exponential function

In summary, we discussed the question of integrating a non-elementary integral, specifically:y = \int e^{-\frac{n}{\omega}cos \omega t} dtWe explored the possibility of using Bessel functions to solve the integral, but concluded that there may be convergence and branch-cut issues. We also looked at a possible solution using a Fourier series, but this method also has some potential issues. Ultimately, it may be best to leave the integral as is and use numerical methods to evaluate it when needed.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I need to integrate the following function:
y = \int e^{-\frac{n}{\omega}cos \omega t} dt

Homework Equations

How should I solve this? Will this lead me to Bessel function?

2. My attempt

u=-a cos (\omega t)
du = a\omega sin (\omega t) dt
y = \int e^{-\frac{n}{\omega}cos \omega t} dt = \int \frac{1}{a\omega sin(\omega t)} e^u du
y = \frac{1}{a\omega sin(\omega t)} \int e^u du
y = \frac{1}{a \omega sin (\omega t)} e^u
y = \frac{1}{- a \omega sin (\omega t)} e^{-a cos(\omega t)}

Is my solution correct?

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Physics news on
  • #2
bancux said:

y = \int e^{-\frac{n}{\omega}cos \omega t} dt = \int \frac{1}{a\omega sin(\omega t)} e^u du
y = \frac{1}{a\omega sin(\omega t)} \int e^u du

When you define [itex]u=-a\cos(w t)[/tex], u becomes a function of t and t is a function of u so you can't move that quantity outside of the integral sign.

It's like having:

[tex]\int t(u)e^u du[/tex]

and then moving the function t(u) outside of the integral which is not permissible. Your integral is a non-elementary integral. That is, there is no elementary function that has as a derivative, the integrand. How about this though: Suppose we have:

[tex]e^{iz\cos(t)}=\sum_{-\infty}^{\infty}i^n J_n(z)e^{int}[/tex]

Then I get:

[tex]\int{e^{-a\cos(wt)}}dt=\frac{1}{w}\left\{J_0(-a/i)+\sum_{\substack{n=-\infty\\n\ne 0}}^{\infty} i^n J_n(-a/i)\frac{1}{in}e^{inwt}\right\}[/tex]

However, I'm not sure that is correct and will leave it to you to figure out if you're interested. :)
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  • #3
jackmell said:
Suppose we have:

[tex]e^{iz\cos(t)}=\sum_{-\infty}^{\infty}i^n J_n(z)e^{int}[/tex]

Then I get:

[tex]\int{e^{-a\cos(wt)}}dt=\frac{1}{w}\left\{J_0(-a/i)+\sum_{\substack{n=-\infty\\n\ne 0}}^{\infty} i^n J_n(-a/i)\frac{1}{in}e^{inwt}\right\}[/tex]

However, I'm not sure that is correct and will leave it to you to figure out if you're interested. :)

I really do not know how did you get that..
Actually, I got this integral when I try to solve a 1st order inhomogeneous non-linear differential equation with variable coefficients..

So.. I am stuck with that integration. Suppose that your solution is correct, I really do not know how to employ the initial condition into that solution.
  • #4
Please post the IVP and we can go through it if you wish.
  • #5
jackmell said:
Please post the IVP and we can go through it if you wish.

Excuse me, but what is IVP?
  • #6
It's "Initial Value Problem". That's the differential equation and initial conditions like this is an IVP:

[tex]y''+y=0,\quad y(0)=1,\, y'(0)=2[/tex]
  • #7
this is the original equation:

e^{-a cos wt} \ T(t) = m \int e^{-a cos wt} dt + p \int sin wt \ e^{-a cos wt}

I want to have solution for [tex]T(t)[/tex]

e^{-a cos wt} \ T(t) = m \int e^{-a cos wt} dt + p e^{-a cos wt}

The initial condition is:
T(t=0) = T_0
  • #8
That's not a differential (or integral equation). Why not just solve for T(t) but first, don't get the dummy-variable "t" in the integral confused with the "t" in T(t). They are not the same ok. It's better if you change it to say u and for example write:

[tex]T(t)=e^{a\cos(wt)}\left\{m\int_0^t e^{-a \cos(wu)}\left(m+p\sin(wu)\right)du\right\}[/tex]

Now, that is just an integral function and there's nothing wrong with just leaving it like that and in this particular case, T(0)=0. And whenever you need to work with actual numerical values, just compute the integral numerically. That which I did above with that infinite sum was just a formality and you probably wouldn't use it for actual applications.
  • #9
well it starts with a differential equation, I am using the method from a calculus book written by Adams. My idea was to calculate that "unsolvable" integral part with matlab.

Thanks for the tips,
Out of curiosity, how did you get a solution as a series function?
  • #10
We're given (see Mathworld on Bessel functions):

[tex]e^{iz\cos(t)}=\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} i^n J_n(z)e^{int}[/tex]

and we have:

[tex]\int e^{-a \cos(wt)}dt=\frac{1}{w}\int e^{-a\cos(u)}du[/tex]

So let:


and then:

\frac{1}{w}\int e^{-a\cos(u)}du&=\frac{1}{w}\int e^{iz\cos(u)}du\\
&=\frac{1}{w}\int \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} i^n J_n(-a/i)e^{inu} du \\
&=\lim_{T\to\infty}\frac{1}{w}\int \sum_{n=-T}^{T} i^n J_n(-a/i)e^{inu} du

where I've taken the sum in it's Fourier sense (that limit) and the results then follows.

However there may be convergence issues, branch-cut issues, as well as justifying switching the order of summation and integration.

Edit: Just wanted to check the antiderivative above against numerical results. Below I just checked the integral of e^{icos(t)} over (1,5):

tstart = 1; 
tend = 5; 
val1 = NIntegrate[Exp[I*Cos[t]], 
   {t, tstart, tend}]
myf[t_] := N[BesselJ[0, 1]*t + 
    Sum[(I^(n - 1)/n)*BesselJ[n, 1]*
      Exp[I*n*t], {n, 1, 10}] + 
    Sum[(I^(-n - 1)/(-n))*BesselJ[-n, 1]*
      Exp[(-I)*n*t], {n, 1, 10}]]
val2 = N[myf[tend] - myf[tstart]]

3.2298547320753195 - 1.5910876205729956*I

3.2298547320752578 - 1.5910876205726603*I

That's not bad for a quick check but of course inadequate in a Real Analysis class.
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FAQ: Integration of an exponential function

1. What is an exponential function?

An exponential function is a mathematical function in which the independent variable (usually denoted as x) appears in the exponent. This means that the function grows or decays at a rate proportional to its current value.

2. How do you integrate an exponential function?

To integrate an exponential function, you can use the power rule, which states that the integral of x^n is x^(n+1)/(n+1). In the case of an exponential function, the value of n is equal to the power of the exponential (e.g. e^x, the value of n is 1). So the integral of e^x is e^x/(1+1), which simplifies to e^x.

3. Why is the integration of an exponential function important?

The integration of an exponential function has many practical applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. It is used to model phenomena that exhibit exponential growth or decay, such as population growth, radioactive decay, and charging or discharging of electrical circuits.

4. Is there a specific method for integrating complex exponential functions?

Yes, there is a specific method called the substitution method. This involves substituting a new variable for the exponent and then solving the integral using the power rule. This method is particularly useful for integrating complex exponential functions that involve other functions, such as sine and cosine.

5. Can the integration of an exponential function be used to solve differential equations?

Yes, integration of exponential functions is a fundamental tool in solving differential equations, particularly those that involve exponential growth or decay. By using the power rule and other integration techniques, we can find the general solution to many types of differential equations.
