Is it possible to create a region of negative density that is less than vacuum?

In summary, there is a theoretical concept of creating a "negative density" region that could potentially have a total density less than vacuum, but it is not possible to achieve this in reality. This idea has been considered as a solution to the "dark energy" problem, but it has been largely disproven due to mathematical inconsistencies. The concept of negative mass/energy is still a topic of discussion, but it is widely believed to be impossible. The Casimir effect is an example of producing a region with a lower energy density than vacuum, but it is not the same as achieving negative density.
  • #1
So I know you can make a "negative density" region between two plates due to the Casimir effect. I know there's probably not, but is there any theoretically possible way to create a region of such negative density that the total density of the plates and region would be less than vacuum? I had a dream about little personal vehicles with fist-sized negative density regions that were so much less dense than anything that they floated buoyantly through the sky like little hover-scooters. Like a hot-air balloon, but smaller. :-)

If this is not possible, what kind of magic "negative energy" or "negative mass" or whatever would be needed to make it happen?
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  • #2
I've had this same thought experiment too...

Thought about space being so empty and being pulled apart by massive galaxies enough to strain space to the point of "less than nothingness". Of course, I believe this has been thought of many times as a solution to "dark energy" problem where negative density/mass/energy/space would have a force repulsive to gravity thereby having these vast empty "less than nothing" spaces exerting a "pressure" onto super-huge macro objects like galaxies...a macro force to keep the galaxies from flying apart.

That's the concept, but this ultimatly boils down to "Does negative mass/energy exist? If so, will it have a repulsive effect when exposed to gravitational forces?"

I think these ideas have largely been disbanded by the scientific community for good reason I'm sure - but I really don't know - I think it was disproven or at least shown not to fit with the math. Someone more experienced and knowledgeable about this line of thought please exlpain the faults with this idea.
  • #3
topside said:
I think these ideas have largely been disbanded by the scientific community for good reason I'm sure - but I really don't know - I think it was disproven or at least shown not to fit with the math. Someone more experienced and knowledgeable about this line of thought please exlpain the faults with this idea.

Yeah, I'm sure it's impossible, but I'd like to know why. You can learn a lot by considering impossible things.

I know the Casimir effect produces a region which has a lower "energy density" than vacuum, by "restricting the wavelengths of virtual particles" or some nonsense. :-) I wish I knew this stuff better.
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  • #4
topside said:
I've had this same thought experiment too...

Thought about space being so empty and being pulled apart by massive galaxies enough to strain space to the point of "less than nothingness".
Hang on just a second here! Yet another misunderstanding of spatial expansion. Get thee to the astronomy/astrophysics forum. Space is expanding, and carrying matter with it. Matter is in no way 'pulling space apart'. The only effect that matter has is to try and bring more matter to it in accordance with the laws of gravity.
My apologies if that sounds harsh; I didn't mean it to be. It's a very common error, that seems to be the result of non-scientists teaching science. I'm certainly no expert, but at least I had very good books to teach me.
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Related to Is it possible to create a region of negative density that is less than vacuum?

1. What is a negative density balloon?

A negative density balloon is a theoretical object that has a density less than that of air. This means that it would have negative mass, as it would float upwards instead of being pulled down by gravity.

2. Is it possible to create a negative density balloon?

While the concept of a negative density balloon is possible in theory, it is currently not possible to create one in reality. This is because it would require materials with negative mass, which have not been discovered or created yet.

3. What would happen if a negative density balloon existed?

If a negative density balloon did exist, it would defy the laws of physics as we know them. It would also have significant implications for our understanding of gravity and the universe.

4. Why are negative density balloons studied?

Negative density balloons are studied in theoretical physics as a way to explore and understand the properties of matter and energy. They can also help scientists develop new theories and technologies.

5. Could a negative density balloon have practical applications?

Currently, there are no known practical applications for a negative density balloon. However, the study of this concept could potentially lead to new discoveries and advancements in science and technology in the future.

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