Reviewing Physics 111 During Summer Break

In summary, a student is looking to review their physics knowledge from 11th grade and potentially get ahead for 12th grade. They are considering purchasing a book recommended by others, but are unsure if it is necessary to have a strong understanding of calculus. Other forum members suggest that calculus is not always needed for basic physics concepts, but it is recommended to have a good understanding for maximum comprehension. Some members mention their own experiences with learning calculus for physics.
  • #1
I've just finished grade 11 and it's now summer break for me, so I have plenty of time on my hands. I want to review some of the stuff I learned this year in my Physics 111 class and hopefully get ahead on some of the stuff I'll be studying next year. From what I hear, Halliday and Resnick's book is good so I was planning on getting it. I'm wondering how far past I can get before I need some grade 12 maths (calculus + whatever), and if I continue past that point do you guys think I should crack down and get a book on calculus or can I get by reading some online courses?

I hope I posted this in the right spot...
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  • #2
Calculus is not as hard as it looks - somewhere on these forums somebody was talking of teaching it to 9-12 year olds!

*edit* Also, coming from England I do not know what Grade11 maths involves so I do not know how far into marthematics you are - have you looked at basic number theory, series and the like? Or haven't you started that yet? *edit*

There are plenty of resources onlin and in books - and of course if you ever need help, just ask here!

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  • #3
A classmate of mine in my physics class has a daughter who will be taking calculus when she is like 10 he says. She's already so advanced. It's crazy. As far as I know, he doesn't like force her to do it or anything either.

  • #4
No one knows if the first 9 chapters need calculus?
  • #5
i'm not familiar with halliday, resnik, and walker, but if it's anything like halliday, resnik, and krane, then it uses calculus starting with chapter 2.

and you probably don't *need* calculus to understand much of the basics (except for, say, finding centers of mass for continuous mass distributions), although i'd recommend knowing calculus as soon as possible, to make the most out of it.

that's what i did! :-p (except it was for the book by serway, not HRW/K)
  • #6
Brad Barker said:
i'm not familiar with halliday, resnik, and walker, but if it's anything like halliday, resnik, and krane, then it uses calculus starting with chapter 2.

and you probably don't *need* calculus to understand much of the basics (except for, say, finding centers of mass for continuous mass distributions), although i'd recommend knowing calculus as soon as possible, to make the most out of it.

that's what i did! :-p (except it was for the book by serway, not HRW/K)

I need to learn some calculus then! :smile:

Thank you.
  • #7
You can know about physics without calculus. You can only know physics with calculus. Thats how I see it. I'd say calculus I is easier than algebra 2

FAQ: Reviewing Physics 111 During Summer Break

1. What is the purpose of reviewing Physics 111 during summer break?

The purpose of reviewing Physics 111 during summer break is to refresh your understanding of the concepts and principles learned in the course. This will help you retain the information and prepare you for future courses that build upon this foundation.

2. How should I structure my review of Physics 111?

The best way to structure your review of Physics 111 is to start by going through your notes and textbook to refresh your memory on the main topics and equations. Then, you can practice solving problems and sample questions to test your understanding and identify any areas that may need further review.

3. How much time should I spend on reviewing Physics 111 during summer break?

The amount of time you should spend on reviewing Physics 111 during summer break will vary depending on your individual needs and schedule. It is recommended to set aside at least 1-2 hours per week to review the material and practice solving problems. You can adjust this time as needed based on your level of understanding.

4. Can I skip reviewing Physics 111 during summer break if I did well in the course?

Even if you did well in Physics 111, it is still beneficial to review the material during summer break. This will help you retain the information and be better prepared for future courses. Plus, it never hurts to stay on top of your knowledge and skills in any subject.

5. Are there any resources or study materials that can help with reviewing Physics 111?

Yes, there are many resources and study materials available to help with reviewing Physics 111. You can refer to your class notes, textbook, and online resources such as practice problems, video tutorials, and study guides. It may also be helpful to form a study group with classmates to review together and discuss any challenging concepts.

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