Is the Speed of Light the Ultimate Conversion Point for Energy?

  • Thread starter Einstiensqd
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In summary, the conversation revolves around the concept of energy conversion and Einstein's famous equation E=mc^2. The speaker argues that the conversion point for pure energy is not at the speed of light, but at a speed equal to the distance to go around the perimeter of the universe without taking any time. This idea is refuted by the fact that the universe is constantly expanding, making the concept of rest energy and the first law of thermodynamics impossible. The conversation also mentions the concept of time stopping at the speed of light according to special relativity. A website on the derivation of E=mc^2 is also recommended to further understand the concept.
  • #1
I don't see eye to eye with Einstien on this one. how is light speed the conversion point to energy. I think the conversion point for pure energy is at a speed equall to the distance to come all the way around the perimeter of the universe and not take time to do so. So, hypotheticaly speaking, you would see a blur all around the edge of the universe for less than a second.
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  • #2
Einstein did not just concoct this equation because he felt it was pretty. This equation is derived from the two postulates of special relativity.

- Warren
  • #3
Darn I just went off on someone for bad grammer and I just reread my last post and it is sprinkled with mistakes. Disregard the last post and read this one...

Since the Universe is expanding, the perimeter of the Universe is constantly changing; which by your reasoning, means that the rest energy of any mass is constantly increasing (because we think the universe is expanding not contracting) That, of course means the 1st Law of Thermodynamics would be broken. Besides if you try to figure out what the "speed equal to the distance to come all the way around the perimeter of the universe and not take time to do so" is you will get infinity. You are dividing a finite number (assuming the Universe is finite which makes sense otherwise how could it expand)by 0 which is basically undefined. But if we put on our calculus hats then we can more or less say it is infinity (calm down math nuts what I meant to say was that the limit as the denominator approaches 0 is infinity).

Besides Chroot is correct.
  • #4
Hmm? Did I miss something?

Anyway, a good website on E=Mc2's derivation:
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  • #5
According to special relativity time will stop if anybody reaches the speed of light (C). If I'm right then it would take no timefor the body to go around the parametre of the universe in no time.

FAQ: Is the Speed of Light the Ultimate Conversion Point for Energy?

What is E=mc2 and why is it important in science?

E=mc2 is a famous equation known as the mass-energy equivalence equation. It was proposed by Albert Einstein and it states that energy (E) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by the speed of light squared (c2). This equation is important in science because it explains the relationship between mass and energy and has been used to develop theories and technologies in various fields such as nuclear energy and space exploration.

Is E=mc2 always true?

Yes, E=mc2 is a fundamental law of physics and is always true. However, it is important to note that this equation applies to objects that are at rest or moving at a constant speed. It may not accurately describe the behavior of objects that are moving at high speeds or in extreme conditions.

Can E=mc2 be proven?

No, E=mc2 cannot be proven as it is a fundamental law of physics and is based on observations and experiments. However, it has been extensively tested and its predictions have been repeatedly confirmed, making it a well-established and reliable principle in science.

Are there any exceptions to E=mc2?

There are no known exceptions to E=mc2. However, as mentioned earlier, it may not accurately describe the behavior of objects in extreme conditions such as near the speed of light or in the presence of extremely strong gravitational fields.

How does E=mc2 relate to nuclear energy and atomic bombs?

E=mc2 was a crucial part of the development of nuclear energy and atomic bombs. The equation shows that a small amount of matter can release a large amount of energy. In nuclear reactions, a tiny amount of mass is converted into a massive amount of energy, which is harnessed to generate electricity or create powerful explosions in atomic bombs.

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