Michio Kaku & Cassini: Has His View Changed?

  • Thread starter Telos
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In summary: He believes it is too dangerous and there should be alternative power sources used for space missions. In summary, Michio Kaku has been an outspoken opponent of using plutonium in space missions due to the potential danger and risks involved. He has not changed his views on this matter and continues to advocate for alternative power sources to be used in space missions. While he has not made any recent statements about the Cassini mission, it is likely that he would oppose any future missions that use similar power systems. Despite being a popular figure, Dr. Kaku has not made any appearances on online forums and is known for responding to fan emails with promotional messages for his books. During a lecture at Caltech, he reaffirmed his stance against using plutonium
  • #1
I had never known that Michio Kaku was against the Cassini launch. (although, that was back when I was in the 8th grade and sheltered from learning about important and interesting things).

I have searched around some and have been unable to find recent statements from Dr. Kaku about the Cassini mission. Has he changed any of his views since then?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
I think he's still against the power system they used in Cassini. His opposition before it took off, which included active picketing of the launch, was based on the possibility that if anything went wrong with the shoot, and the Cassini came down in the atmosphere, it could spew radioactivity. The proponents countered that the radioactive material, which has used for its heat to power the onboard systems, was well contained and the possiblily of an accident that would breach the container was really remote. In the event, the takeoff was perfect, and the problem did not arise.

I don't have any recent quotes either, but I am sure that if NASA trid to lauch another probe with the same radioactive material powered system, he would vigorously oppose it. From his point of view, it only takes one failure...
  • #3
Thank you. That about answers my question!
  • #4
Similar power systems are planned for future missions, so perhaps we'll be hearing from Dr. Kaku again soon on this topic.
  • #5
this might be a dumb question... but I am kinda new to the forums here, and I've read Hyperspace last summer, and I was curious if Dr. Kaku comes on here at all?

Really, I loved the book...
  • #6
WhiteWolf said:
this might be a dumb question... but I am kinda new to the forums here, and I've read Hyperspace last summer, and I was curious if Dr. Kaku comes on here at all?

Really, I loved the book...

He's never been here, and I've been with the site since Physics Forums took it over. Hyperspace is tremendously popular. It has its critics in the physics community, but then what doesn't?
  • #7
Other than a handful of chat sessions, Dr. Kaku never appeared (posted) on any of the three previous forums (going all the way back to May 2000 on the Yahoo boards, even though he was registered as a user). I've listened to enough interviews and read enough seminars that I think I could recognize the writing style if he had posted incognito. If he's been on any of his previous websites forums, it sure fooled me. Too busy, I guess.
  • #8
I wrote to him once inquiring about a potential appearance at a convention. He wrote me right back :smile:
Nice lil email, of course - he also promoed his new book. hehe
  • #9
Maybe if we holler and scream enough, he'll visit this forum. :biggrin:

I don't know what's going to become of this board- if it will stay as it is or what. It's been disconnected from the Physics Forum which does not bother me in the least. His website's forums have always had enough members that the forum, alone, is an entity unto itself! I think all the board merging going on is a big mistake (including the Bad Astronomer's).
I guess we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
  • #10
changing the subject...
Ramanujan isn't the only one who had an interesting dream, it seems.

While at Rutgers, he put everything in place except for one step ... On January 22 1988, he had a dream in which his recently deceased friend Thomas Trobaugh told him how to solve the final step... Awaking with a start, he worked out the argument for the missing step. In gratitude, he listed his friend as a coauthor of the resulting paper.
  • #11
interesting coast to coast show tonight

This show sounds like Dr. Kaku's book, "Visions".

Reporter and editor at the Washington Post, Joel Garreau, will talk about how we are engineering the next stage for human evolution through genetics, robotics, and nanotechnologies.

Find a radio station in your area that plays Coast To Coast:
Get your digital recorders or VCR ready to record if you can't stay up at midnight.
  • #12
gambit7 said:
He wrote me right back :smile:
Nice lil email, of course - he also promoed his new book. hehe
lol, I wonder if it was automated or not, the response he sent me. I clearly mentioned that I am eagerly waiting for his next book. At the end he said "and be sure to remember to buy my latest book, coming out in December 2004, Parallel Worlds." Or something like that.
  • #13
Dr. Kaku

I heard Dr. Kaku in a lecture at Caltech in Pasadena a couple of months ago and he is still against the use of plutonium in batteries, as was used in the Cassini project.

FAQ: Michio Kaku & Cassini: Has His View Changed?

1. What is Michio Kaku's view on the Cassini mission?

Michio Kaku has been a strong advocate for the Cassini mission, which was launched in 1997 to explore Saturn and its moons. He has praised the mission for its groundbreaking discoveries and scientific advancements.

2. Has Michio Kaku's view on the Cassini mission changed over time?

There is some debate over whether Michio Kaku's view on the Cassini mission has changed in recent years. Some argue that he has become more critical of the potential risks and dangers of the mission, particularly regarding the disposal of the spacecraft's radioactive power source.

3. What are the main arguments for and against the Cassini mission, according to Michio Kaku?

According to Michio Kaku, the main argument for the Cassini mission is the potential for groundbreaking scientific discoveries and advancements in our understanding of the universe. On the other hand, he argues that the potential risks and dangers of the mission, such as the disposal of the spacecraft's radioactive power source, must also be carefully considered.

4. How has Cassini's mission impacted our understanding of Saturn and its moons?

The Cassini mission has significantly expanded our understanding of Saturn and its moons. Thanks to the mission, we now have detailed images and data on the planet's atmosphere, rings, and magnetic field, as well as its moons, including Enceladus and Titan.

5. What is the future of space exploration, according to Michio Kaku?

Michio Kaku has long been a proponent of space exploration and believes that it will continue to play a crucial role in our scientific progress and understanding of the universe. He envisions a future with advanced space technologies and human settlements on other planets, such as Mars.
