Solving Integration Problem: Advice Needed

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In summary, the conversation discusses a difficult integration problem and the attempts made to solve it using equations and special functions. The use of an infinite series representation and the substitution of equations from Abramowitz and Stegun's book are mentioned. The question of whether to use the Addition Theorem of Spherical Harmonics is also brought up. The conversation ends with a suggestion to try out different representations and to share the results.
  • #1
Hi all,

I would like to get some advice regarding a difficult integration problem.

[tex]\int_{\varphi_{o}-\Delta\varphi}^{\varphi_{o}+\Delta\varphi}\int_{\vartheta_{o}-\Delta\vartheta}^{\vartheta_{o}+\Delta\vartheta}e^{\kappa[sin\vartheta_{o}\sin\vartheta\sin\varthetacos(\varphi-\varphi_{o})+cos\vartheta_{o}cos\vartheta]}sin\vartheta\partial\vartheta\partial\varphi[/tex] Equation 1

Let me briefly explain what I have attempted so far.

I know that I can re-write Equation 1 as

[tex]\int_{\varphi_{o}-\Delta\varphi}^{\varphi_{o}+\Delta\varphi}\int_{\vartheta_{o}-\Delta\vartheta}^{\vartheta_{o}+\Delta\vartheta}e^{\kappa\cos\gamma}sin\vartheta\partial\vartheta\partial\varphi[/tex] Equation 2

This is because [tex]\gamma[/tex] can be thought of as the angular displacement from [tex](\theta,\varphi) to (\theta_{o},\varphi_{o}) [/tex]. We can therefore write


Since I could not see a straight forward solution I thought of re-writing the above integral in terms of an infinite series represantation and then integrate the series(which would be simpler). I noticed that in Abramowitz and Stegun 's's book (Handbook of Mathematical Functions) there is an equation which might help me achieve my goal. This is equation 10.2.36 and can be found in the following website.

[tex]e^{\kappa\cos\gamma}=\sum^{\infty}_{0}(2n+1)[\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2\kappa}}I_{n+1/2}(\kappa)]P_{n}(cos\gamma)[/tex] Equation 3 or 10.2.36 in Abramowitz&Stegun

where we have the modified bessel function and a Legendre polynomial. Therefore my new integrand will be:

[tex]\int_{\varphi_{o}-\Delta\varphi}^{\varphi_{o}+\Delta\varphi}\int_{\vartheta_{o}-\Delta\vartheta}^{\vartheta_{o}+\Delta\vartheta}\sum^{\infty}_{0}(2n+1)[\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{2\kappa}}I_{n+1/2}(\kappa)]P_{n}(cos\gamma)sin\vartheta\partial\vartheta\partial\varphi[/tex] Equation 4

Now I think I must do something about the modified bessel function and the Legendre polynomial.

Do you think I can substitute Equation 10.2.5 from Abramowitz&Stegun ( for the modified Bessel Funtion?

How would I re-write the Legendre polynomial in this case? Can I use the Addition Theorem of Spherical Harmonics?Or I will complicate things even further?If I use the Addition Theorem then I would get:

[tex]P_{n}(\cos\gamma)=\sum^{n}_{m=-n}\Upsilon^{*}_{nm}(\vartheta_{o},\varphi_{o})\Upsilon{nm}(\vartheta,\varphi)[/tex] Will this be correct?

Please advise if you think that the procedure I have followed so far is incorrect!

Thanks & Regards

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  • #2
I think that would be correct. The problem can be justifying the exchange of the double integral with the sum.

Is the first integral in it's original form or have you already transformed it? Maybe there is a simpler way to express it?

I've found this two identities in N.N. Lebedev's book:

[tex]P_n(\cos \theta)=\frac{1}{\pi}\int_0^\pi (\cos \theta +i\sin \theta \cos \varphi)^n d\varphi,\qquad 0<\theta<\pi.[/tex]

[tex]e^{ika \cos \varphi}=J_0(ka)+2\sum_{n=1}^\infty (-1)^nJ_n(ka) \cos n\varphi,[/tex]

where [itex]J_n[/itex] are Bessel functions of order [itex]n[/itex].

Maybe this can help.
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  • #3

Many Thanks for your reply. Yes the first double integral is in its original form (Equation 1). The expression that you wrote for the Legendre polynomial from Lebedev's book will it not make it more complicated(because of the integral)?

Thanks again


  • #4
Could be, the only way to find out is to get your hands dirty!

I posted both formulas in order to give you another choice for your calculations. The thing with special functions is that some representations make the work easier, while others make it impossible. Let me know how it went.

FAQ: Solving Integration Problem: Advice Needed

1. How do I approach solving an integration problem?

To solve an integration problem, you can use various techniques such as substitution, integration by parts, or trigonometric identities. First, identify the type of problem and choose the appropriate method. Then, follow the steps of the chosen method to integrate the given function.

2. What are the common mistakes to avoid when solving integration problems?

Some common mistakes to avoid when solving integration problems include forgetting to use the chain rule, forgetting to include the constant of integration, and making calculation errors. It is also important to check your work and make sure the final answer is in the correct form.

3. How do I know if I have solved an integration problem correctly?

To check if you have solved an integration problem correctly, you can differentiate the answer to see if it gives back the original function. You can also use online integration calculators to compare your answer with the correct solution.

4. Can I use a calculator to solve integration problems?

Yes, you can use a calculator to solve integration problems. However, it is important to have a basic understanding of integration techniques and check the result using other methods as calculators may have limitations and can sometimes give incorrect answers.

5. How can I improve my integration problem-solving skills?

The best way to improve your integration problem-solving skills is to practice regularly. Start with simpler problems and gradually move on to more complex ones. You can also seek help from textbooks, online resources, or a tutor to understand different integration techniques and their applications.
