Is it possible to start engineering firm without engineering degree?

In summary, an engineering firm can be started without a degree as long as the business follows certain regulations. However, if you are not a registered PE you may be in violation of law.
  • #1
If I were to engineer specific high-performance product and establish an engineering firm would this be legal in US without a degree for engineering?

This product would be somewhat benign, for example an intake.

Also any suggestions or side thoughts are welcome.

Thank you!
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  • #2

That would be a legal question - you should consult a lawyer.

In general, and not to constitute legal advise, the word "engineer" is protected in the USA - like "doctor" and "lawyer". The exact protection depends on the state - there is usually a regulatory body.

[edit]update: you do usually need to get a degree as a first step.

caveat: wikipedia is not a substitute for consulting a lawyer or the appropriate regulatory body.
  • #3

Sure, anyone with enough money to hire engineers can start an "engineering firm".

Also, to "engineer" (design and develop) a high-performance product does not require an engineering degree. If you can do it and prove it works then a degree is generally not necessary. The exceptions are areas in which a PE certification is required but generally these fall under civil engineering fields.
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  • #4

There was a time when you could get a PE registration without taking the EIT or getting a degree as long as you could document something like 12 years of work experience under the tutelage of a registered PE. From what I've seen, the NCEES is attempting to close that option across the United States.

Personally, I think that's a bad idea. Formal education is nice, but there are some damned smart auto-didactic people out there. We should remember that this is a field where experience counts at least as much, if not more so, as formal learning and knowledge.

That said, if you are not a registered PE or employ a registered PE, it is usually illegal to have the protected term "Engineering" in the company name.
  • #5

EntropicLove said:
If I were to engineer specific high-performance product and establish an engineering firm would this be legal in US without a degree for engineering?

This product would be somewhat benign, for example an intake.

Also any suggestions or side thoughts are welcome.

Thank you!

I've never heard of a law that requires anyone to have degrees to start a company. There are regulations that such a business would need to follow, but that would apply regardless of whether or not you had an engineering degree.
  • #6

aquitaine said:
I've never heard of a law that requires anyone to have degrees to start a company. There are regulations that such a business would need to follow, but that would apply regardless of whether or not you had an engineering degree.

I believe, in Canada, one needs to be Professional Engineer in order to start an engineering firm. The P.Eng gives the o.k. to society saying they can be responsible for the safety of the public.

To become a P.Eng, it is pretty much mandatory to have a degree in engineering, as far as I know.
  • #7

I've never heard of a law that requires anyone to have degrees to start a company.
You don't need a degree to start a company - just like you don't have to be an MD to start a medical practice or an LLB to start a law firm - but that's not really the question is it?

You can start "a firm that does engineering" but there are restrictions on how you can market yourself and the firm. In the US, this varies from state to state so OP is best advised to seek out the appropriate authority and/or a lawyer. The next question is "why bother with being an engineering firm?" Why not just be a design and manufacturing firm? You know - people wot build stuff ... if your stuff is in demand, then people will buy it. Big deal. Engineering firms usually hire out engineering expertise as their core business but OP want to "engineer" in the sense of "manufacture" something.

But I think that's pretty much what everyone is saying - time to hear from OP: does that answer the question?
  • #8

Thank you all very much for your information and thought.

It is a slow process in the beginning, I'm using engineers assess design process. I'm getting that it doesn't really set too many limitations.
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FAQ: Is it possible to start engineering firm without engineering degree?

1. Can I legally start an engineering firm without an engineering degree?

It depends on the state or country you plan to operate in. In some places, you may be required to have a professional engineering license, which typically requires an engineering degree. However, there are also states and countries that do not have this requirement. It is important to research and understand the laws and regulations in your area before starting an engineering firm without an engineering degree.

2. Will clients be hesitant to hire an engineering firm without an engineering degree?

It is possible that some clients may be hesitant to hire an engineering firm without an engineering degree. However, there are many successful engineering firms that are run by individuals without an engineering degree. It may be helpful to showcase your experience, skills, and knowledge in the field to potential clients to alleviate any concerns they may have.

3. Are there any advantages to starting an engineering firm without an engineering degree?

Yes, there are potential advantages to starting an engineering firm without an engineering degree. For example, you may have a unique perspective and approach to problem-solving that can set your firm apart from others. Additionally, you may have experience in a specific niche or industry that can give your firm a competitive advantage.

4. How can I gain credibility without an engineering degree?

There are a few ways to gain credibility without an engineering degree. One option is to gain relevant experience and skills through internships, apprenticeships, or working under a licensed engineer. Additionally, obtaining certifications or completing specialized training in your field can also demonstrate your knowledge and expertise.

5. Is it possible to eventually obtain an engineering degree while running an engineering firm?

Yes, it is possible to obtain an engineering degree while running an engineering firm. Many universities offer part-time or online programs that can accommodate individuals who are also working. It may require careful time management and dedication, but it is certainly achievable.

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