Is the pursuit of knowledge selfish?

  • Thread starter Werg22
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In summary, the pursuit of knowledge is often driven by the desire for self-satisfaction, but it also has practical benefits for both individuals and society as a whole. While some may pursue knowledge solely for their own gain, many also share their findings for the benefit of others. Ultimately, the pursuit of knowledge is a natural and important aspect of human nature.
  • #1
Why do some of us constantly pursue knowledge? Probably because attaining it, or part of it if you want to get technical, is a satisfaction in itself. Are we not, then, pursuing knowledge for the sole purpose of satisfying ourselves? We can say that the knowledge we obtain and share might be useful for others, making the pursuit ultimately selfless, but the question is not there; at the individual level, I suspect that only few of the people who pursue knowledge do it to serve anyone or anything other than themselves. I'd like to learn about your views on the question.
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  • #2
Indeed I do partake on the constant pursue of knowledge for self satisfaction, but there is nothing wrong with that. But I can use that knowledge for the benefiet of others.
  • #3
All living things have goals of survival of some sort as is dictated by their biological makeup via chemistry. Selfishness is just a manifestation of this physical condition. In some species members would sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the group they may be part of. i.e bees die after they sting an object. However they would still sting if they believe something is of threat to its colony.

Hunter gatherers may live less selfishly than in some of today's capitalist countries because they depend on each other more. So the group as a whole is selfish but not necessary each individual.

I have the impression that academics are able to work more independently than people in other large organisations like the government or large corporation. So in this way there is less depenence on others so academics who by definition constantly pursue knowledge tend to be more selfish. Soley because it is more often a solitary acitivity then otherwise.

Or you could look at it another way. The professionals of pursuiting knowledge the academics are often underpaid. i.e For the amount they work, they could be earning much more in some other organisation. Money satisfies so if they willing to trade money for something else that something else must also be something that satisfies. That something is the pursuit of knowledge. I don't think it is because they like the teaching because most academics seem to not like it as much and would rather spend the majority of their time on research.

They do share the knowledge that they find. But the underlying reason is because that is how they are paid and also to show their peers what they are capable of. The indirect result is that other people are able to have that knowledge but that is not what motivates them.

Feynman may have summarised everything "Physics [possilby any discipline as viwed by the respective academic] is like sex, there may be useful consequences but that is not why we do it".

Here is another one from him "So, ultimately, in order to understand nature it may be necessary to have a deeper understanding of mathematical relationships. But the real reason is that the subject is enjoyable, and although we humans cut nature up in different ways, and we have different courses in different departments, such compartmentalization is really artificial, and we should take our intellectual pleasures where we find them."
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  • #4
Werg22 said:
Why do some of us constantly pursue knowledge? Probably because attaining it, or part of it if you want to get technical, is a satisfaction in itself. Are we not, then, pursuing knowledge for the sole purpose of satisfying ourselves? We can say that the knowledge we obtain and share might be useful for others, making the pursuit ultimately selfless, but the question is not there; at the individual level, I suspect that only few of the people who pursue knowledge do it to serve anyone or anything other than themselves.

Is eating food selfish? Well if I fed only myself without concern for others - then perhaps yes.

Are we not, then, pursuing knowledge for the sole purpose of satisfying ourselves?
Not for the sole purpose. I eventually share a lot of what I learn with others - professionally, academically and otherwise.

There is perhaps some knowledge which I keep to myself because it would be of no interest to anyone else. I can be fascinated by the most trivial things. :biggrin:

Besides, I'm inherently and insatiably curious. My mind is like a lint collector, and it's full of stuff.

Many of my colleagues share what they know. That's why we have conferences and meetings.
  • #5
Have brain, will use. After all, use it or loose it.
  • #6
Pretty much everything we do is selfish. That's why being fair works so well. Of course, sometimes you have to enforce fairness.
  • #7
Werg22 said:
Why do some of us constantly pursue knowledge? Probably because attaining it, or part of it if you want to get technical, is a satisfaction in itself. Are we not, then, pursuing knowledge for the sole purpose of satisfying ourselves? We can say that the knowledge we obtain and share might be useful for others, making the pursuit ultimately selfless, but the question is not there; at the individual level, I suspect that only few of the people who pursue knowledge do it to serve anyone or anything other than themselves. I'd like to learn about your views on the question.

In the most practical sense, we pursue knowledge so that we can make a living, honor our responsibilities to our families, be more valuable as employees, and to help solve problems that affect others. That doesn't sound very selfish to me. There is also value in gaining a well rounded perspective, so studies need not be specific to a particular endeavor in order to have value.
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  • #8
Is it surprising that modern society requires that we act in ways that are fundamental to our nature?

FAQ: Is the pursuit of knowledge selfish?

What is the definition of selfishness?

Selfishness is generally defined as a focus on one's own interests, needs, and desires, often at the expense of others.

Why might the pursuit of knowledge be considered selfish?

The pursuit of knowledge can be considered selfish because it often involves using resources and time for personal gain, without necessarily considering the needs or well-being of others.

Is there any benefit to pursuing knowledge for oneself?

Yes, there can be benefits to pursuing knowledge for oneself. It can lead to personal growth, intellectual stimulation, and a deeper understanding of the world around us.

How does the pursuit of knowledge impact society?

The pursuit of knowledge can have both positive and negative impacts on society. It can lead to advancements in technology, medicine, and other fields that benefit society as a whole. However, it can also contribute to inequalities and power imbalances if certain individuals or groups have access to knowledge that others do not.

Can the pursuit of knowledge also be selfless?

Yes, the pursuit of knowledge can also be selfless. For example, scientists often conduct research to benefit society and improve the lives of others, rather than solely for personal gain. Additionally, sharing knowledge and information with others can be a selfless act that contributes to the betterment of society.

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