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Homework Statement
Let X be a compact Hausdorff space that is the union of the closed subspaces X1 and X2. If X1 and X2 are metrizable, show that X is metrizable.
The Attempt at a Solution
The problem wit this is that the proof which I found seems pretty simple, and the hint in the book points to something a bit different. But still, I can't find the (eventual) error in my proof.
Since X1 and X2 are both closed subspaces of a compact space, they are compact. Since they are metrizable too, they are second countable. Let {B1} be a countable basis for X1, and {B2} for X2. I claim that the collection B = {B1 U B2} is a countable basis for X.
Let U be an open set in X and x an element in U. U is either in X1, or in X2, or intersects both of these sets. In any of these cases, the intersection of U with any of these spaces is open in the respective subspace topology. Now, if x is in U, it is in some open set of one of the subspace topologies on X1 or X2. Then there exists some element of {B1} or {B2} such that x is containe din that element, and that that element is contained in U.
Since X is compact Hausdorss and has a countable basis, it follows that X is metrizable.
Any comments are welcome, thanks in advance.