Is Stochastic String Theory the Key to Original Ideas in Physics?

In summary, the conversation touches on the topics of string theory, condensed matter physics, and stochastic integration with jumps. The speaker searched for information on stochastic string theory and found a relevant paper from 1994. There is mention of the idea of repetition and lack of originality in scientific research.
  • #1
Gold Member
Well there was today some lecture on String theory which I got late since I was reading something else in Condensed matter physics and then I looked at a book that I have of stochastic Integration with jumps and by associativity of ideas I searched google for Stochastic String Theory and got to this paper:

Any new stuff from this line of research?
Well it was published in 1994, relatively new.

Some may say all the ideas repeat themselves over the years, stuck on loops...
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  • #2
When I was a member of a patent review committee, the famous mantra of our chairman:

It's a great idea, but like so many great ideas someone thought of it before. Hence the echos of ideas past, reverberate today with variations in their tone, duration and loudness.
  • #3
jedishrfu said:
When I was a member of a patent review committee, the famous mantra of our chairman:

It's a great idea, but like so many great ideas someone thought of it before. Hence the echos of ideas past, reverberate today with variations in their tone, duration and loudness.
Can anyone be truly original? Only God, I presume... if he exists.