Is the direction of resultant force to the left in this problem?

  • #1

Homework Statement

i am confused about the direction of resultant force . in the working ,it's clear that the author taking to the right as positive ,
for the force component along x-axis , we have -Fx , but , in the calclulation , we gt positive 32230N , so the resultant force of x-component is to the left(32230N ) , am i correct ?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution



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  • #2
The author is taking Fx to be positive if the force is pointing is the negative x direction.
  • #3
Chestermiller said:
The author is taking Fx to be positive if the force is pointing is the negative x direction.
ia my idea correct / the resultant force act to the left ?
  • #4
foo9008 said:
what do you mean ?
In vector terms, the x component of the force ##\vec{F}## is taken to be ##-F_x\vec{i}_x##, where ##\vec{i}_x## is the unit vector in the positive x direction.
  • #5
Chestermiller said:
In vector terms, the x component of the force ##\vec{F}## is taken to be ##-F_x\vec{i}_x##, where ##\vec{i}_x## is the unit vector in the positive x direction.
is my idea correct ? the resultant force act to the left ?
  • #6
foo9008 said:
is my idea correct ? the resultant force act to the left ?
Yes. It is positive to the left.
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