Is America as Tolerant as we like to Imagine?

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  • Thread starter N_Quire
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In summary, the conversation discusses the level of tolerance in America and the role of its leaders in promoting diversity and open debate. While some believe that America is a tolerant society, others point out instances of intolerance, especially during times of crisis. There is also a debate about the media's portrayal of different opinions on the war. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complexity of diversity and tolerance in America.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Is America as Tolerant as we like to Imagine?

George Bush has shown himself to be an effective leader. He makes up his mind, sticks to his decision and keeps his team united along the way. He has experienced great success, so much so that he boldly talks to the world about freedom, democracy, tolerance, etc. Most of this is good, as I see it.

But there's a dark side too. Bush's simplicity, his use of us/them imagery, simple good/evil dichotomies, encourages intolerance of anyone who does not agree wholeheartedly with his government's outlook.

I am aware it is difficult to have a full and open debate when a war is going on, that criticism is seen as disloyalty to troops willing to sacrifice their lives, but surely a fully tolerant society should allow, even encourage dissenting voices to be heard. It doesn't make the war harder to win if folks such as Susan Sarandon, Martin Sheen, Tim Robbins and the Dixie Chicks woman are alalowed to say what they feel on TV and don't have to suffer for it as a result of commercial cowardice.

I backed the war, fully and completely. I think getting rid of Saddam was a great thing and a fine victory. But I think the treatment of war critics and protesters was very poor. They were denied a voice on national media (except at the very beginning before the war had started). Once the first shot was fired, all the networks became pro-war with virtually no balance. Hardly ever did they feature an Arab commentator, a critic or opponent. At most we got retired military who wanted a quicker victory.

America can be intolerant of diversity at times of crisis and that is frightening. It was a breath of fresh air to see the British Parliament energetically debating the war even while it was in progress, and no one can fault the commitment of Tony Blair nor the British miltary in assisting the Americans.

(Please don't tell me to go live in Syria. I am as pro America as they come but I do like Susan Sarandon
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  • #2
Originally posted by N_Quire
George Bush has shown himself to be an effective leader. He makes up his mind, sticks to his decision and keeps his team united along the way.

That has nothing to do with making the right decisions...but looking like a leader is always more important these days...
  • #3
Originally posted by N_Quire
America can be intolerant of diversity at times of crisis and that is frightening.

to expand on that and use a word that the intolerant people like to throw around without any understanding, it is down-right un-Amreican.
  • #4
just some thoughts...

Originally posted by N_Quire
But I think the treatment of war critics and protesters was very poor. They were denied a voice on national media (except at the very beginning before the war had started). Once the first shot was fired, all the networks became pro-war with virtually no balance.

Interesting. The conservative voices in the media are saying the opposite...that the "liberal" media is focusing on the war protesters and all the problems/errors of the war (i.e., anti-war bias) and is ignoring all the pro-war supporter rallies. Guess it depends on your viewpoint and which media outlet you listen to.

America can be intolerant of diversity at times of crisis and that is frightening. It was a breath of fresh air to see the British Parliament energetically debating the war even while it was in progress, and no one can fault the commitment of Tony Blair nor the British miltary in assisting the Americans.

I suspect that, on average, Americans are more tolerant of diversity than the average world citizen (given the educational system, immigrant foundation, and a good mix of races in America). Examples of intolerance in America are no different than other places (but we have more media coverage and more power behind it). Don't forget that there has been a lot of debate in the US Congress too about the war (Democrats leaned toward agreement with the UN and a few voices were outright against the war).

Times of crisis - - It may be human nature to "circle the wagons". True for anyone.
  • #5
Compared to other nations and societies, America is tolerant of diversity. But that doesn't mean that America is tolerant ENOUGH.
I for one, admit that I am intolerant of conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who is willing to admit he or she voted for George W. Bush.
  • #6
In my workplace I have observed that diversity does not extend to redneck potato farmers with a course sense of humor and an opinion that women belong at home.

While I do not agree with much of what this person said or did, I am left somewhat puzzeled by the true meaning of diversity.
  • #7
America has a deep level of intolerance, and the fact that more people don't act on it is more a consequence of American 'complacency', and the fact that most Americans have more to lose than maybe in a poorer country.
  • #8
If America has a "deep" level of intolerance (to what?) then it would have to be the case that most, if not all, other countries have a "deeper" level of intolerance.
  • #9
Originally posted by Alias
If America has a "deep" level of intolerance (to what?) then it would have to be the case that most, if not all, other countries have a "deeper" level of intolerance.

That doesn't make any to explain?

(or is it your general attitude that America MUST be better at everything, simply because Rush Limbaugh says so)
  • #10
That was pretty simple, Zero. If you can't understand it, maybe you shouldn't be a "mentor".

America is the most ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse country on the planet with a population of some 280 million people. Our level of civility towards each other regarding these qualities would be evident to you if you lived here.
  • #11
Originally posted by Alias
That was pretty simple, Zero. If you can't understand it, maybe you shouldn't be a "mentor".

America is the most ethnically, racially, and religiously diverse country on the planet with a population of some 280 million people. Our level of civility towards each other regarding these qualities would be evident to you if you lived here.

If I lived where? On Planet Rush Limbaugh? Where I live, the 'tolerance' is a thin coating that covers festering racial and cultural know, the attitude that you show?
  • #12
If anyone doubts that America is prudish and intolerant of nudity and open displays of sexuality, go here:
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  • #13
Originally posted by Zero
If I lived where? On Planet Rush Limbaugh? Where I live, the 'tolerance' is a thin coating that covers festering racial and cultural know, the attitude that you show?
Just to clarify, I thought you were in the UK?
  • #14
No, I'm a half-day drive south of you...and what does that have to do with anything?
  • #15
Originally posted by Zero
No, I'm a half-day drive south of you...and what does that have to do with anything?
Um, what does where you live have to do with your post about where you live? [?] Gee, I guess nothing...
  • #16
are you aware that by bashing people like Zero you are attempting to control them by trying to humiliate them, and thus forcing them to "shut up"? Its a tactic that I notice conservatives use a lot.
  • #17
Originally posted by GlamGein
are you aware that by bashing people like Zero you are attempting to control them by trying to humiliate them, and thus forcing them to "shut up"? Its a tactic that I notice conservatives use a lot.
He swings his bat just as hard as I do.

If only I could control his thought process, I would be ruler of an ultra-conservative world. Muuuuaaaaahhhhhhh! All hail the Evil One George Bush!
  • #18
Originally posted by Alias
He swings his bat just as hard as I do.

If only I could control his thought process, I would be ruler of an ultra-conservative world. Muuuuaaaaahhhhhhh! All hail the Evil One George Bush!
Work on controling your own thoughts first, Grasshopper.
  • #19
Alias, would you be tolerant as Politics Forum moderator? Would you allow all opinions to be expressed? Would you edit and delete controversial statements? Would you prevent liberals from having their say?
  • #20
Originally posted by N_Quire
Alias, would you be tolerant as Politics Forum moderator?
Of course, if that's how a moderator is supposed to behave.
Would you allow all opinions to be expressed?
Again, yes, if that's part of the job description.
Would you edit and delete controversial statements?
Only in the case of violations of TOS. However, selective deleting or editing is a slippery slope. I would prefer to just delete any post that violated TOS, with the exception of profanity, which is pretty safe to edit or delete.
Would you prevent liberals from having their say?
Hell no! What would be the fun in that. You have to let people have their say if you're going to smash their arguments. Imagine me, being like Zero(or the opposite of)...

Are you offering me a job?
  • #21
Maybe when you get out of high school, Alias...
  • #22
Alias <--- Falls to the floor shaking his fist, with a knife sticking out of his back.
  • #23
lol, i don't think N_Quire was ever in a postion to give you the job anyay. :wink:
  • #24
I was in no position to offer Alias a job, not even an unpaid internship. I simply wondered whether his tolerance extended to the liberals and the left. (Also, if I had a job to offer, I probably wouldn't give it to a conservative; they have too much power already).
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  • #25
sure, i figured as much; i was just pointing out that Alias didn't have much reason to get his hopes up.
  • #26
Cool... we are into power grabbing now, hmm?

Zero, watch your back, I'll be usurping your job next.

Damn... shouldn't have given him that hint...
  • #27
lol, you take a hint from the goverment; when you are ploting coups it is best to keep things on the d-l until the last moment. :wink:
  • #28
Originally posted by N_Quire
I was in no position to offer Alias a job, not even an unpaid internship. I simply wondered whether his tolerance extended to the liberals and the left. (Also, if I had a job to offer, I probably wouldn't give it to a conservative; they have too much power already).

So, N_Quire is a political biggot?
  • #29
Not a bigot, I believe in power-sharing. Also, in my experience, liberals tend to be sharper, brighter and more widely read and traveled than conservatives. But I have nothin against conservatives.
  • #30
The funny thing is, conservative radio agrees with N_Quire about liberals...only they put it in insulting terms. Liberals are often referred to as 'intellectual elite' as though that were a bad thing.

However, this thread isn't going anywhere positive.

FAQ: Is America as Tolerant as we like to Imagine?

1. Is there evidence to support the idea that America is a tolerant country?

Yes, there is evidence to suggest that America is a tolerant country. According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center, the majority of Americans believe that diversity makes the country a better place to live and that people of different races and ethnicities can get along well. Additionally, the United States has laws and policies in place that protect the rights and freedoms of all individuals, regardless of their background.

2. How does America's level of tolerance compare to other countries?

It is difficult to make a direct comparison between America's level of tolerance and that of other countries. However, various studies and rankings have shown that the United States ranks relatively high in terms of tolerance and acceptance of diversity compared to other countries.

3. Are there any examples of intolerance in America?

Yes, there have been instances of intolerance in America, such as hate crimes, discrimination, and prejudice against certain groups of people. However, these incidents do not represent the overall attitudes and beliefs of the entire country.

4. What factors contribute to America's level of tolerance?

There are many factors that contribute to America's level of tolerance, including its history as a nation of immigrants, its diverse population, and its democratic values that promote equality and individual rights. Additionally, education and exposure to different cultures and perspectives can also play a role in promoting tolerance.

5. Is there room for improvement in America's level of tolerance?

While America may be considered a relatively tolerant country, there is always room for improvement. In recent years, there have been ongoing discussions and efforts to address issues of discrimination and inequality, and these conversations can lead to positive changes in promoting a more tolerant society.

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