Proving Invariance of Physical Laws Under All Transformations

In summary, the conversation discusses the invariance of physical laws under coordinate transformations. It is mentioned that textbooks often state this without providing a proof for all possible transformations, and that tensors and their transformation properties are necessary to prove this. It is also noted that under Lorentz transformations, tensors, vectors, and scalars transform properly, but for general coordinate transformations, definitions may need to be modified to maintain their properties. An example is given with the Faraday tensor in curved space-time.
  • #1
Hi. So if you have [tex] \frac{d p_{\alpha}}{ds} = \frac{q}{c} F^{\alpha \beta} u_{\beta}[/tex] how could you possibly go on proving this its form is invariant under all coordinate transformations? Or any physical law of any form, really? I guess my point is how do you represent "all possible transformations", because a lot of textbooks go about how the form of a certain physical law is invariant but they never prove it for all possible transformations.
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  • #2

You need some machinery about tensors and their transformation properties to prove this generally.
  • #3

Everything there is either a tensor, a vector, or a scalar, so, of course it transforms properly. At least under Lorentz transformations, they do. If you have general coordinate transformations, you need to make sure your definitions for those objects are correct so that they are still vectors, scalars, and tensors. For example, the Faraday tensor, as defined on flat space will not be a tensor in a general curved space-time, you have to modify it a little (basically take partial derivatives go to covariant derivatives in the definition).

FAQ: Proving Invariance of Physical Laws Under All Transformations

What is the concept of invariance in physics?

Invariance in physics refers to the property of a physical law or phenomenon remaining unchanged under different transformations, such as changes in reference frames or coordinate systems. This means that the same physical laws hold true regardless of the specific conditions or perspectives in which they are observed.

Why is proving invariance important in physics?

Proving invariance is important in physics because it allows for a better understanding of the fundamental laws that govern the behavior of the physical world. It also ensures that these laws are consistent and applicable in all situations, which is crucial for making accurate predictions and developing new theories.

What are the common transformations used to test invariance?

The most common transformations used to test invariance are translations, rotations, and boosts. Translations involve changing the position of an object in space, rotations involve changing its orientation, and boosts involve changing its velocity. Other transformations, such as reflections and time reversals, can also be used in specific cases.

How do scientists prove invariance of physical laws?

Scientists prove invariance of physical laws through mathematical equations and experiments. They use symmetry principles, such as the conservation of energy or momentum, to show that the laws remain unchanged under different transformations. They also conduct experiments to test the predictions of these laws and verify their validity under various conditions.

What are the implications of proving invariance in physics?

The implications of proving invariance in physics are far-reaching. It helps to establish a more unified and consistent understanding of the physical world, which can lead to the development of new technologies and advancements in various fields. It also allows for the exploration of new frontiers and the discovery of new laws and phenomena that may have previously been unknown.
